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About cewekeds

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    (4) Theurgist
    (4) Theurgist
  1. Nintendo will be fine they seem to find their way into every hotel rooms. Plus it will be cheap and parents will more likely buy it for their kids.
  2. Halo doesn't do one thing great but they do everything well which makes it a great game. I like the story and the game play good. Though Halo 1 saved the xbox and XBC and other tunnel programs made it great by playing online.
  3. All the profits are down with console makers. I think the main reason people are saving money for the next consoles to come out.
  4. http://gr.bolt.com/articles/violence/violence.htm nice read.
  5. What happens if this guy wins the case does that mean I have to go to a Adult bookstore to buy the game? :D
  6. Why send it to the people who probably agree with you? Send it to your local newspaper call talkshows.
  7. Mothman I think your using the wrong word. You really can't disagree with the homosexuals lifestyle and still think its ok for people to live that way. You can say in your beliefs its wrong but thats just your opinion. You claim to be alright with people who choose that life style for themselves. I don't like faith group lifestyle but think they have the right to pray to superman if they like.
  8. Last I check Michael Jackson was never found guilty to having sex with kids. Was it unatural a 100 years ago when 30-35 year old men where marrying 12-13 year old girls? You claimed you disagree with the homosexuality lifestyle but what does that mean and what parts?
  9. many straight people end up being gay.
  10. Is really a good idea to attack hackers? I thought the supreme court decided digital images of kids where legal because no child was actaully hurt. If people need to get there kicks off kids I'd rather those kids be fake. I can't believe somebody worries about the sims being bad. I also find it sad that so many people hate the naked human body and turn it into something dirty. I just thought of the reason for going after a game like the sims. If he can win againest the sims he will have a cake walk with other games.
  11. I played alot when I was teen then stop playing. When I try to play with somebody again alot of rules changed so I just quit. I still have big box of cards.
  12. Maybe there the only homosexuals you notice.
  13. Since the topic is about human sexuality whats up with adult babies.
  14. http://my.webmd.com/content/Article/107/10...tm?pagenumber=1 I couldn't find percentage but many reports of the increase about HIV in women.
  15. Do people choose to be straight?
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