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Everything posted by ApolloX75

  1. I wiped three or four times at level 3 when I got in. Finally gave up and came back at level 6. Felt real good to hand his ass to him on a platter.
  2. Pretty sure the resistances increase bug is Paladin specific. I made a Monk for a short play test and his stats didn't increase or morph. No experience gain again however. Also saw a screen cap in the Steam Community Hub of another person's Paladin that had the bugged stats. Also UI has some annoyances. Outside of combat selecting a specific character is a royal pain. In combat it works fine, click on portrait and they're selected but out of combat you have to click repeatedly to select a specific character.
  3. I think a good distinction to make when comparing the PoE beta to the WL2 Alpha/Beta process is that WL2 used the actual main campaign opening from the beginning. They structured it on the fact that everyone would be playing through the actual story build even in Alpha so there was never a need for a separate entity to test. The PoE Beta is an isolated chunk of the main game pared down for us to enjoy/poke/stab/test without absorbing any of the main story. That is significantly more difficult to manage since they are updating a separate entity from the main game. I think it was noted before on here that we have no idea how far back the code for our beta is compared to the actual current build. Not to mention what the effects were of cutting a chunk of game out to serve up and those are excellent points. Marceror to be clear I'm not disputing your statement at all; it is good to bring up your reservations, but I think Obsidian has worked hard to earn our trust and we'll see a huge amount of rapid improvements in the coming weeks. That being said I really haven't encountered any "game breaking" bugs yet and I've put a good amount of hours into the beta already. Strange and bizarre bugs? Yes. But nothing that has stopped me from playing that's for sure!
  4. So had a good couple hours to spend last night with a Paladin and that went well, don't think I encountered any bugs. Got pretty far through the underground ruins and completed the Blood Line quest (most of it). Started a new game today and found a whole slew of little bugs and strange glitches. - Animation glitches - I know these were listed as expected, but after a particularly grueling fight my Paladin decided to glide along swinging his sword in an endless attack loop instead of walking like the rest of the group. - Reanimation glitches - This one was funny. I'm playing on Normal with Death Off until I get used to the combat FYI. Running through the cultist lair, several battles in and BB Fighter just up and dies. Bam, dead, portrait and body disappears. Strange. Next fight BB Priest does the same thing. Damn. So I shrug and leave the lair, go back to town and sell some stuff then hire a level 4 Adventurer (which by the way does not work, level 1 appears, no level up). Run on back to lair and enter it and all of a sudden I'm seeing scrolling messages saying BB Fighter and BB Priest are fighting. It appears they have come back to life and BB Fighter's portrait has overriden BB Rogue, but BB Priest and BB Rogue are still selectable on their own. Also all the cultists I exterminated have come back to life. - Experience - Doesn't go up. Stops at 10290/15000 on all characters. And spawned Adventurers at the Tavern do not level up when purchased higher than level 1. - PC Resistances - For some reason (only really extensively played Human Paladin so far, I will see if it's on others too) after a level load or two my PC has resistance and DT stats 10-20 times higher than they should be. Instead of say 10 resistance, he'll have a bugged stat with 1034 resistance. Once I figure out where my save games are located I will attach one for you guys. However! No CTD occurences! So win I guess. So far I am loving this beta it's pretty solid and I'm happy to be a part of the improvement process.
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