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Everything posted by logicalconundrum

  1. I liked the fact that there was an effort made to align backer editions to retail editions, other kickstarters were headaches. I also appreciate the fact that the add-ons will be available separately in the backer portal. A chart might help the confusion with the add-ons? (I like charts!)
  2. Just my thoughts. It should always be optional. The PC shouldn't be treated as be-all and end-all (even in non-romance situations). Flirting can be fun to read (with the PC or between the NPCs only). In short, it can be done very, very well and add immensely to the depth of the character (and sometimes the story). And most of the time I find it has been done not well at all to a total mood breaker when playing a game. Much the same as with any media (books, film, TV, music, etc.). Unfortunately, with RPG's it's going to add a multitude of different branches if you want to do it right. Though while I understand why it might be left out, I still reserve the right to note that a romance (again, even just between NPCs and not necessarily the PC) might have added another facet to the story.
  3. GoG for me. Yeah the patching is not ideal (the headache of Divinity and Dreamfall), but I also don't like auto-patching. Plus, there's always that second copy anyway.
  4. At this point in time, would you know if activation of the physical copies both (a) non-backer copies and (b) backer copies will require Steam? I assume Paradox will also cover distribution of backer copies. While the information may not be on hand right now, I have a feeling it would be a good idea to add in a pre-release FAQ, given people's experiences with recent releases. Mostly with regards to non-backer physical copies, e.g., does it require uPlay, does it require Origin, does it require Steam, is it one-time activation, are you redirected to an Obsidian portal to choose which one to take ownership. I'm sorry, I was generally the FAQ-maker at work so it's a hard habit to break.
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