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Everything posted by TurgoN-

  1. I think the camping supply "feature" is just annoying. Because you can go to the next inn buy the stuff and go back to the dungeon. So it's just a waste of time and not really a way to make it more "realistic" or "roleplayable" or whatever. I guess it's meant to be a middle ground of "not allowed to rest here" and "rest whenever you want". But as I said: it's basically just timewaisting. Only thing is maybe, that it makes you calculate a bit: How many fights can i do (or how big is the dungeon) before i run out of supplies, because it's too annoying to leave the dungeon(dungeonpart) unfinished before going back.
  2. Can't you simply go out the way you came ? No, the same way (via the vines) crashes too. I cant get on the roof.
  3. Okay, i tested some more: i can transit between the interior areas, but the game crashs when i go to a outside area like ramparts, courtyard.
  4. I can't leave the dungeon.... I have a save before doing the hole Raedric's Hold thing but it's kind of annoying doing it again. I hope its fixable without destroying the save.
  5. The release date is: when it's done. ;-)
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