Now this strays slightly off topic, but I would like to suggest having the "Lore" ability play a larger role in "unique" weapon effectiveness. Say you find a long sword that looks different than a normal longsword so you identify it, and it looks to be a longsword +1 with some flame damage, pretty basic enchantment. However, if youre "Lore" ability is super high, not only do you discover additional enchantments, but 1) the description upon examining the item is different/more detailed and the thing has a special name instead of something standard like "longsword of flame +1", or 2) the description reveals something missing from the item, and once you "activate" it (by dipping it in a lava pit, laying it on a shrine in a haunted forest, or combining it with some special, rare material, etc.) the effects change, the look changes, and the description changes to show the item's true identity. People could go through the entire game not knowing they have some sweet item unless they invested in the lore skill, you could apply this tactic to other skills as well, in terms of increasing their impact on the overall content and explorability of the game.
Might be too late for such a change, but it would add to the fun and challenge of finding "legendary" or "unique" items. I always enjoyed building the equalizer in BG, cool story, cool look, felt satisfying to accomplish.