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Posts posted by TSBasilisk

  1. Shiness

    RPG based on a French manga - combat is based on martial arts fighting games


    Quite a bit of in-work gameplay footage and in-game cutscenes and a lot of dialogue in a language they developed for the game. They're also eager to introduce the manga to new markets as the first chapter is available with all tiers, and the first volume starting at the $30 tier.

  2. As I understand it, it's largely the same on PC: You can make it a single- or multi-player server, save and reload to earlier states, kick people if you're host, etc.


    You can play on the main Denmark server or, if you're ambitious, you can download the save file and explore on your own. It's a terabyte download, so hope you have a good connection and data cap.


    In fairness, item duplication infinite money exploits are a staple of the RPG genre.  There are dozens of RPGs that have had such an exploit.

    Most of them made by Bethesda.


    Except, y'know, this game isn't made by Bethesda. It's made by Zenimax Online Studios, which was created by Beth's parent corporation to handle MMOs.

  4. Homeworld rerelease collector's edition will contain a 12-inch, light-up Mothership

    Looking at that takes me back... right around the time I was playing Homeworld, my parents also gave me a model Klingon battleship to build and paint. It's recursive nostalgia, I tell you.


    Volo, he was paying you a compliment. And you may think " I don't see it as a compliment" but your posting style in the past has made many people not take what you say seriously. So don't get offended when people make supportive comments of your posts, they are not trolling. They are just surprised :)

    Backhanded compliments aren't really compliments, no matter how true.

  5. Got the mini-Christmas version on Steam back in December. It's bizarrely captivating and enjoyable in a way that's hard to explain. The tie-in for Shadow Warrior one-ups it due to the grumbling comments from the janitor, though. Nothing like picking up a piece of bloody... something and hearing your character mutter "What the hell is that?"


    Although, half the time with games like Dead Space and FEAR there isn't a need for the VCD because we do clean it up... with lots and lots of fire.

  6. Plus, with other companies like Sony throwing their own hats in the VR ring a start-up company is going to have a hard time keeping up once the actual products start rolling out. Backing from Facebook may give them an extra edge once VR becomes a full war.

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