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Everything posted by Spazmo

  1. RPGCodex (as well as half the damn internet) does jokes on April Fool's day. Visceris is a joke year round. It's worked well enough for us so far.
  2. I joined to piss off Johnny.
  3. A main aspect of the story should be Bastila getting laryngitis and shutting the hell up. Maybe with an optional quest to restore her voice. You know, if you're a masochist.
  4. Viscey-poo, my dear, dear friend, you're overreacting a bit here. It's basic internet etiquette: stupid questions from stupid people are responded to with yummy links. That's how things work. The very foundations of the internet are built on these kinds of things. If this is wrong, baby, I don't want to be right. As for why Volourn didn't get any fun links: he manages to have opinions that differ widely from most posters at the Codex without pissing anyone off (too much). If he does annoy anyone, it's mostly because of what he's saying and rarely how he says it. You, on the other hand, are largely worthless. Your opinion on matters changes depending--apparently--on daily coin tosses. One day, you love NWN. The next, you hate it. The day after that, you've giving up games FOREVER! and making a big scene about it, too. Then, the very next day, you go and trade in a truckload of old PS1 games for whatever new shiny thing you'd just announced you'd never buy--just so you can say you didn't pay more than $20 for it. You have exactly 0 consistency. Hell, even after your positive (-ly hilarious due to the horrible English) review of NWN, I bet you still tell people you hated it after all. Beyond that, the way you say things is largely incomprehensible. Your English is simply atrocious. One wonders how the hell as awful a writer as you ("On the brighter note the control interface keys are configurable to taste."--WHAT THE CRAP LANGUAGE ARE YOU SPEAKING, MAN?) managed to get any kind of degree in English. If I'm responsible for "chasing you away from the Codex" with "hate and spamming gay porn", good. I've got more important things to waste my time on than your crap. And finally, it's kind of unfair to tell people not to visit our site. We send tons of traffic your way. Hell, if anyone ever asks me for something really funny to read, I'd link them your Gothic II review in a heartbeat.
  5. Actually, I did send Visceris a link to something fun. I did it because he was being--as per the norm--a moron and a pain in the ass and, in my humber estimation, he deserved it. And I don't see how it's relevant. Visceris--who was the first to send me a PM in that particular altercation, actually--didn't contact me on an official matter (he was asking me how to set up Mozilla Firebird. Never mind that it's really ****ing easy and that it's fairly clearly explained on the site, Visceris is a moron), so I didn't respond in an official capacity. It was just a personal thing: I personally felt Visceris was an asshat so I personally sent him something to reflect that opinion.
  6. f*** you in the eye with an ear of corn, Visceris. You're the sorriest excuse for a writer I've ever had the intense displeasure of reading. The mere idea that you get paid for the crap you spew on Ebdis makes me sick to my stomach. Why don't you go ahead and announce you'll stop playing any more games ever so we can all have a good laugh at your pathetic, illiterate, rejected-from-the-navy-because-you-were-too-f***ing-fat ass.
  7. Ah, Visceris. How's the old **** with an ego game treating you? Still getting paid to write total crap at Ebdis?
  8. You ****.
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