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Everything posted by magius000

  1. Amen. That's exactly what I did. Just equip an energy shield and throw down. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> why waste an energy shield on those 2? you don't get anything off of them and atton is kind of a p*** to begin with which is why i had to resort to the counter strategy. :D
  2. In case anyone is having trouble with the initial encounter with the Twin Suns, where they attack Atton in the bar. Just run behind the counter. They won't follow you and you can pick them off with your blasters.
  3. I'm on my second play through. The first time playing the light side I leveled up to Master after 15. But being the dark side is harder. As someone very astutely pointed out earlier, you really have to act psychotic to be on the dark side otherwise you inadvertently get light side points. [a particularly irritating incident happened yesterday when I killed the overseer on Nar Shaddaa and got light side pts because the game thought I was trying help the refugees]. The bottom line is that I'm level 21 and still a consular. I really think it is the alignment that drives the prestige class. i'd be interested to see if you can make it through the entire game without being a prestige class.
  4. it's because force powers are the most powerful in the game. Advancing quickly to get force wave and force lightning more than compensate for moving rapidly to get the "master gearhead" or high scores in "demolitions".
  5. I would agree with that wisdom in KOTOR 1 where you have a limited number of force points ~300. In this game, you are in the 450-550 range, with some people posting that they've gotten higher. Plus you can regen and a faster rate due to the forms and different items. So as a LS Jedi Master / Consular, I use the dark powers like force lightning and kill with impunity.
  6. fyi, my Mira got her ass kicked by Hanhar, and the game didn't end like when Atton got his ass kicked by the Twin Suns. Maybe the fight in itself is the conclusion to the story.
  7. Completely agree. The Jedi Consular/Jedi Master just allows you to kick ass. I was a bit more varied but not much. A combination of Force Wave to take off damage and knock people out followed up with Force Lightning allowed me to get through most levels without ever pulling out my lightsabers. Nihilus was the only time I brought out the sabers. It was the same at the END of KOTOR 1, but the good thing about the end of KOTOR 1 was that you don't have a ridiculous amount of FP like you do now and waves of dark jedi. So I felt like you had to rely on your combat skills. Not the case in KOTOR 2
  8. Althought I haven't finished it, my biggest rant about the game is that it is ridiculously easy. I'm playing a Jedi Consular / Jedi Master - which seems to be a popular combo. Once you get Force Wave (level 15) and Force Lightning (level 18) - it's time for mass slaughter. Because I'm a Jedi Master, I have like 400 force points, which means I barely expend any force energy killing massive numbers of enemy people. I'm assuming I should play a sentinnel or guardian but the consular is my favorite class.
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