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Everything posted by Number1TheLarch

  1. You abstain from being heard by choice, but even going by your post, here is the thing: it works both ways (and dare I say, goes in double for Twitter). As far as the limerick I'm in the "don't care" corner, and you're absolutely right. Like forums, Twitter is an echo chamber in which the most extreme and loud voices are magnified and doesn't in any way represent the reality of any situation. I'm betting the majority of people playing Pillars right now either A) don't know about the offending limerick or it's hilarious replacement, or B) don't care. the ones who do are here (or are on twitter). Not to say that having your voice heard isn't a good thing, mind you, but the Devs are smart enough to know what way the wind really blows.
  2. A few people on a forum does not a **** storm make. Most people don't give a crap, and are actually just playing the game. Forums very rarely reflect reality.
  3. Can game designers change something about their game if they want as well? Or is that not covered? Nope! If game designers want to change something they have to ask us. that's how free speech works, bro.
  4. It's just a form of poetry originating from Ireland, usually with a humorous or vulgar theme. It has three long lines and two short lines that rhyme. The famous "There once was a man from Nantucket..." is a limerick.
  5. The new limerick is funny. The drama over this is entirely bumpkis, whichever side you're on. George Carlin would've been hung for doing his thing these days it looks like. Edit: Obsidian I think did the exact correct thing in response and of course people **** on them for it. Goes to show that Devs can't do anything without **** getting sprayed at them.
  6. Simply go to the file location in your Steam folder. Right click on the game, and you should be able to click on browse files. You might have to go to properties first. The cook book and documentary should be in the actual file folders in your steamapps folder.
  7. I had to kill him with a mace. It broke through his DR making me damage him faster than he could heal.
  8. Yeah, if you don't grok the engagement system and try to do it just like you would in Icewind Dale, I think you're going to have a bad time of it. Pre battle positioning is extremely important. I use two tanks, and make sure they start a fight with ranged weapons to draw the enemies. Switch them to melee weapons, engage the enemy, then bring in the other party members. There's some talents and class abilities that help with engagement, like letting you engage more than one enemy, etc. I've not had any problem not being able to control most battle so far using engagement.
  9. One hour left. The longest hour ever.
  10. I think the artist has been very clear that they're not objecting to the art being used, only that those posting or reposting the art on the internet are modifying the art and not giving credit to the creator. Simple internet etiquette, guys. Has nothing to do with you using the art in the game.
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