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Posts posted by Aponez

  1. Hey, i don't really care specs... If Bioware or Obsidian or Bethesda will make games for Xbox 360, i'll buy Xbox 360.


    I've bought an Xbox only  for Jade Empire.


    Besides, PS3 controller really really sucks!  :devil:"


    Jade Empire only for Xbox? Remember Halo and Fable, they are now in PC, we surely will see Jade Empire fot PC too :wub:"

  2. I thought it was brilliant, beautifully made, impressive sets (they actually made a copy of Jerusalem in the deserts of Morocco) typical Ridley Scott with his great visuals.



    Not only in Morocco Lucius, one of the fortress you can see in the film is the castle of Loarre (Huesca, Spain) :rolleyes:

  3. Your alignment, if you play to it, will affect the ending.  Of course, you could be the vilest creature on Faerun and then all of a sudden decide to banish Mephistopheles back to the hells and save all the free peoples of Toril, but that wouldn't be a very evil thing to do.  :thumbsup:"


    Who said you did it to save the free peoples of Toril? If Mephistopheles destroys Toril

  4. Another delicate problem, I found the most beautiful armour ever but its "evil only" so I need to change aligment in order to wear it, and the question is:



    Will my aligment have any effect on the game?






    I curse BioWare for their poor taste in underware textures, hows my heroine suppose to look cool in a grey diaper?


    No Kaftan, your aligment haven't any effect on the game, I started the game as Chaotic Evil and I end the game as Chaotic Evil (I had a bad day :) )

  5. It wasn't to offense you Setzer, I only asked because of the number of MMO you played. I don't know how is in the NA servers, but in the Euro servers, Blizzard haven't put the honor and dishonour, and you have almost all time the chars lvl 50-60 of the alliance and the Horde killing the low lvls of the other side, and with that the game is too bored.

    It isn't very funny be killed 10 times in an a afternoon for a char lvl 50-60 when you are only lvl 26 and you can't do anything against a lvl 50-60.

  6. Have a level 46 Mage on Uther.  WoW is not the best MMO I've played but its fun and it also caters to the 'casual' gamer, like myself. I don't have a lot of time to invest in an MMO and probably shouldn't even bother with them but with WoW I can jump on for a few hours a night and still come away with the feeling that my character is progressing in the game. Plus I get to hang out with some of my friends, so I feel the $15 p/mo is being well spent.


    In response to Sirus's claim that WoW is a 'boring grind like every other mmo" --- Have you played WoW? If so, how far did you get and which class did you play? I've played Dark Age, Everquest, Asheron's Call, Final Fantasy XI and City of Heroes. WoW doesn't come close to the 'boring' grind those games put you through. I've gone 1-46 and this game has yet to be a grind for me. If anything people criticize WoW for being a "care bear" mmo, too easy.



    Interesting list of online games :lol:


    And now what? Guild Wars? ;)

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