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Posts posted by DGwar

  1. Good news to every one who has finally mastered the halo2 maps. There are 9 new maps for Halo 2


    I know 5 names:

    Warlock- aged version of wizard

    Containment- winter level

    Elongation -halo2 version of longest




    2 are out now for free (warlock and containment) on x-box live.

    2 are available for $5.99 (turf and sactuary) on x-box live. But these will be free june 28.


    All 9 come out on June 29 on a retail disk ($20) that will also include the v1.1 patch plus xtras. the remaining 5 will be $12.99 on x-box live.

  2. hey there. i recently purchased morrowind but im at loss as to what im supposed to do....i just started and im in the town where i was supposed to go =)


    the problem is i dont know how to play it because this is the first one in the series i've played.


    oh and its difficult to kill anyone or get a significant amount of gold.



    Don't listen to the haters of the world. The best way to earn money is stealing from a house and selling everything in it. plus sidequests!!!!!!

  3. Not ot mention the rumor that nintendo's new system wont be able to have zelda or mario because it will be completely new, like the ds. So there's some more game for the god of all gaming systems (xbox).




    You know that is the dumbest rumor I ever heared, anyone that belives in it sould do mankind a favor and kill thenselves.



    Maybe i should do mankind a favor and kill the non-belevers. (in halo 2)

  4. If you continue to be an arsehole to people, you are likely to get banned.


    shut up


    You appear to have some deep-seated emotional problems. Are you being sexually abused? Did your father leave you? How has your harbouring of sexual feelings for your mother affected your family life?



    This is just absolutley hilarious...... :lol::lol::p



    I must agree. :D



    You guys are so heartless. what if you cause something bad to happen, ike him to become some crazy serial killer.

    but it is funny (w00t)

  5. Morrowind worked as a Elder Scrolls game but what it aimed would not translate well into a Star Wars theme.


    What Star Wars need is inovative titles within the gender, TSL ultimate failed because the obsession with starting as a Jedi, I think it would be far more interesting if we started the game as a Sith.



    Again i'm only saying the free life like play should be incorperated. So should the character creation. how every item was an actual item and anyone was able to be killed. That is all i mean. plus converting to first person to shoot blaster's would be nice too. but the should do that Like Stranger's Wrath.

  6. I have a BETTER game idea!


    Let's make Fallout 5!


    Let's call it, Fallout 5: The Chosen One Must Choose, but with a TWIST!


    Let's give a second subtitle!


    Fallout 5: The Chosen One Must Choose: The Brotherhood of FREAKING HERVE CAEN YOU FREAKING MORON: A Post Nuclear 3D FPS Live Action Role Playing Game.


    And let's give it space sim elements.


    And you can pilot a big robot!


    And you can dual rockets launchers!


    BETTER YET! You can dual-wield robots which are dual-wielding rocket launchers!!!!


    And combat will be in FPS mode, but with a twist! It'll have fighter game elements too! Like Dungeon Lords, the ultimate combat RPG of 2004.


    This will be grreat!!


    What a grreat game idea!!!!




    You don't have to post if you're not gonna at least be serious. and quad-weilding roket launchers? are you on crack?

  7. Why is every one so hard on morrowind.(and me) It was a great game for when it came out. and it did something no one else had.


    When i said like morrowind i meant with the free lance feeling and the camera(1st and 3rd person) And the leveling system. which worked once you figured it out.

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