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About PneumaticFire

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    RPGs, Martial Arts practitioner, Theism, Philosophy, Psychology, Construction, Survivalism, Poetry, Wholistic self-development.


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  1. Bump. Anyone else who has experienced this or knows a workaround? My game is currently on hold in the hopes this can be figured out.
  2. Hi, Are there any updates to this? I have just recruited Maia, and the dialogue icon for her pops up when this happens. When I attempt to speak with her it states that "Maia simply glares at you". I didn't sacrifice her brother in PoE1, and I can't think of any quests which I may have completed which would cause her to turn on me as soon as I've recruited her. Any ideas on whether this is a bug that will be fixed soon? Can I edit a text doc or is there a console command for me to change my standing with her to open dialogue? P.S. I am up to date with all patches through Steam
  3. It's a tough call, which is good because it shows the many fun options in builds. But for my first complete playthrough, I'd like to focus on story and the role I wish to play - so I'm going with single class Priest of Eothas. Also wanting to cast the top tier spells was another influence. It will also make me more interested in building my companions well as my MC will be buffing and supporting them primarily. A protagonist who acts like the general or glue in the team, who has a way with words and a mind for peace, renewal and protection. Thanks for the feedback!
  4. It doesn't remove afflictions in an AoE, it doesn't buff in an AoE, it doesn't revive in an AoE - it doesn't do a lot of things a Priest can do better actually. That's because yopur Wizard only uses self buffs while the Priest is buffing the whole party. How OP would it be if he could cast Blessing + Devotions like a Wizard can cast Eldritch Aim + Alacrity? Besides that: most Preist spells have the same recovery as an melee attack. Not that long actually. Priests are good nukers - but it wouldn't feel right if they were better than WIzards in this case, right? Priests are for support - nuking is only an addon. Yes, that is a valid point that has to be addressed. Grimoires are very powerful and there's nothing camparable for other classes. That depends on the Priest and Druid. Druids are actually a mix of Priest and Wizard plus some melee. But I agree that in general the Druid is the better healer. But he's a worse buffer and affliction remover. Sure there is a way: try Priest of Eothas/Ascendant. Once you reach ascended state cast Salvation of Time and cast everything into the ground while ascended for a long time. Helwalker/Priest is also fun because DoT stuff like Shining Beacon profits a lot from both +MIG (+30% additive dmg) and +INT (+50% multiplicative). Same with healing over time. You can play it as melee character, but then I would suggest heavy armor and a heavy shield in the second weapon slot at least. As ranged priest you won't have that many problems with your increased "damage taken" - still carry a large shield in the seciond slot. You want to switch to it once you get focus-fired by guns. I still like a mig-ranged monk (multiclass or not) with mortars. The AoE size profits a lot from the +INT and the fact that you have no recovery but only reload (which can be cancelled for casting) helps a ton at being reactive/responsive. Stunning Surge + mortars is awesome as well. Dance of Death is very nice. Besides that a melee Priest with Sun and Moon is always nice. THe chance to repeat fire spells is great and the weapon totaqlly fits a Priest of Eothas. Grab Xoti's Lantern - it's great. Boeroer, I know you initially recommended single priest, but you've also mentioned two interesting builds in Helwalker/Priest & in Priest of Eothas/Ascendant. Of those 3 would you still single priest for the more effective and later level spells? -------------- So how do these starting stats look (for the single Priest of Eothas build)? MIG: 18 CON: 6 DEX: 13 PER: 20 INT: 18 RES: 5
  5. I agree, while useful to the over all topic, let's not let this devolve into a Resolve argument. Can anyone confirm just how much or how often Resolve affects conversation options and skills? Also who can recommend their specific stat distribution at character creation (and later on) for a Priest of Eothas, while still making them good conversationalists (diplomacy/resolve-wise if applicable)?
  6. Yes, they're created and the Watcher is aware of this, but they are still all powerful, conscious, living entities - just as other beings are created - they're just not the alpha and omega so to speak. So the way I see it, is that a Priest worships or follows the characteristics that their God embodies - and the God is just a literal personification or embodiment of that. So a Priest could still call out to their God and strive towards (or chase) them and want answers and closure. Now in saying that I haven't finished the game and look forward to finding out what answers if any, towards that are given - even if what I've heard the ending is a little anticlimactic (please don't spoil anything). I would just like some acknowledgement or reactiveness in-game towards my class and maybe even Eothas specific. I am a very story driven person, so a strength of a class also lies in their ability or skills in conversation and unlocking certain convo options. Hence wanting advice on balancing resolve (if it affects this) into the equation.
  7. Oohh good point. However I can't bare to have a low resolve (dialogue checks/role-play. I want this as high as reasonably possible to meet most without sacrificing the practicality of this build. Resolve does practically nothing for your character. It does not affect dialogue checks, and the Deflection penalty will have minimal impact. Having a high resolve effectively gives your character -10 to -15 attribute points for practically no gameplay effect. If you want to do that for 'role-play', go ahead (I actually sympathise, believe it or not), but don't be under any illusions as to what you're doing - you're throwing away attribute points so you can look at a nice number on your stat sheet. My knowledge on game mechanics is a little rusty. I've literally played no Deadfire since early release. Doesn't resolve boost stat checks for skills such as diplomacy? Or are there dialogue options only unlockable with a particular attribute? I saw this on a website: (https://wiki.fireundubh.com/deadfire/dialogue-options) That's a shame, as I heard this early on and was hoping by patch 4.0 they would have addressed this appropriately. They're very tempting options, particularly as in D&D historically I lean towards either Wizard or Paladins in playthroughs. However roleplay wise I'm keen on playing a priest who is chasing down his God for answers. I'm hoping there will be some reactivity to me being a priest of Eothas in regards to Eothas' actions as well, even if minor. (if answering this please no spoilers on specifics, keep it general). I also played as a Priest of Eothas on my second PoE1 playthrough which I would like to continue.
  8. Oohh good point. However I can't bare to have a low resolve (dialogue checks/role-play. I want this as high as reasonably possible to meet most without sacrificing the practicality of this build.
  9. Great feedback as usual. Thanks. I see the strengths of other Priest subs, but for role playing reasons want to stick to Priest of Eothas and if multiclassing, one that fits my character roleplay wise. So either Kind Wayfarer/Shieldbearer, or monk. Possibly Cipher 1). If single Eothas how would you build? 2). If Priest of Eothas/Monk how would you build? 3). Out of the above (or maybe Cipher), which would you then choose and why?
  10. After a long hiatus Im back and ready to play Deadfire to the end (DLCs released, hectic year over). Bumping this topic as my first proper playthrough will primarily be roleplaying. So def want Eothasian Priest - and most likely with Kind Wayfarer or 2nd choice Shieldbearer. Now that everything is 4.0, how would you ideally build this Templar...or would you even consider straight Eothasian Priest? Pour your collective wisdom on me!
  11. Yeah, it came the day following the CE items
  12. It took a while, but I'm liking my signed collectors edition. The statue is detailed and of good quality relative to other game statues and figures like this. The t-shirt, space pig plushie etc are also nice. I'm happy with them
  13. Awesome stuff guys, It will be good to connect the person to the item when I come across it. xD I can see that, good call. Have you found it yet? Looking forward to reading it, I'll keep it in mind
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