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Douglas H

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About Douglas H

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  1. I'm playing on a Seiki 39" TV with a GTX 780 graphics card at 3840x2160. I haven't had the 4k flickering issue in full screen.
  2. [Description of the issue] Characters disappear from party at random. Sometimes character model disappears, sometime just portrait. Somtimes characters reappear later. [DETAILED list of steps to reproduce the issue AND what to look for] Example: 1.) Load game saved in Stormwall Gorge. Notice PC and BB Rogue are missing clothing/armor. 2.) Fight way to Lle a Rhenen 3.) Defeat three humanoids at entrance. 4.) Enter Lle a Rhemen 5.) At first junction take path to right and encounter spectres. BB Fighter, BB Priest, BB Mage incapacitated. 6.) Retreat with main character paladin and BB Rogue. Rogue incapacitated 7.) Defeat spectres with lone Paladin (takes no damage) 8.) Party revives, except for BB rogue, who disappears. 9.) Fight way to entrance to second level. 10.) Clear webs. 11.) Enter level 2. 12.) Charge through trap to engage spiders, BB Priest goes down. 13.) Defeat spiders, Priest disappears. 14.) Get to Spider-faced Mindflayer, engage in dialogue. 15.) Allow SFMF to leave in peace. 16.) Leave Lle a Rhemen 17.) BB Rogue and BB Priest are back. .... [Expected behaviour] Characters don't disappear without warning. [Files] I couldn't relevant files, but am willing submit them in another fashion if necessary.
  3. I suffered this problem on two of my saved games, but the earliest saved game is unaffected. I am also not sure how to replicate the issue. I only know that it happened as soon as I loaded the game. It affected my character (paladin) and the BB Rogue.
  4. I have had the same thing happen following the steps provided by Arouet. AMD FX 4100 nVidia GTX 780 16GB RAM Windows 8.1 Pro (64bit)
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