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Everything posted by superior987

  1. Well...crap Does the Amra effect just not proc for barbarians or does it overwrite carnage? Seems like neither one of those makes much sense
  2. I’m debating either going dw aiming towards using magrans favor for FOD, or 2h for Amra, since frenzy should make hitting 25 might trivial. Any idea how the power levels to fire compares to the extra carnage effect from Amra dps-wise?
  3. How will this dps compare to a holy slayer after the two weapon nerf? I know rogue buffs neutralize it somewhat, but my understanding was it would be rough on paladins and FOD. Do monks also mitigate the nerf enough?
  4. Just a quick update - thanks for the advice, I went with a vanilla geomancer, no subclasses. So far it’s been a blast! Feels like there’s both more to do with the spells while still having the ability to do reasonable damage whenever I run out of spells.
  5. Oof, slicken and chill fog both being transmutation is rough. I guess Tekehu can pick up the chill fog slack, but that's quite the hit
  6. So I’m thinking evoker/ranger. Are there any essential spells in blocked by losing conjuration and transmutation? Also, any particularly important wizard spells that are t already in the grimoire? Up til now I’ve been focusing mainly on melee classes and haven’t put too much thought into spells beyond the odd priest buff/aloth fireball
  7. Any particular ranger subclass? I’d lean ghost heart to avoid pet micro, but that’s assuming the pet is underwhelming. Haven’t tried chanter too much, will have to play with it a bit
  8. Ive been poking around in the builds thread and am curious about making a wizard using the frost spells in ninagauth’s teachings and watershaper’s focus. Since the focus is pretty awesome in its own right, am I shooting myself in the foot by adding a martial multiclass, and if not what would everyone recommend? I’m a fan of adding rogue to everything for sneak attack/deathblows/etc, and I suspect helwalker would be pretty solid too. Anyone have any favs? Edit: I’d be playing with a party in veteran, maybe potd if I’m feeling spicy
  9. Does scion of flame affect flame lashes? I assume not and it’s just abilities, but would definitely be cool if it did
  10. Thanks for the feedback - I’m playing veteran with a party, so yeah, big picture they both work. I dabbled in potd in poe1, but didn’t love it. Too much time needed buffing for trash fights for me. Sounds like I’ll probably go with the marauder and just make sure I keep an eye on bloodied so I don’t kill myself. I like escaping to get to the squishies, and which seems better suited to the barb
  11. I am deep in the throes of alt-itis and am struggling to pick a melee class to stick with. Hopefully y’all can steer me straight. I’m debating between a berserker/streetfighter and a wayfarer/streetfighter. Paladin defenses and fod seems like an ideal assist to a melee streetfighter, but I’m worried I’ll lose out on too much damage vs barbarian, and that rogue wont have enough resources/offensive abilities to pick Up the offensive slack. I’d appreciate any thoughts
  12. Hey all - I’m toying with starting or making a companion priest of berath. The high end spells seem interesting, so is there any merit in multi-classing? Do any classes fit well or is it the usual pick your preferred martial class?
  13. Well that’s disheartening. I seem to be doing ok with the confused frenzy by just escaping to their back line and going nuts, but I guess I won’t be applying any fun statuses
  14. So I just started a marauder, streetfighter/berserker, pale elf, 18-12-12-18-18-12 with the attribute blessing. Part of the appeal was being able to apply some of the more interesting new debuffs over AOE with carnage. I'm currently using Shattered Vengeance and some garbage, as i'm pretty early on. Is that still viable, especially given that frenzy is going to tank my int until I get Modwyr? I can't tell if carnage is doing much of anything compared to what i'm giving up by not using something with higher base damage.
  15. Have they addressed how they're going to address the specific class abilities with multiclassing? I assume I'm not going to be able to, for example, take a rogue and add a level of paladin just to get the defense buffs from alignment. Do you just get a little bit with each level of the class?
  16. That's what I thought - bummer! Although I suppose it doesn't need any help - poor Pallegina looks like she's getting bumped to the b squad now that Kana melts everything
  17. Do any of the modals - specifically vulnerable attack - affect dragon thrashed? Scion of flame does not, right?
  18. Do you think the tidefall rogue would still be in the lead without dumping int? I'm debating tidefall vs hours, and have left int at 10
  19. Man, what's the point of adding it if it's not going to trigger deathblows? Lame. I guess it makes the picks easier though
  20. So I started playing with actual builds for a 2h rogue, probably using Hours or maybe Tidefall if I don't give it to Eder. I'm having a hard time fitting in dirty fighting, which makes me think I'm overrating some of the other abilities. Making a lvl 7 hireling, I went reckless assault, deep wounds, persistent distraction. Should i just swap deep wounds? I think I'm having a hard time sorting the abilities that are useful for fun stuff like retaliate and spells with deep wounds vs just flanking and beating. So, long way of saying bump for a little more specific help. Thanks!
  21. Figuring this stuff out is part of the fun - I'm trying to pay attention to gear that I've ignored on previous aborted play throughs. I think this is the first time I've used any of the staves, since I usually stick an arquebus on Durance and an implement in Aloth. Thanks!
  22. I've currently got hiravias using Durances staff when he's not casting or shifted, but was debating switching to the speed stick. Am I under rating the speed enchant? Because dual damage crush/fire seems better. Those seem to be the two most recommended quarterstaves, but feel free to suggest alternatives . Ideally I'd dw something so I have 2 weapon style when shifted, but I don't have melee space for a non-reach melee.
  23. Stun and disorient procs seem like they would also help with durability. Also, did I read somewhere on here that pierce/crush was the most efficient damage combination given the DR spread on mobs?
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