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Everything posted by Keneally

  1. I know many others have noticed that force armor and speed give no adjustment at all to your armor class. I have looked at feedback also during combat just to see if AC is adjusted when I am attacked and it is not. Was the AC adjustment for Force Speed taken out of the game, and the description was not updated or is that a glitch? Also Force Armor seems to do nothing at all. Was it supposed to even be in the game or again another glitch? Just wondering if someone has some insight of this. Thanks, Keneally
  2. Thanks, but it seems there is a glitch which has kept me from getting the message. I had some cut-scene with Atton and the droid yelling at each other instead which must have kept me from getting the message. I guess I have to go back few planets to another save. Thanks for your input anyway, it kept me from trying to get the message for the next 2 hours.
  3. I can't seem to get the story to progress. I have gone to all planets with Onderon being the last one and finished as much of that as I can for now. Now the journal tells me that I will be contacted later by the jedi master (he ran out of the bar). I have heard of others who go to another planet after this and complete it and then you get a message when you board the hawk from Dxun but I have no other planet to finish because I already have. Now about an hour and a half later and revisiting all the planets still no message from Dxun. Is there somewhere I should go or someone I must speak with? Thank you.
  4. Much thanks for the reply. I was just curious about it, but am managing fine without it. Loving the game by the way. (w00t) Thanks
  5. Is there a Defensive behavior script or was it scraped? I see it in the manual but I do not have it on the pull down action menu in the game. It mentions it being the default behavior but I started a new game and aggressive was default. I have all of the other behaviors just not defensive which from the sound of it seems like the one I would want most times. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
  6. I am playing kotor again also for about the sixth time through but I finally got the DLC just yesterday. I already know what is in it but I look forward to it all the same. Funny I finally got the DLC when part two is around 3 weeks away.
  7. It's is not quite out yet so most couldn't tell you if it does or not.
  8. Pretty cool! I was hoping to see a little in game footage of him even if it was brief.
  9. I thought was okay , but I didn't ever really get into it. Most times I played just some extra cash when I went light-side.
  10. I guess I will go light first then dark. Dark side consulars rocked in the first game so I hope they do again.
  11. I tend to play through as dark the first time (did in KOTOR1) but did enjoy it more the second time through as a light-side. It's been about 5 times through now the game since then, both light and dark so I hope to go at it the same way in the sequel.
  12. Everything that I know of but some things I look forward to the most are the new feats and skills and powers and being able to go above level 20. The story and characters also seem like they will be good, so that too.
  13. I have to say a Rakhgoul because they were once human, and coming from a human (though some may argue) that bugs me.
  14. Sorry, if this has been asked but..... If you manage to go light-side will your appearance change as your progress (as the dark-side folks only not ugly) at all?
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