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Harry Easter

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Posts posted by Harry Easter

  1. Yes, you can. You need to skill up a certain skill (forgot which one), to free the dragon. Just look around in the room and read what you need, then leave the room and reskill your character in the bathhouse. Skill the skill as high as you need and come back. Don't worry, you can reskill your character again. With this exploit you should free the dragon, if your skill-level isn't already high enough.

  2. Hopefully, we will hear soon something about PoE3. Tyrannys story for me ended after one game. The story was finished, everything else would just be padding. But with PoE I think, that there is still enough room for another game left.

  3. On 8/16/2019 at 11:46 AM, daven said:

    I imagine it will be as Fallout 3 to Fallout 1/2. 

    Hmm, nah, don't think so. We have still a party and Larian got good with those turnbased games. But it will have certainly more cinematics and all that, I think. Swen wants to be better with every game and I imagine he wasn't satisfied with the mostly textbased drama of the Original Sin-games. I think it will play like Original Sin, but look a bit like Dragon Age in conversations.

    And to be honest,  the more I think about the game, the more hyped I get😄.

  4. Started Ys:Seven yesterday, thanks to a sale. And after configuring the controls a bit I must say ... I'm hooked. It's still the good old Ys'ian hacking and slashing, but now I have companions at my side and that makes it double awesome. If possible, I would only play as Dogi, because there's nothing manlier than putting your enemy down, only with your fists, YEAH! Surprised how good that works after Oath in Felghana and Origins and curious how the story will unfold (I already know what is about, but that HOW is often more interesting than the WHAT).

    • Like 4
  5. Started playing Dragon Quest VIII again, after letting it rest for over a year. Should have done it earlier, because this games makes me feel relaxed. You have to take your time to play through it and spend hours grinding, so you don't need to hurry through it. And when one character reached a level you feel that you achieved your goal for this day, so you can put it down. Besides that, I still found this quite charming in all aspects: It has a simple but intense story about pain and how to react to it, sympathetic characters, a fairytale atmosphere and the monsters are still creative and so CUTE. The atmosphere is optimistic without being dumbed down, the music is also good, the mechanics simple but effective. I just love it. Worth every cent and timeless, even after 15 years. Feels like coming home.

    • Like 2
  6. I finished Deadfire four months ago and then I let it rest a while. I didn't hate the ending, but what I mostly thought was "what was this all about?" 


    I didn't think we would fight Eothas, but I thought there would be something. We did all this work and then this ending.


    But a few sleepless nights ago I got an idea: what if this was the whole point? To ask ourselves, what one individual, even a capable one as the Watcher, could really do to change the world?


    We did so much throughout our journey, influenced leaders of nations and changed the course of history forever. But that was mortal stuff, things we could handle. Buttnaked Eothas was something else, a force of nature, that couldn't be stopped. He would destroy the Wheel, no matter what we did. So why keep going, if we couldn't stop him?


    Well, my Watcher wanted to see this to the bitter end and because he believed in the potencial of Animancy. If he couldn't stop the catastrophe, at least he could help the world healing faster.


    So, what was it for you and your Watchers? 

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  7. I think if you play your character delibarate, you defintely have more fun with the games story. Deadfire is more about the small adventures you discover throughout the game, tied togwther by one theme: what can one person do to change the world?


    At least that's what I took away from it, when I roleplayed my character (Dwarven Deathgodlike, Kind Wayfarer, angsty Mercenary Background since he was the only one that survived a big battle).


    Enjoy the journey and post what you think :).

    • Like 1






    Also, would make Malak a proper villain instead of Saturday morning cartoon one. 


    The funny thing is, the more you read about history and people, the more less cartoonish Malak appears. Stupid, yes, but not unrealistic anymore. There were enough men that thought burning and killing everything until the other side (ha!) gives up, is a legit tactic. Doesn't make Malaks portrait more interesting, just a more depressing.



    Oh, glass-the-planet thing isn't  cartoonish, but his delivery of, well, everything is. Things like "Mwahahahaha! Lady, imma gonna zap you until you turn eeeeevil! Muahahahahaha!!!" He even literally goes "Mwahahahahaha!!!!" at least once. 



    Fair point, I had those parts also in mind. Which is strange, because mostly to his underlings he acts more professional. Guess he can only unwind when there are some Jedis around. 'cause they know how it is, maaan, a Sith has to have a evil laugh sometimes.

  9. KOTOR.




    Also, would make Malak a proper villain instead of Saturday morning cartoon one. 


    The funny thing is, the more you read about history and people, the more less cartoonish Malak appears. Stupid, yes, but not unrealistic anymore. There were enough men that thought burning and killing everything until the other side (ha!) gives up, is a legit tactic. Doesn't make Malaks portrait more interesting, just a more depressing.

  10. As I understood it, the Engwithans hijacked the natural process by creating a sort of sieve, that allowed the god constructs to collect energy from the souls passing through the Adra to the center of the world - where the actual reincarnation takes places.


    The gods have then used this energy over time to create their realms and spheres of influence, to the point that they theorize that the natural process might've been disturbed. Which is what Eothas wants to destroy, so that we can return to the 'natural order' and gods and kith can die without 'the wheel' stealing energy from them in the process.


    I think this is how it works and then they use the Adra to get back into this world, through ... dunno, the atmosphere? The magnetic field of Eora? Something like this. I guess it was kind of random, until the Engwithans automised it. I guess only the strongest souls could make it?

  11. I've often leaned towards VTC with Castrol's goals of progressiveness and it seemed more pro-kith with the watcher's dealings with the gods.  Maybe it'll lead to the second round of artificial gods.  The RDC is similar too, but the whole imperialism thing felt stuffy for me.  I loved the whole carefree style of the pirates led by Aedalys, but they didn't do much for the greater good though that can be subjective.  Similarly, an unhelped watcher has an ending like the Aedalys ending, so maybe you were meant to be a pirate after all!  I really liked the prince from the Huana since he seemed a lot more open than what his appearance portrayed, but the whole Huana system felt entitled.


    This. In the end, all of them besides the VTC are concentrated on the old-fashioned way of preserving powder (or in case of the principi: partying like there is no tomorrow). The Ducs are also a bunch of jackasses, but Castrol has a vision for the future, that could help the world regenerate, which in the long term should be more helpful, than just another empire (although it doesn't negate the fact, that the Vailians may build another Wheel in the future, just because they can). 

  12. Okay, this is a short one:


    Divinity 2: The Dragon Knight - Saga


    This games lives more from it's crazy content than it's story (and is one of my all-time favorites). The plot is okay, I think, but there is one think, that plagued this game (and later The Enhanced Edition of Original Sin 1): Damian, the big bad, appears, taunts you a few times and then runs away. He is also a living god and there is no explanation, why he doesn't just kill us (except one time, were "he" used us, but that was more eardropping, than planning). So how are you gonna fix this?



    1) Cut his scenes out, except the first one, where he lets the mainchar live, because the irony (a dragonslayer becoming a dragon) amuses him. He works better as a background character.


    2) Use his "dumb appearances" to strengthen the twist in the ending. 


    You have a voice in your head. Turns out it is Damians girlfriend, with whom he is soulbounded. Him coming near you, could be interpreted that he looks for her or tries to be near her, through you. Considering, that mentally he's still a lovestruck teenager in a grown man's body, it would make sense. 


    The change would be, that after her resurrection he doesn't say "But how?" (which is more open), but "so you were always there!" instead. With only one sentence, you could recontextualize everything!




    Otherwise I would have just changed the backstory of the PC: Instead of a Dragonslayer, they are a recruit of the last Dragon Knight, to help them defeating Damian. Then everything goes to hell and the story continues as before, but with a less complicated backstory.

  13. My favorites were:


    - Neketaka: This is a lovely big city, that just feels good to explore. I like also how the devs managed it, to make it feel like it's own thing.

    - Factions are not as strong as I wished they were, but they give a good idea what you could do in the Deadfire Archipelo

    - Sailing is actually quite cool and I love my sailors shanties.

    - Character models and animations are a big plus, because now every playerrace looks cool enough, that you want to play them.

    - More extra dialogues for races and classes. Stuff like this make me really interested to create more characters and test how different it feels to play with them.

    - The replayvalue is way higher (see above).


    My favorite thing are the islands though. They are a good way for small, but really good modules and the game rewarded the player with some really interesting gems, that gave more depth to the world AND were fun to play, too. A nice collection of mini-adventures, that were connected by the lore. That meant, that the story wasn't as tight, as I wished it could be, but it also turns Deadfire into a game, that's easier to play just for some hours.

  14. I liked the VTC the most, because their experiments with the Wheel gave us insights in the working of the cosmos and I like the internal bickering between the leading parties. I found that the group had an interesting internal conflict. The Principi are a close second, because pirates are fun and I like their endgoal (finding the ghostship).

    • Like 2
  15. This thread needs some threadomancy:


    I finished the game a month ago and it was fun.

    There are choices, but mostly not in the dialogues, but in the way how you want to spend your day (learning, chosing a course, etc). The combat is not very complex, but allows varriety through gadgets and maybe spells. You can miss a lot, if you don't play careful (should have chosen that Wizardcourse, humph), but it motivates to play again.

    The story is good too. It's not about saving the world this time, but about growing up and how you choose spending your life.

    I liked it and I think I will replay it, because I missed a few spots and two teachers. I hope there will be a german translation, because you could fix younger children with this too. And like I said it's nice to play something that isn't all about doom and gloom.

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  16. I found the story really not that bad, as long as you "explore" it. What I mean is, that the narrative works as one big detective quest: you want to find out who you are, what star stones are and you slowly unravel all the mysteries around. Your reward are smal pieces of the big plot.


    The story doesn't work, when it wants to implement drama. The big bad and her drama with

    Zandalor and Leandra

    has nothing to do with the main-characters and the theme of their backstory (failing), so making it more important in the Enhanced Edition was a mistake. The other additions to the game are welcome tough and if the story would have otherwised stayed the same, it would have been a good narrative, that was carried by it's systems. Right now, it's okay.


    But why do I play it? I like the combat (and think they did it better in the second game), but I get the most fun with D:OS 1, when I just can wander around and do silly things (like carrying twenty oil barrels with you around until the final fight). I like that you can win it, even if you kill almost everyone. It rewards thinking different. And I like the system between the two main-chars.

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