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About jangoolie

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  1. So I took your advise and re-installed the game.. and it worked. I guess I should have tried that first but Honestly I'm kind of amazing on how on earth this bug manifested. What is going on here? Somehow Xoti VO or text or something is corrupted and this is treated as a non-fatal error? Also I guess this means there's no integrity checks for assets in Unity. I see that steam can checksum files, I really wish I had tried this before re-installing to see what got corrupted. Maybe this should be part of the standard troubleshooting process? It seems more likely that a bug in POE somehow corrupted the file(s) rather than a cosmic ray flipped some bits in my SSD, especially considering that SSDs perform error correction... Either way I'm really sorry for having wasted your time, thanks very much for responding.
  2. Has anyone had a look at these save files? I can't play any of the new DLC because any game I start eventually breaks in this way.
  3. Still broken in release version.
  4. Re-tested in v4.0.0.0025 Bug is still present in current beta
  5. Further developments. I started a new game (because the Xoti quest-line was broken) and it broke again in my new game as well! Luckily this time I have managed to pinpoint exactly where it happened. As soon as I advance Xoti's quest to a certain point the game breaks and she no no longer talks at all. I triggered this by talking to the spirit in Oathbinders Scantum level two. Here are two more save games: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AsGhjGT2KpA8gj-DEPmiTriVYfXX The "before bug" save game is obviously before the bug has been triggered. You can load this game and talk to the spirit to trigger the bug. The after-bug save demonstrates Xoti in the broken state. Hopefully this minimal working example will help you track down the issue. Let me know if you need any more diagnostics on my end.
  6. v. Xoti doesn't talk at all. Selecting Xoti and clicking on "Talk to Xoti" instead selects the watcher. I have attached a screenshot of the chat log which shows: "Xoti- " With no other text. All other characters work fine. Here is my save game with the bug present: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AsGhjGT2KpA8gjnDv7_XbhwsniVO
  7. This is a duplicate of this: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/94376-devoted-crusader-multiple-proficiencies/ Currently devoted blanket applies -10 accuracy to all weapons in all situations.
  8. This isn't an issue with multi classing. Making a single class devoted doesn't work. If you hold shift over your accuracy you will have -10 no matter what weapon you have equipped.
  9. Actually I've just been testing this and: Devoted get's multiple proficiencies whether you multiclass or not. No matter what you choose you get -10 accuracy with all weapons. Even your chosen proficient ones. So currently in 1.0820 BB devoted appears to just be completely broken.
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