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Everything posted by Karik

  1. I agree that Russell as Carth, Kate Beckinsale as Bastila, and Oldman as Malak are unquestionable. As for Revan, it's a bit hard to say. I agree that either Christian Bale or Guy Pearce would be really successful in the role, but what about Matt Damon? For some reason I could really see him in this role. I know i'm going to get criticized for this because Samuel L. played Mace Windu, but seriously he's perfect for Jolee. And Ray Park as Darth Bandon. Just cuz Bandon has barely any lines and Ray Park needs a job.
  2. i've been following DDO for a while now and at first it seemed promising but now it just seems as though they've ruined the game. From what the devs have posted it really looks like the game barely uses the D20 ruleset. Also, play of Monks and Druids is restricted, as is PvP (for those who are interested), and no word has been issued yet on whether half-orcs will be playable or if alignments will be implemented. If you want to join a mindless level grind, play DDO, but i'm sure for most of us NWN2 is the best option.
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