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Posts posted by PhantomJedi

  1. Maybe there should be a darkside force power that allows you to force your opponents to commit suicide :- . You should either break through their mental defences and implant the thought or you forcefully make them do it by manipulating their limbs. You could force their blaster to their head, or if they are using a vibro blade make them turn it one themselves, or if a cliff is handy (like in Kotor2) have them take a leap of faith. I don't think it should be learned through leveling up but rather taught through a holocron and it requires that you have learned affect and dominate mind as a force power.


    Just an evil thought.

  2. But i am also sceptical that my own idea will happen as that would mean the events of the last game were practically pointless?


    I have a feeling that all our ideas about K3, all 1000000000 of them will all be in vain, because in the end, K3 story will be something so different that we never thought and dreamed of, and I seriously hope that that "suprise" will be a pleasant one. :)


    I hope so.


    They just need to finish Revan & Exile story. There is no need to even show them in the game. Just mention through other characters.


    You should definately not play as one of them, it would be really stupid. Their characters are already established there is nothing more to discover.


    I strongly agree with you.


    It would not be Kotor with out Revan any way in my opinion.Revan better be in Kotor III because thats what made Kotor popular and we have the ex-sith to thank-Revan.



    I don't care if the exile dies in kotor III because its not really the exiles story,but I do care if Revan is killed, it is Revans story because Revan is the true hero-not the exile.so in my opinion I think the exile should be killed off in Kotor III and not Revan.


    my male Revan :p

    Its as much the exile's story as it is Revan's. The overall story arch of the series is of "two contrasting characters, war veterans, shaped by the horrors of their shared past (the mandalorian wars i.e Vietnam in space) both separated, but bound by the force and their converging fates".


    I'm not opposed to a total restart of the series, but should Revan have an important role to play in KOTOR3 then so should the exile. He is as much a part of the story arc as Revan, whether you like it or not.


    Besides, TSL gave us an opportunity to make him a much more complex character than we ever could with Revan.


    I agree but they should NOT make them party members or playable characters. And I most strongly object to either of them being the main PC. Fighter has the right idea.


    i do think we should have a new ally of Revan from the Jedi Civil War before he join the jedi.



    Darth Seviol: a Beautiful yet deadly Sith Witch/Assasin. Also she is a Catherine Zeta-Jone look like.



    Darth Nilihus: Returns as a Force Spectral Vampire.  We get to know more about his past.


    What a great idea. We need to make sure the devs hear about this! :-o:)

  3. Now feel free to flame me to death if this sounds stupid (As I am quick to do  )

    I just wanted to run it past you all.


    How about in KotOR 3 a force power that allows you to hide your true intentions, or maybe even at its simplest an extremely increased use of the [lie] function, that was apparent in the last two games, for example:


    (In the most basic of terms)


    Jedi Master: "You must defeat the sith lord!"


    <Players Choices>

    1) I will defeat the sith lord and won't take his place.

    2) [lie] [force <whatever>] I will defeat the sith lord and won't take his place.

    3) I am also a sith and I will defeat you instead.


    And so on and so forth, understand the above is in its most basic terms, but you get the idea.


    It may also add that manipulative touch the series has been lacking IMO, (ala-palpy)


    And also be an in between to the: LS = Goodie 2 shoes, DS = Bully, and add a little bit of subtlety.


    You could also do the LS side of things and still get DS points, and only reveal your plan, when it is too late 


    Thoughts anyone?

    In relevance to my above post, how about people respond to the types of robes you wear as a jedi, aswell as simply your rotten face?


    Dark Jedi robes - Evil - Afraid, stuttery.


    Jedi Robes - Good - Awe struck, groupie sort of thing :-


    Though I don't think it should be so straight forward in regard to clothing, aka. white, good, black, bad. I still feel it would be an improvement over the current situation.


    p.s. The relevance to my above post being, you could be a DS manipulator type character, wearing LS robes to add to effect.


    Just another idea. :lol:


    That would sort of screw any person who when playing LS put their PC in dark jedi robes.


    also, remember the *kind* of war the True Sith are waging.  It is all about assassins with stealth generators, etc.  It is a guerilla war.


    Maybe that is why Revan went out to where he thought the Sith are at...to see how this terrorist organization can be shut down (in other words, this is not a matter of my armada versus your armada).


    I suspect most of the game will be in Galactic space looking for clues and I suspect that the BIG BOSS will be Naga Sadow (who is being his arrogant, overreaching self again).


    Revan and/or the Exile could be playable in the endgame but otherwise, it would be really hard to have either one as PC IMO.


    Has anyone thought that the battle with the "true sith" is not an actual physical battle.

  4. Another idea could be starting as a child, and becoming a padawan, growing up, kind of like an Ocarina of Time thing. Just throwing an idea out.

    ... I'd much prefer to have a game where you start off as a young Padawan, and learn about the force and whatnot. Construct your own lightsaber, and take on the role of a Padawan to a master. Have real significant choices for your darkside/lightside crap. Have a guy kill your master and the way you deal with it determines your destiny. But still allow for redemption/fall. ...

    There are easy ways to screw that idea up. What if a developer choose that a "young" padawan wasn't a 15 yearold, rather they make it so your character is 12 and you end up doing stupid puzzles for 5 hours till you get to see some real action.

    All I ask for is a game where you're a padawan, with a jedi master. With enemies that are not push overs (K2 cough).

    I'm not entirely sure what you're worried about ... are you looking for:

    1. more character depth and role-play opportunities, or

    2. a game with more and tougher opponents to kill?


    1. Is quite possible with a young padawan, although I worry about your "stupid puzzle" comments; does this mean you don't want puzzles because they are "stupid", or you don't want puzzles that are stupid?


    2. This is just a FPS with Jedi robes, isn't it? More Republican Commando than a RPG.


    I would like to see more tasks like the murder investigation in K1. :thumbsup:


    Hmmmm. A first person shooter with Jedi Robes. That sounds like a good idea! We need to tell a develper about this!!! (w00t)

  5. Revan and the exile will have to play a prominent role because it has to go along with continuity


    I mean they created the exile now there stuck with it


    plus the bigger badder sith is already written into the main story in the days of jacen solo fighting the yuuzhan vhonng they are the bigger badder sith


    most people didn't know that but thats what happens in most of the novels. :shifty:


    Why do they have to go along with continuity? Is there some rule or over bearing force that is keeping them from making a new story line? If by "they" you mean Obsidian how do we even know that they are even creating the next game? And have you ever thought that Obsidian ended the game in the correct way. Granted that they didi mess up the ending a little I think it was the best way to end the story line. But you are right that they are "stuck with it" and that is why there needs to be another story line.

  6. I think that they Reven and Exile should have some effect on the third game because of what they did in the first two. However, they should NOT be playbale and should NOT be in the pool of characters you get to choose from as party members.




    To whoever said it, there will not just be 2 characters. You seen the SW movies, how many times do the people actually listen and stay put? 0.


    Atton was not killed off, Bao was naught but a holo, and many other chars did't get mentioned not just because of a lack of ending, but because these people will likely be in the next game.


    We know what happens to all of them. (I think all but if not most of them. Its been a while since I finished.) Kreia tells you if you ask her before she dies or is killed by you.

  7. Hello all,


    Having read many of the ideas for K3 on this board, I have since decided to sign up for this forum and speak of my own ideas regarding the storyline for K3 could possibly work. Please bear with me.


    At the start of K3 your party should consist of 3 Sith Lords characters (Atton, Bao-Dur, etc). These characters should be the 3 \'non injured\' characters from the entire party, not including T3 who left with the Exile. The other party members made a camp away from the ship and heal the injured members (meeting up with Mira after her \'friendly\' reunion), only to notice that T3 had went missing. Shortly the sound of engines reaches the camp and the Ebon Hawk is seen flying off (Add discussions of party members where appropriate).


    One of the Party members notices a canister that is lying on the ledge near where the Ebon Hawk crashed. Opening this up, the party notices a holodisk containing the coordinates of a ship. This turns out to be Hanharrs ship that was used to get to the ending (won\'t name the last planet on this forum for obvious reasons). Suddenly, chaos, earthquakes, planet starts breaking up, etc.


    The Party immediately sets off for Planet X (Have not decided on good location for \'new\' Jedi sanctuary, please give ideas). There they consolidate. Some members heading off to investigate where Revan and Exile might have went (checking old entries in galactic libraries, looking for clues). The others starting new Jedi Sanctuary and training facility.


    At this stage, we jump ahead one year. The character creation screen comes up, and you build the new \'You\'. A young, successful Padewan of the new sanctuary, along with a small group of other classmates, just about to graduate (not sure of proper star wars term). The masters being some of the Exile\'s gang, possibly including Atris (I am uncertain as to what happened to her, though i remember having the option to save her of sorts) as the Librarian/Reformed guide.


    Your first missions are of a normal variety, Jedi type missions. You outperform your other classmates and are selected for a special mission to Onderon. The Queen has asked for assistance regarding an upsurge of \'Vaklu\' supporters, who, with strange powers, managed to wrest many outlying townships from government control....Supporters sporting possible Jedi-like powers and Red Light Sabers...


    The Rest of the game I have not thought of in too much detail, so I will outline a few views of what I think may be good ideas, please feel free to debate them and add to them/improve them.


    Planets: These should consist of many \'normal\' worlds (Outer and possibly inner Rim worlds) and 1-2 Sith worlds discoverable some time in the game.


    Revan and Exile: These are only my thoughts and I know this is a contentious issue so please give points. I believe these characters should be given gender and look from the first games. They need to be cemented if they appear in this game, unless they have died, and I believe that many, like myself, would be slightly pissed if this was the occurance.



    First possibility; Male Jedi Guardian with the Keanu Reeves type face. Out of a bad bunch of faces, this is the only guy who looks the part to my mind for a male Revan.

    Female Jedi Consular with the pink lipsticked, two strands of hair over the side of her face avatar. Or the pic of the woman that has only a top knot and shaved head. These speak Revan to me for some reason.



    I Really believe the Exile should be a Male, and amid the howls of protest, I will outline why i believe this. The female pics are too young. This guy was a General, which to me, implies that he should be at least 30 years of Age. The Female pics seem to be largely too young to fit this bill so.....

    Male Jedi Blue lightsaber one handed Guardian, my personal favourite Exile. The Bearded Obi Wanish white face. This guy has always been \'The Exile\' in my minds eye. Definately General like, and looks older than almost all the other faces.

    2 other possibilities; Black bald face with light beard. Again, this guy speaks General to me. Looks experienced.


    I have other ideas on the rest of the story, but would like to formulate them a bit more first.


    Thanks for reading.


    Better than some I have read but still I don't like the idea of continuing the plot line from the first two games. Just one problem withyour idea. It only takes one year to recruite and train a group of padawans.

  8. Personally, I would like the chance to play as a Jedi Master.


    I reckon it would be fun to train a few padawans. It could be like if you do it wrong they could go darkside or something....


    Sort of like when you show your companions the force in KOTOR 2, but instead they come and talk to you every now and again and ask questions about the force.


    As a master you must do your best to answer these questios and guide your students in the right direction.


    Also I would like to see a list of conversation choises that do not have Lightside as number 1,2,3 and Darkside as number 5,6,7 or whatever.


    In other words, you would have  to think carefully and read what you are about to say, rather than pressing 1 continuosly to skip conversations. :lol:


    Maybe they should make a it where the choices appear in a random order so it is not the same all the time.

  9. Yes, if they put their attention on graphics then the game will probably fail. Sure, if the effects can be good it might be all right but I don't like a game which takes up 10 Gb of hard disk space just because the graphics are so cool. Give us the best storyline possible please. The improvements we have seen in Kotor II were IMO not a great add-on. Sure, I like the full screen: pazaak, level up, alignment, quests screens etc. Influence, Computer holograms, new items; shame about the Random Item generator though. Workbench / Lab station make your own upgrades. But I surely dislike the unfinished story, plotholes and unfinished quests.


    I do hope that Kotor III if it will be made and I think it will should:


    A) Not be rushed

    B) Not be made with many more of these add-ons like we have seen in this game (Kotor II)

    C) Should be made with the best storyline possible!


    And I do think that is possible. Revenge of the Sith just did it. You can do it as well. I have fait in that.



    No offence but the acting and dialog in Reveng of the Sith left something to be desired. The other movies did better.



    Hardly. The original movies in today's standards had worse acting than Revenge of the Sith. You can't compare a movie that has been done 30 years to movies that have been created a month ago.


    Hmm the originals had good acting? I really like the great acting like the stormtrooper that hit the bulkhead and felled down :blink: oo yeah. How about the bad acting with the extras? If I recall some distant extras look DIRECTLY at the camera for crying outloud. You can't say Revenge of the Sith has bad acting while the original does. Revenge of the Sith has much better acting than most of the crap coming out today.


    Maybe that statment was poorly worded. When I said that I did not mean that the whole movie was full of it, certain parts were great, but certin parts had poorly written dialog and some of the lines when delivered were corny. And at least in the orginals there were not moments I wanted to burst out laughing because it was so cheezy. I will concede that the originals were not great monuments of acting.


    Lets quite arguing movie semantics.

  10. Yes, if they put their attention on graphics then the game will probably fail. Sure, if the effects can be good it might be all right but I don't like a game which takes up 10 Gb of hard disk space just because the graphics are so cool. Give us the best storyline possible please. The improvements we have seen in Kotor II were IMO not a great add-on. Sure, I like the full screen: pazaak, level up, alignment, quests screens etc. Influence, Computer holograms, new items; shame about the Random Item generator though. Workbench / Lab station make your own upgrades. But I surely dislike the unfinished story, plotholes and unfinished quests.


    I do hope that Kotor III if it will be made and I think it will should:


    A) Not be rushed

    B) Not be made with many more of these add-ons like we have seen in this game (Kotor II)

    C) Should be made with the best storyline possible!


    And I do think that is possible. Revenge of the Sith just did it. You can do it as well. I have fait in that.



    No offence but the acting and dialog in Reveng of the Sith left something to be desired. The other movies did better.


  11. I'm expecting a lot this time around. They should not keep the same engine again.


    But think about it, think of how cool it would look. The Xbox 360 has quite good graphics, and so will my computer soon! This game could border real! Think of how great that would be!


    I expect a lot from the next game graphics wise.


    I concur.


    I'm expecting a lot this time around. They should not keep the same engine again.


    But think about it, think of how cool it would look. The Xbox 360 has quite good graphics, and so will my computer soon! This game could border real! Think of how great that would be!


    I expect a lot from the next game graphics wise.


    While im sure the graphics will be upgraded.


    Why should they change engine?


    It always amazes me over the years, people ask for new engines in highly successfull game lines, developers do it, and game tanks as it loses its feel.


    I hope they keep same engine and just upgrade graphics, keep the fundamentals the same so KotOR franchise continues to be the star it is.


    If it aint broken, dont fix it :blink:


    I think that it is possible to keep the same feel for a game franchise when going from one engine to another. They just need to keep the focus of the originals when making the next one. And who says changing the feel of a game is a bad thing. What if it changes for the better?



    its true with all games, you don't need a game with great graphics or an a cutting edge engine the basics of video games will never change the most important part must be the story.


    By Christopher 'shaithis' Buecheler | May 25, 2005 Gamespy.com

    It's a cute joke, but the idea that graphics don't matter in gaming and that it's "all about the gameplay" is of course absurd. Pretty games sell. Ugly games don't. That's the cold, hard truth.


    Now, I'm by no means advocating that developers forsake gameplay for graphics, but the simple fact is that graphics can help in that department. They're not an inherent hindrance, it's just that too many people don't use them for anything.


    Graphics create atmosphere, immersion, believability... they aid gameplay by, when they're good, helping the player to forget that he's sitting in front of a television. Not that one ever fully forgets such things, but let's say I'm playing an NBA game... don't you think it's going to jar me out of the experience when the camera zooms in on Dwyane Wade, and he looks like Gollum, well... it's going to break the immersion. Bigtime.


    Graphics are essential. Gameplay is essential. Skip either of the two, and you've put yourself in a hole (altho from a sales standpoint, skipping graphics is the greater sin).

  12. To those of you who keep talking about bringing back the old story lines, have you really ever thought maybe the way Obsidian ended the game (granted it was a little unfinished) was the right way to end it. It left you to ponder the philosophical aspects and confilcts that were brought up in the game. And maybe that is all we can take from that story line; maybe it is time for a new one. :blink:"

    If "new one" equates to a new methodology where writing is given equal priority to pixel pipeline fiddling, then yes.


    The only problem with your summation of K2 and the "philosophical aspects" is that they were not coherent and contemplating them resulted in focussing on the inherrent erroneous referential integrity of the dialogues between NPCs, and even the same character and subsequent paragraphs of the same speech.


    Your thinking too much in terms of the game its self. True there were issues with the presentation but that does not take away from the idea.

  13. Hello all.

                I am new to this place. Anyway I read an idea for KOTOR III and I have to say I like it. However, I have an idea as well. I am a young (24) novelist, I wouldn't mind writing for Star Wars KOTOR, but I have no idea where to start. Anyway, my idea is simple: You (this means us) play as Revan's Apprentice (Sith) or Padawan (Jedi).

    This may seem like an odd idea, but to me it's not. Revan is my fave all time Star Wars character. It works like this: Revan decided he knew too much about the first Sith to just wait for "the coming war," so Revan left for unknown space and found a group of "Gray Jedi" and trains them (in the beginning of the game you can choose Revan's lightside or darkside, or if Revan has chosen evil, as some masters in KOTOR II said he did, he can be a Sith. So you begin serving him. You must find his old friends and emeines alike to reconnect him with the Force. He too like the Exlie has become a wound in the Force. Through a Force bond he/she teaches you what you need to know.

    The one thing I would do for KOTOR III is make more like Darth Vader. Say in the middle of the game, if you chose the quick and easy (and fun) way of the Sith, something very bad happens to you and you become "more machine than man" - if you chose the lightside, this doesn't happen, but say a new character woulld die.

    Anyway, I have more ideas, but my first one is you serve Revan.

    Thanks for reading.




    Let me guess that Reven is the Exiles father!!!! :p :D


    What made the first two games great was the fact that they were original story lines for the Star Wars universe. What you have suggested are just recycled plot elements.


    Also welcome to the boards and sorry for being so cynical.


    Wow, you actually know the story.


    Your mute button must have broke.


    I think I know what you are insinuating and it is funny and a bit sicking at the same time.



    ok theres a KOTOR 3 thing in the Obsidian general area, please stop posting things about KOTOR3 here.


    Who made you king/queen of the boards.


    First of all, the "would in the force" idea has been done by KOTOR II. I see no reason to redo it with Revan.


    Next, this story seems a poorly adapted rehash of idea elsewhere on these boards, with a little Ep 3 thrown in for good measure.  <_<

    Indeed. The proposed story is but a clone...and a lame one at that.




    Revan is,as Kreia puts it, power. Cutting him off from the force would be ridiculous, no one would accept that idea.

    Precisely. :blink:




    or maybe Juhani's son...now that would rock...a cathar main char...

    Cathars are foul and disgusting creatures. They're dangerous and could hurt innocent humans. I propose they should be wiped out...all of them.


    What he said. Cathars are not dangerous if they are house trained.

    Lol: Reven knocked one of the other characters up.

  14. Once this one is finished there will be one. Start as Revan, or have the game be about him, blah blah blah, stuff happens, nice happy ending! If you're DS well then too bad!! Revan will kill you....or the Exile whoever you are.


    Then they continue KotOR like the movies are. Forget the force powers and just focus on the coolest thing in star wars.....the lightsaber. Fast paced duel and what-not. Boom boom (russian for empty headed or for me a way to say kick arse fights) !!!



    If you wanted to include Revan and the Exile in K3, it would be nice if you could play as either one you wanted to. You could even choose the back story for them like you can pick Revan's back story in K2.


    If you pick Revan, the story picks up directly after K1 and progesses through years to the point where eventually you would meet the Exile who would become an uber ally and you finish the story out.


    If you choose the Exile, then the story picks up directly after K2 and you go in search of Revan, after you find him he becomes an uber ally and you finish the story out.


    In either case, both characters start at level 20 and can progress up to level 50 and the backstory you chose would affect the starting allignment of your character. Whichever you choose, Hero or Villian, makes you start with a definative LS or DS allignment. Not all the way to mastery, but a little over half way between neutral and mastery.


    Or maybe instead of the unplayed character always joining you, maybe you could choose the back story for both Revan and the Exile and when you meet up, if both were of the same allignment you join forces, but if you chose different allignments, then you will most likely have to kill the unchosen character. Only a very high charisma/persuade character would be able to convince the unchosen character to switch allignments and join up.








    I am starting to think that nobody really reads my posts. :p

  15. I am really interested in computers, programing, and video games. I've taken a short coarse and know a little basic coding and also learned the basics about computers and programing. I am not really looking to make this my career but are there any online resources I could use to gain more knowledge and experiance about computers and programing.

  16. To those of you who keep talking about bringing back the old story lines, have you really ever thought maybe the way Obsidian ended the game (granted it was a little unfinished) was the right way to end it. It left you to ponder the philosophical aspects and confilcts that were brought up in the game. And maybe that is all we can take from that story line; maybe it is time for a new one. :thumbsup:"

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