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Status Updates posted by Laozi

  1. When you say case of Bacardi, you don't mean the malt liquor drinks the bitches like, do you? You mean 151, right?

  2. where do white russians figure into your equations?

  3. In time we will show the world why the world made us

  4. Together on the sand, as we sat hand in hand

  5. yeah, but he said he'd till find time to use your for teh sex

  6. When she will marry me outside with the willow trees

    And play the songs we made

  7. Where have all the cowboys gone?

  8. The prodigal son

  9. I live for those dainty little wrist.

  10. You look like Pau Gasol

  11. Through science we can find out what you'll look like after puberty


  12. Your bitterness makes you strong. Like you even smell strong. Like a bitter non-showering cast iron skillet.

  13. You'd do the one with the kankles?

  14. I'll do YOU both, wait.....

  15. Often I must speak other than I think. That is called diplomacy.

  16. You did say that

  17. Hes a woman then

  18. Pixies' pretty pony is black

  19. young Lionel Tannenbaum, I trust you are well

  20. I hope you have been preparing your dainty wrist for the rigors of college life.

  21. you know who you are.

    sweetheart, bitter heart,

    now i can't tell you apart.

  22. They would do you both, too

  23. meat shields up!!!!

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