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Posts posted by Fatback

  1. And maybe I loosely compared dota to an rpg and because of your closed minded ideas on what this project should be you didn't even see any possibilities of what I was talking about. Maybe because I didn't preorder the game 2 years in advance from kick starter idk. Sometimes it seems like you guys have been playing solely these games for 15 years.

  2. Since when is DoTA2 a RPG?


    The system is so different, I can't honestly use it as comparrison in this case...

    How is it totally different you level up skills and get items sounds like a basic crpg to me.


    And fits as a good way to look at balance and how to balance things. If you would prefer we can keep looking at the bg series for balance options.

  3. Why there are few mages? Cause groups of adventurers come killing them by the dozens, Baldur's Gate II style ;)

    Absolute balance is kind of boring.

    Yup. All those MMO's where, due to PvP every class is just a clone of the other. It's the worst thing imaginable (and also why most MMO's are really bad, this PvP balance making them more and more symetrical and less fun to play per patch).


    Let's not wring a fun system with that kind of MMO clone balance.

    A completely pvp oriented mmo game dota2 very balanced very diverse in Heroes.



    It's a system that uses soft and hard counters which most of you argue against.



    Here are the facts:

    -They have directly copied spell functionality several times from DnD.

    -They have put these same spells on the exact same classes from DnD.

    Interestingly, they seem to have "borrowed" spell ideas specifically from 2nd edition D&D as implemented in BG1 / BG2 / IWD1.


    At least I don't see anything resembling some of the more unique IWD2 and PST spells in there... :(

    PoE is supposed to be a spiritual successor to those games too, isn't it?


    Also, a few more spells based on creative never-done-before ideas would be nice.


    I'd especially love some spells that interact with the physical surroundings to allow environment-aware tactics, as those are all too rare and there's still lots of potential for innovation there. And don't tell me that kind of stuff is too difficult to implement; the creators of BG managed to make the projectiles from the "Lightning Bolt" spell bounce off walls and damage everything in their path back in 1998 with the primitive Infinity Engine. In 2014 with the Unity Engine, it should be easy.


    There's a spell that throws boulders and when hits solid objects explodes sounds exactly like what your looking for



    Considering I'm a backer, I wouldn't want Obsidian to spend time on making mod tools, spending time on QA, spending time on adding instructions of the mod tools to the manual and anything else that involves in time and money, if it's going to take time away from the games release. Mainly because I don't use mod tools, I don't create mods and very rarely use mods. So it really doesn't affect this backer. So it's not a question of rights for me. And as Gizmo said, It wasn't part of a stretch goal. If Obsidian decides to release mod tools down the track, I'm also fine with that.

    ..... I clearly said in my post "give us mod tools they made for themselves to help make the game". I also clearly said I wasn't asking for them to make tools they didn't already make for their own benefit or create resources for modders specifically. What I am asking for costs them not 1 cent, and the only time they need to invest is uploading the tool then making a link to it on a webpage.


    Meanwhile Obsidian's lack of a promise doesn't mean crap. If you want to win people over you have to do more than say "well I didn't promise that so...". Either they made some tools for their own use or they didn't. If they did put them out there for modders. If they didn't well gee golly willakers all they have to do is say that and it is a non issue isn't it?


    Meanwhile I sure hope you expect this game to be more than just what was "promised". For example they didn't "promise" it would be bug free or even playable. Only that it would be a game containing XYZ elements.

    So I have a unity license yes please obsidian release the tech you and your team made so I can "mod" project eternity. That's what Im gonna do with it I swear only Poe not my own projects.



    Why should the AI self-act?

    Because it's a real-time game and I only have one character.

    The rest are teammates, not brainless zombies.

    I don't mind controlling the whole party in ToEE, but that's turn-based.


    Lot's of things happening simultaneously, I can just see the gameplay being


    give lots of orders


    watch the battle progress for a second




    And yeah, Dragon Age: Origins is a lot better game than BG2 in terms of gameplay,

    plot or characters, actually in any terms I can think of right now.

    That's why party based RPGs with this many skills is better suited to turn based. Pause, give orders unpause, wait for round to end, pause, get board and just watch auto attack do the rest.


    Why play a party based game with the ability to make own companions if you are just gonna have ai do all the work


    That's why I'm hoping this combat slow thing they talked about is still in, and key binds let me key bind everything I have great dexterity. That would be fun combat



    BG2 was the largest selling RPG game in about forever, game of the year, etc etc. It had Coop play. If they really want to say they're making a spiritual successor to the BG series, then they need to add Coop play.



    But don't act like this is the next BG or IWD game if it doesn't have Coop. And they shouldn't be plastering this BS all over their home page:



    "Miss classic cRPGs like Baldur's Gate,Icewind Dale, and Planescape: Torment? So do we!"


    Well, clearly they do not. Because they are leaving out a fundamental part of those games

    Yes, "spiritual successor" = "perfect copy", even the words are pretty much the same.

    Really between Torment: ToN and this I've now heard several dozens of reasons why each game can't call itself a spiritual successor, all of which mostly boil down to "*thing* I liked in previous game is not the same in this game therefor I am now outraged".


    Anyway, since the chances for any kind of Multiplayer for the initial release are slim to none I guess you and your friends will be saving some money, 'gratz.

    And the things that they are crying about were some of the worste parts of the game

  8. I read the first point by the op and in my mind based on how other threads go in this forum group and decided to just make my point.


    When you are basically in the heat of battle constantly against a lich or dire bears or sword bees there is to much adrenaline going threw you for this supposed love hormone to be in the fore front. Any sexual contact made by the pc would not harbor love but lust.


    I would however like if they made a character arc were one of your team members was just a slam pig. Thank you for your time

  9. I got threw 5 pages and stopped so sorry if some said this already. What if the summoned demon or w/e didn't have and abilities on its own but the Mage would have to cast spells for it to do its thing like a fire ele having a minor aoe burn around it, or a earth golem to stun an enemy. These spell would be cast by Mage and exicuted by summon.


    This solves balance issues with Mage being strong then having summons. The issue with progression as a summoner learn new abilities for summons. And the issue of a boring class that just sits the casts spell at beginning and does nothing but sling attacks

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