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Everything posted by Bazy

  1. No. When you lose all stamina during a fight you get "knocked out" for the remainder of your fight. But if you reach 0 health at any point you become either 1) maimed or 2) dead depending on your difficulty settings. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/61533-update-24-less-than-30-hours-to-go-life-and-death-and-audio-cd-soundtrack/page-2?do=findComment&comment=1241976 http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Vitality
  2. He was making a lot of basic mistakes.... Just off the top of my head: 1) Not engaging the beetles in melee with his fighter first 2) Allowing the patrolling beetle to flank his back line 3) Charging into battle with his very low health PC leading the pack
  3. But can the PC be maimed before they "die" like companions?
  4. Enjoyed seeing the beetle struggles. Does the game always auto end if the PC reaches 0 health? Or will they be allowed to be maimed like companions (depending on difficulty settings)? Edit: My understanding is there are two options depending on your settings: 1) if you have permadeath enabled 0 health = death. 2) Alternatively, 0 health = maimed, and if they then later reach 0 health again while maimed = death. My question is if #2 can apply to the PC (like companions) or if #1 always applies to the PC. In the gamescon video the game ends when the PC reached 0 health. But the settings seemed to be on "easy" which would imply maiming would be enabled.
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