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About Candid

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  1. Grappling hook and rope in inventory, chasm gap dialogue doesn't acknowledge this and offers no option to use it. Can anyone else confirm this bug? It may be possible to reproduce this bug by having a grapple and rope in your inventory before ever finding the chasm. I'll try this evening with a new character.
  2. @ Merlkir I think you have an unhealthy fixation on the imaginary "rightness" of your own preferences. I think that because you're criticising people for their aesthetic desires on the basis that they aren't objective. Aesthetics. Objective. You see the problem, right? And bandying words like `retarded` around just makes it seem like you're off the deep end... To say nothing of trying to smear people who like unrealistic armour with the tar of people who breed vanity animals. Before you start, no, the mindsets are nothing alike. I don't put my preferences ahead of the wellbeing of anything alive. `Good grief`.
  3. I'm Candid. I came here for the first time a few days ago to drop my would-have-been epitaph for backer perusal, because it was much too long to actually use (should have checked the limit first, bah). Now I think I'm a regular. Or I will be. Nice to meet you all.
  4. I agree with all of your comments on the armour as a functional suit of armour. I wasn't suggesting that the armour would work well in the real world. I was saying that I prefer fantasy armour that looks good whether or not it'd function well in the real world. On my side of the fence, we call armours like those suggested on the first page of this thread "horrid", even though they're historically accurate, functional suits of plate from various regions with various styles. They're just boring as heck to look at, in my opinion! Yay for spikes, thick shoulders, thin vambraces and poofy sleeves!
  5. Ah, if they really have expressed that they're going to keep all the tools to themselves, I hope they reconsider. I was quite a prolific modder of Baldur's Gate 2 and I can't imagine not being able to implement new characters and arcs in PoE. Share those tools!
  6. I'm really not a big fan of the examples being offered up here... The saracen armour, the platemail. I find it really boring to look at. I'm sure that this is an argument that is already lost with regards to what has already been developed, so I won't get into it too deeply. Just to say that I hope the references taken from sources like these are light, and leave plenty of room for armour features that are not necessarily practical, but are visually interesting. For example, replace the white leather corset with a black cuirass (steel or leather), and this is probably the best suit of half-plate I've ever seen hands down, across all games and illustrations. This is the kind of thing I hope there's some room for. And if not, then I hope the modding scene is robust! Aaaand that's all from the voice of dissent. I don't mean to start a fight, I just have different tastes and I'm beginning to mourn not coming here to participate with my views sooner. Not that one guy would have made a difference.
  7. Hmm. The last post in this thread was the 23rd of Jan, but the first was in 2013... Well, I hope my first post isn't a rule-breaking necro! I've just been thwarted by the word limit, which I really should have checked before composing my little ode. Since it's too long for an in-game epitaph, I'll share it with you guys here. Then it's off to write a far shorter one. Almost too little common ground, Had old Lucain with plebs from dale, To seat a single blade of grass... But still the wizard had me round, And would spin me a twisting tale, The lonesome evenings to pass. In later years a closer pair, From Telaneir to Maiden Falls, Though else despised, you'd nary find... When Lucain loosed his last of air, I saw him interred to these halls, My gladness left with him behind. -- Asirc the misshapen, friend of Lucain.
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