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Everything posted by LogicalUnit

  1. Hmm, it's worse than I thought. After completing the All Aboard quest, by paying Orron to go on another ship, I was invited to Dereo's lair. When I got there he asked me to find the Cornett of Waves. I never encountered Takano, and I do not have the Cornett of Waves in my inventory, however that quest step was ticked off as soon as I received it. If I talk to Dereo again, I can complete The Cornett's Call quest and get the Principi Colours. I would like to obtain the Cornett of Waves. I already have the Cornett of Depths, which I found in the Old City dungeon, but I need both of them to open the secret chamber after the giant cave worm. I'm wondering how badly I've broken the The Cornett's Call quest line. Will I be able to find the Cornett of Waves if I go see Takano? EDIT: I was able to talk to Takano, and buy the Cornett of Waves from him. Ateira ambushed me on the way back to The Gullet, but I scared her off with my bluff check. I took the lift down to Old City again, and used both shells to open the secret chamber and loot the treasure. I made my way back to Dereo. I could surprise him and complete the quest there, or I could also agree to meet Gwenfin, and he would tell me how to get to Delver's Row. EDIT2: I made my way to Delver's Row, and then to The Undercroft. The Brawler let me past when I mentioned Gwenfin. I met Gwenfin, and she let me into Old City from the intended direction. I made my way to the mosaic where I had already used both cornetts, and clicking on the mural twice advanced the quest. I went back to Dereo, and finished the Cornett's Call quest line.
  2. Hi everyone, I recently returned to PoE2 after a hiatus, and ran into a sequence issue. I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this, and how they resolved it. Anyway, it started when I returned to The Gullet in Neketaka, after deciding I needed to level up a bit for the main quest (all my characters are lvl 7 right now). I already had the All Aboard quest, and decided to finish it. I needed to find Botaro, who went down to Old City. So I took the lift from The Gullet to Old City Lookout. I knew that the lift wouldn't stay there forever, but after finding Botaro's body, I forgot about the time limit, and decided to clear the dungeon. When I returned to the lift, it was gone, and I was stuck. I eventually found the secret passage to The Undercroft, but it does not appear that the game expected me to come from this direction. If I approach the Brawler, I can either trigger combat, or start the dialogue with Mad Morena (I have Bluff 4). One of my options with Morena is to tell her that somebody killed Ulög, and while I do have the Food for Thought quest, I never encounted Ulög and don't know what happened to him. So I either have to kill the pirates, or start the Goods and Services quest prematurely. I can also enter Delver's Row and advance the Harsh Medecine quest, but again, it doesn't appear the game expected me to come from this direction. Right now, my only lead about Delver's Row is that someone in the tavern might know something. I did some Google searching, and fortunately found a reasonable solution: There is a boat to the east of The Undercroft that will take the party back to Queen's Berth. It's possible to sneak through the pirates' hideout without triggering aggro or the Mad Morena encounter. Just send the rogue -- you don't need the rest of the party to use the boat. But I'd like to know what I missed here. How are you supposed to get out of Old City if you miss the lift? What is the intended sequence of events? (without too many spoilers)
  3. Hi everyone, finally finished the PoE main campaign, and it was a satisfying RPG experience. I've already backed PoE 2 :D There's one thing that really bugged me though: I had a lot of difficulty reading dialogue while listening to the voiceover. The written dialogue includes flavour text and non-verbal cues, which you have to skip over as you listen. This is very awkward. Perhaps add the flavour text to the voiceover with a separate narrator? Great work, enjoyed your game
  4. I prefer option number 1. I would rather have the physical stuff simultaneously with a digital game release. In fact, I might not even need a game disc at all, if I can just download it from Steam.
  5. +1 BitDefender 2015 identifies the v301 PoE executable as being infected with this trojan. I simply used the "recover" button to get the original exe back and it seems to work. But is the file safe or not? Has a virus somehow made it into release?
  6. +1 I've experienced it too, but can't consistently reproduce.
  7. Hi all, I'm thrilled to be finally playing the beta! Hopefully I can contribute to the bug hunting: Has anyone else has found a bug where equipped gear and items go missing from their main character? I've found a few saves where my main PC is naked except for his weapons, and the armour he was wearing is just gone. I've also found a couple of situations where the PCs become unresponsive to move commands, requiring a save/load to fix.
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