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Everything posted by Eyl

  1. Not weighing in on the gun control issue, but I would like to point out a few discrepancies: Full-auto (class 3, NFA) is not illegal. It takes a Class 3 dealer, the $200.00 NFA tax stamp, 3 months of waiting for the ATFE, and a crap-ton of money. I have two Class 3 weapons. You are investigated like there's no tomorrow. Also, you give up your right to search and seizure. The hardest part is coming up with the (tens of) thousands of dollars to buy one. By "full jacket", do you mean Full Metal Jacket (FMJ)? If so, they're not illegal, to import, manufacture, or own. I buy quite a bit of them because they're cheaper for plinking vice JHP or BTHPs. Also, you can still buy the South African steel core ammo. If you use a big enough round, anything is armor piercing. Phosphorous tipped rounds (tracers) are illegal in some states, but mostly not. If you mean tracers as anti-personnel rounds, like magnesium, then your're right. Most states don't have limits on high-capacity magazines. HI, MD, CA, NY, and Cook County IL have restrictions, but the other states don't. I may have missed one or two, but I think that's it. As far as I know, there's no restriction on caliber size. I have an antique .69 cal musket. They also sell reproductions, so I don't think anything new came down the pipe about caliber illegalities. I'll go back to lurking now...
  2. http://www.xbox.com/en-US/news/2005/1004-x...aunchtitles.htm If someone could linky that, I'd be grateful... EDIT... Nevermind, I figured it out...
  3. "Wasteland Herpes" was, if I can recall, one of them...
  4. "Maybe" by the Ink Spots was Fallout. (The song was re-mixed a bunch of times by different people, but I think these guys are the orginals. The Ink Spots did do 2 versions of it...) "A Kiss to Build a Dream On" by Louis Armstrong was Fallout 2. I think it's on the Satchmo Serenades. I have no life...
  5. I suppose I got pretty stupid there... I just thought I'd break with forum tradition and try and be helpful.
  6. Oops, I thought she was being serious. Oh well, I'll try harder next time... (Oh, mkreku, I did find the link informative... (That's not being sarcastic))
  7. Maria, Not trying to be rude/mean/liberal, just informative... Chris Avellone is the lead developer on KoTOR2. If he says (types) something, you can be pretty sure it's the gospel truth. Hades_One is... well... Hades_One. You know how there are two sides to every coin? Well, Hades represents the time when the coin lands on its side, then explodes in cheesy gooeyness. His opinions, while I don't think very many agree with him, are always well expressed. (if not inflammatory, seditious, or genocidal) If a post is factual and on topic, it's Mr. Avellones. If it has anything to do wiping out varying cultures, it's Hades. Hope that helps...
  8. Eyl


    Vodka in cans... out of vending machines... what's not to like? In Vladavostok, I found the majority of people to be friendly and quite outgoing. It didn't help that I was in a US Navy, dress white uniform either. Architecture (just in the city, I didn't leave it...) was grandiose, to say the least. The food was a bit bland, streets were a little littered, but the prices, with the exchange rate, were really good. It's wrong to judge an entire country on one brief trip to one city, but I enjoyed myself immensely.
  9. Product, not your fault man... The way CNN is telling it is that we're all running around with 9" "guns" and all the women have double "D" kevlar armor inserts. Unless there's an absolute, medically necessary reason to do something, or if it's cheaper for the government, no procedure gets done... And no, from what I've seen, most people joined the military for love of country, or money for college. Without getting into the politics, we'd (the military) would rather not go around shooting things up. But hey, for a pr0n star appendage, who wouldn't want to risk death?
  10. I've been active duty Navy for over a decade now, so I can say something about this first hand. In 10 years, I have seen 4 "free, speciality" operations. 2 were for breat reductions (documented back problems) 1 breast enlargement (had breast cancer, 1 got removed...) 1 penile reconstruction/enlargement (a rather nasty accident with a concrete mixer) As for the taxpayers, if you want any elective surgery (also, corrective eye surgery), you can trade your enlistment or reenlistment bonus for it, as long as the surgery is less than or equal to your bonus. So, the taxpayers make out, and the doctors get practice. Speaking of the doctors, they get paid whether they're working or not. They get their officer pay, plus a yearly bonus for being doctors. So really, the taxpayers are paying for the medical accessories (gause and things like that...) As for a recruiting tool? I'm not sure. If you joing the Navy (or whatever), just for bigger "accessories", I don't want you working for me. And GrandPa, the article says it exactly. The doctor are "practicing." I'm not so sure I would want Dr. Hackandslash working on Mr. Happy.
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