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Posts posted by PhantomJedi

  1. Maybe what happens is determined by your alignment. If your dark side you dismember and decapitate to your hearts content. But if you are light side you prehaps just cut the blaster in half.


    I don't think the shield idea would work because imagine how much energy and consentration it would take to hold and menuver the body to block blaster bolts.


    Nice idea, but I don't think it fits with the RPG style.



  2. My take:


    First of all the force is nutral neither good nor evil. An action is not inheriantly good or evil. It is man that palces such lables on actions.Secondly Yin and Yang. Balance. For every good there is evil and for every evil there is good. Ultimatly the force is philosphical. And as we all know philosphy excels at giving men headaches and making them go insane. ;):huh:" (w00t)


    One last thing. I think that you guys need to reconsider your thoughts on the end of Kotor2. Maybe we need to take a hint from the fact that they incorperated so much philosophy and apply that to the ending. Just a thought. :lol:

  3. I for one am getting tired of watching my enimies cruple to the ground in the same exact way every time I kill one. A physics engine would allow for unique deaths and allow interaction with the environment. That would mean when you pick someone up and through them they hit the wall or other people. It also opens up the possibility for dismemberment. ;) Just imagine being able to go through a crowd of enemies and just watching the limbs go flying left and right. :lol: <tear comes to eye>

  4. I like the fact that when you move towards the dark side your physical appearance becomes distorted and dark. However you kind of look silly; and sort of clownish even. It kind of screams cliche bad gut that is ticked off and you look a little ugly and creepy instead of looking like you are the embodiment of evil(Atton remided me of the bad guy from Half Life 2 ;) ). Maybe what should happen is that instead of just the drastic change of pigment that it should be lest dramatic and accompanied by a change in facial expression. All of this should be midigated by what decisions you make. So if you are the type that shoots first then shoots some more then tries to ask a question or two your face would be like the first two games and be very distorted and have that dark look to it. However if your choices where dark side but dealt less with brute force and more with the subtly in situations your face would be menicing in expression but the discolotation would not be so intense; because you really don't want it to be known that you are an aspiring sith lord. :lol:"


    Sorry if it sounds stupid but it makes sense to me. :cool:

  5. I kind of get tirred of looking at my character carrying his lightsaber around and never putting it up. For the next one they should have it hanging from the belt and when you enter combat you pull it from there. Also my character kind of looked stupid with a weapon in their hand while manipulating controls and talking. So what they need to do is put lightsabers and blaster pistols on the belt/waist and other weapons possibly on the back.


    I really agree with the hood idea but I also think that they should incude cloth physics so the robes don't look so painted on. I liked that the in Kotor2 how the bottom of robes would move a little but it looked bad.


    I agree with the idea of two layers of robes. An outer layer which is like a coat and a inner. I think it would be cool if when you initaite combat you through off your outer layer and then pull your saber out (from the first idea in post) and then proceed to kill everything that looks at you funny. It makes sense because the outer layer is bulky and would hamper your fighting ability. :D

  6. a couple of things came to mind as I was playing KOTOR II just now:


    * Common-sense AI

    we all know the combat system needs better AI but there are other areas too.

    for instance, I just completed a combat scenario and so all my party members are coming closer to me now that the combat is over.  Well, Atton walks through 2 mines (and almost falls over) while walking over to me.  This kind of stuff should absolutely not be the case.  also, if you are in a room full of poisonous gas, for instance, your party members should automatically put on breath masks if they have them (this would require individual inventory, which I also think we need...plus an encumberance system).  also, if a party member is down to 5% hit points, he uses a medpac automatically....that kind of stuff would be sweet.


    * More Squad Options

    the AI scripts are good (grenadier, ranged, etc).  however, it would be nice to be able to issue commands to the entire squad, "withdrawl to the checkpoint" or "everyone toss a grenade" or "everyone follow me" or "everyone rush the leader" or "everyone use ranged attacks until further notice", etc.  Squad commands temporarily override individual AI scripts until the PC nullifies the squad command or until the combat situation is over.  Also, things like GROUP STEALTH would be nice.


    I concur. But I think squad commands would be hard to do because there are so many posibilities. I think that is why they allow you to decide your companions actions. What really would be nice is a voice command system. I know it is just probably a stupid hope but I have heard that they are going to have at least one voice recongnizing game for next gen systems. I also have to say I do think they should add more options in dialog for those who don't want to just a be the good guy who does no wrong and the bad guy who has to kill everything. It would lead to more deapth.


    One last thing, what happened to the moments from the first Kotor when you would be stopped on, depending on who your companions where, and they would start talking between themselves about what had happened and other things. It was kind of cool and sometimes memorable and sometimes placed in stupid places. I don't really remember these moments to much in Kotor2.

  7. We have we been limited to the outer rim in the Kotor series. It is always outer rim this or outer rim that. What are they just to lazy to do the core worlds or are they afraid of something. Has LA put a ban on the core worlds. I for one demand core worlds in the next game.

  8. I have heard that the PS3 has a 20 Gig hard drive. So that means that both will have detachable hard dive.


    So as it stands (from what I have read) the score card reads that they are tied in hard drives, Sony has the edge in the technical aspect in power and graphics, Xbox has Live and is rumered to have devs foaming at the moth becuase it is easier to develop on. That leaves price point. And from what I have heard Sony is going to be hard pressed to get the PS3 under 500 US and that Xbox is looking not to go over 300 at launch.


    So all I have to say is good luck to those of you looking to pick up both consoles and to those of you who can afford it, I hate you.


    One last thing. To those of you who are hard core PC I feel a bit sorry for you. The next gen consoles are going to be more powerful than PC's for (by my calculations at least) a good six months. They are only now starting to put out multicore processors for the PC and their expencive and only to cores.

  9. If we are drawing up a wish list for Santa, I would like the Half-Life 2 engine with the gameplay of Deus Ex. Add some lightsabers as an optional extra (or not) and I'm happy. ... What was the question?  >_<"


    First of all they are going to have a new game engine because no company is foolish enough to make a thrid game without giving it a new engine or at least an impoved version of the old. If they didn't we would still be stuck in the eight bit generation. While it is probably just wishful thinking on my part to hope for the inclusion of a physics engine you don't have to be a jerk about it.

  10. My vision for kotor3:


    First things first, a new game engine. Don't get me wrong I think Kotor has some nice graphics I just think that they could do better. Wouldn't mind the new Unreal engine being used. They should incorperate a physics engine. Just imagine picking up the lead soldier and hurling him in to the advancing lines following just behind. Also they should move Kotor3 to the next gen consoles to take advantage of their power because I actually managed to make my Xbox freeze and hiss at me because of something I did.(and trust me it wasn't a glitch)


    I am one of the ones that would like to see a departure from the Reven/Exile storyline. A Fable type of story would be kind cool so you could begin as a young padawan and then it turns in to the real story later when you become older.


    I liked how you could learn different powers and feats from different characters in the game but felt it was not explored enough. Maybe less feats and powers learned during leveling up and more from quest/dialog.


    I like how in Kotor2 you got new animations as you leveled up but you usally didn't notice them because they stopped changing after early lvls. More combat animations should be included. They should make fighting more fluid so it looks more like the movies when Jedi battle. There needs to be moving during combate so they don't just stand there and take turns swinging at each other. Maybe in early lvls they stand in one place but as you lvl up you move more.


    More dyamic backgrounds are needed. It does kind of get boring when on a space ship you see the same 3 squadrons of fighters go by. Also I know it is an rpg but more interactive environments.


    I really enjoyed the infuence system however it needed some tweeking. Ex: choosing between Hand Maiden and Viasa, after you pick one the other has nothing to do with you.


    Random item generation could use some tweeking so where you find an item make sense.


    I immensely enjoyed the Onderon lvl where you split your forces up. It was a great idea and should be done more often.


    Intigrating a character generator like the one in Tony Hawk or Neverwinter Nights would be a welcomed edition.


    When the game enters the "end phase", when the story is wraping up, don't limit where the character can go so much.


    The last thing is dialog loops. They can get kind of annoying.


    From reading this you would probably think that I didn't like the games but in fact they are my favorite. :D


    (I would like to read this entire thread but it would probably make my eyes bleed.)

  11. The only thing I really could decide is that I want it to come out on one of the next gen consoles. I don't know if it should stay on the Xbox because from what I hear the PS3 is going to out strip it in the power and graphics department. However, Xbox does have the great Xbox Live service. I think you can see my delima. Don't know if they could do both though.

  12. I am a bit indifferent but i wouldn't mind seeing a shift to Jade Empire gameplay. I think it would be a fun experiance for Kotor. I also feel that they have backed themsleves in to a corner as far as the Reven storyline goes and I think it would be a bit refreshing to have a new story.

  13. I think what you are refering to has been done in Jedi Acdemy. In the demo at least when you killed a jedi with a light saber it slowed the game down and you got to see their limbs fly off while there light saber deactivates and falls to the ground. I liked it a lot and would like to see it in Kotor.


    However, it should be kept seperate from any sort of call shot feature. Maybe if the opponents health is less than 10% and you get a critical that or a roll that would finish them off in one move you get a slowed down cinimatic dismemberment. That way it wouldn't happen to often to become repeditive.


    I my self am a little indifferent to the call shot concept. It could be implemented but I don't think it would fit in to Kotor to easily.


    I have to say I also like the idea of the finishing move being related to the force powers you have.

  14. 112fe74block_death1p.jpg


    ^This is what happened to the last Lego cult I

    encountered in my late-night forum browsing....  :ph34r:


    Consider it a friendly warning against further proliferation

    of this growing and childish trend.  :)


    First of all: lol


    You pretty much cut any credibility from your argument you had when u mentioned fps. On these forums it is blasphemy.


    What I would like to see happen:


    A: They continue to improve the system. Make it more dynamic because, just face the fact, everyone gets tired of the same replayed motion. It was a good idea to show improvment with different animations but at the lvls they did implimented it made no difference. I hardly noticed the change; you needed to be looking for it. Also I would like to seet the characters move during fighting because they look a little on the foolish side standing there.


    B: If they can or Bioware picks the game back up they could use the Jade Empire system. I personally think it rocks and with a little changing and molding could be made to fit a new kotor game.


    One last thing. What is a Jo Ja and Je?


    You need to play Jade Empire!!!!!!

  15. They could have been working on the third instalment for a longer time than anyone expects. Once Obsidian nailed the story for the current one down, theoreticaly, they could have started production on the next one; as far as story goes.


    Also a new game engine doesn't mean they have to create one from scratch. They could use a pre-existing one that is better than the current. Or they could have deligated the deed to a third party developer who has already created a game engine for them in the back ground.


    I think there is going to be a KOTOR 3 because from what I have heard and understand LA has found new glory in Mercenaries, KOTOR 2, and Commando. If I am reading all the signs right they should be able to back it.


    As for wether the 3rd is released on the Xbox or Nextbox I have a feeling that Microsoft is pushing for a next gen release so they have a strong line up that appeals to consumers and yells, "buy me". There maybe more evidence of this in the fact that it looks like Microsoft is gunning for Sony. Rummers have been floating around that Mr. Gates wants to release the next Halo on the PS3 release date. KOTOR is to RPGs on Xbox as Halo is to first person shooters on Xbox so they might try something similar.

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