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About Candyshark

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  1. Or be especially prized as being blessed by deity and chosen as prophets and oracles. Death-kin for sure will get polar reactions but even in real life people "freakish" appearance like extreme piercing, face tattoo and branding have friends and own familly, kids. We don't know how openminded and supersticious world is in PoE. Who knows maybe Obsidian will make a small faction who stands for rights of godlike to be more accepted in society.
  2. I'm very supportive of idea to have "blessed" to be less subtle in their appearance. Most games just have some skin color and small features like horns, cat-like pupils, some funky hair color. I appreciate Obsidian for being braver in this decision. Death godlike are very convincing just the name bother me a bit. Death is a strong word wonder if people of dyrwood have different name for those who carry this curse.I almost would not mind to be called out crustyface, crabface, mushroomdome, murderhead as long word death or death-kin won't be dropped every conversation involving my player character.
  3. I might be too late for discussion. I'm very tentative to class mechanics especially to ranger and druids. And yet I have to find a game that would satisfy me. Those too classes suffer a lot from game mechanics. Playing ranged character in solo games becomes a constant kiting marathons. Depenency on character speed and avaliable space can severly impact your performance. Even though my love for dual-wielding rangers comes from NWN I don't mind to try a bit "fresher" Obsidian archer type. Though I still a few concerns. It may be too early but if I take BG as analogy I would like to see few issues addressed: 1. Constant shoping for ammo. One of reasons i didnt like to use ranged weapons since +5 ammo costs a fortune. 2. Damage depending both weapon and ammo type. Your rarely do best dmg plus rarety of high quality ammo makes it too precious to use. 3. I hope Josh keeps his promise about usefullness of different damage type. But how would bowmaster cover crushing and slashing damage presuming missles are piercing? Even if pet can cover certain dmg type if it still feels that ranger lacks flexibility. If a melee class can just switch out weapon ranger is stuck with what he has or has to move out of his comfort zone aka grab axes, clubs and start swinging. 4. I really like that ciphers could adapt their attacks against different protections, hope others classes can do same thing to certain extend. in IWD fortitude was one the hardest to crack.
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