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Posts posted by TentamusDarkblade

  1. well, i just saw the article and it does clearly say KOTOR III is on the way. This is also the issue where the Xbox 2 third party blackout has been lifted (check out the Condemned article :)) so it's feasible that KOTOR3 is going to be a next gen title and they couldn't say anything at all regarding developing, pre-production, etc till this time.


    I'd be really interested in hearing from a dev now regarding pre-production of KOTOR3, yea or nay.

  2. Lawrence Kasdan, Leigh Brackett, Irvin Kershner, Richard Marquand, and David Webb Peoples were the folks who took ole' lucas' Flash Gordon/hidden Fortress rip off and fleshed it out and crafted it into a viable sci-fi mythology.


    Mitaclorians, Clones, Jar Jar Binks as a senator, the ham fisted love scenes in ep 2, and the "SUPER DELUXE RE-EDIT AMAZING DIGITALIZED VERSION DVDS" make lucas a hack and removes any respect due to the guy.

  3. As for Lucas, he's non canon as far as I'm concerned. The entire metaclorian mess and near-Jesus complex in Episode 1 killed it for me. He created a great universe, but he can't direct (at least by himself) and he can't write.

    Ahmen to that!



    I really think that folks like Lawrence Kasdan, Leigh Brackett, Irvin Kershner, Richard Marquand, and David Webb Peoples deserve just as much, if not more credit for the greatness of the Star Wars Universe since they were the writers and the directors who fleshed out and crafted Lucas' Flash Gordon/Hidden Fortress rip-off into it's own solid sci-fi mythos.


    Nowadays it's folks like Timothy Zahn, Michael Stackpole, the design crew at Obsidian and Bioware, and the various writers at Dark Horse that are keeping star wars alive since ole' George seems determined to kill it with asinine plots, 2 diminsional characters, and plain wretched directorial and editorial jobs.


  4. I think Hades and i argued this same point before. My stance is that the KOTOR series story revolves around the EVENTS not the PEOPLE. Reven tells one act of the story, then the perspective switches to The exile to tell the middle act, then a third and final character tells the final act.


    The actual arching storyline between the series is the struggles of the Republic during this period starting with the Jedi Civil war in KOTOR1, the Republic teetering on the edge of destruction and pulling itself back from the brink in KOTOR2, and most likely the True War with the Sith and the rebirth of a stronger republic in KOTOR3.


    Revan was a min-arch within this arch. Revan's story of War, controlling his destiny through defeating his past. Exile's mini-arch was of Acceptance, accepting his past so he can find his destiny. Who knows what mini-arch will be thought up for the character in KOTOR3, but i can guess that his theme will highlight either Rebirth or Unity (or both).


    Of course, this is just my view. I Don't think the characters were the main focus of the overall story, just the focus of the individual game's story. The actual game trilogy's story finale can easily be told by a brand new character.

  5. {[As the player walks off the Core, Atton is leaning against a pillar, off to the side.]} <This scene should take place if the PC is female, and assumes that Atton didn't fight either Sion or the Disciple.  Think of it as an alternative to Sion killing him, if you're getting all teary eyed over that possibility.  If it does take place, it occurs instead of the Handmaiden/Visas dialogue above, and right after you fight Kreia.>


    Atton:  {Trying to be casual, but wants to go with the player}Need any company? {Beat, casual}I mean, I'm not doing anything. Besides, if I'm not around to bail you out of trouble, who knows what could happen.


    <player says something at this point, something the lines of "sure you can come">


    Atton:  All right, then. {Beat}Where are we going again? I mean, because last time, we were heading toward this mining colony on the edge of space, and there was this Sith Lord, and...


    <Cut to credits, scene of Ebon Hawk taking off, whatever.>

    Does anyone else get the feeling that Atton is a force ghost at this point? It just seems like a bittersweet moment with a lost companion who is the only one who can go with you.

  6. Well, I never thought I'd see a buggy piece of software like this. And I do driver development for a living.  How wrong was I.

    I'm pretty sure that I have a 5900 FX (well, no ****, drivers install, board says it's 5900), but on my machine, I can't play for 5 minutes without a crash.


    If AA or AF is turned on, game starts in a window.

    At 1280x1024 with AA/AF off and everything else on, game crashes every 1-5 minutes, depending on area. Nar Shaddaa landing pad and Drux are the worst so far (Drux is where I am)

    Turning down res doesn't matter. Turning off eye candy doesn't matter. Turning off sound doesn't matter.

    Install latest drivers? Doesn't matter.


    Funny......Nwn and KOTOR1 run flawlessly. I guess that's how much difference there is between Bioware and OE/LA.


    Yes, I understand hte complexities involved in writing complex pieces of software, and **** that has to run on many systems. But this is RETARDED.

    Wait a sec...you do driver development for a living yet you're not even sure what card you're running? wow.

  7. mouth breathing should also be avoided when possible. Mouth breathers are just, well, disturbing.


    Every 2 hours (or is it 4? i can't remember) you should get away from your desk, even if it's just to wander the halls chatting up co-workers. New stimuli will keep your brain on it's toes, increase creativity, and help alleviate many work and stress related injuries and illnesses.


    You should drink between 32 and 64 ounces of water a day, but only drink when you are thirsty. Remember, many people confuse hunger with thirst so next time you feel hungry drink a glass of water and wait 15 minutes. If you're still hungry then reach for the cheetos.


    Posture while working for extended periods at a time at a desk is the number one cause of back, arm and shoulder troubles. Always be sure to keep you back straight, your hands in a comfortable, relaxed position, and be sure to take breaks between periods of intense typing.

  8. What are you arguing here? Where did i imply that i could drive while drunk?


    Calm down. Breathe. Then post when you start making sense.


    I think most people are idiots and alcohol just gives them an excuse to act that way. Alcohol lowers inhibitions, muting that little voice in your head telling you that mooning a cop car is a bad idea. But it's the alcohol sure as hell didn't put that thought in their head to begin with, it just quieted the voice that might have counselled against it. Might have counselled.


    Are you saying that your friends and dad would never do anything idiotic sober and that alcohol makes them act that way against their will?


    The very first post Oerwinde says alcohol causes all these bad things to happen, that's scapegoating. Saying that these bad things wouldn't happend if alcohol ws eliminated, that's scapegoating.


    Now, think things through then post and we'll see if this conversation can go someplace constructive.

  9. well, my problem is:

    1) LA provided all of the QA and set the ship date.

    2) Stuff gets cut from games all the time due to time constraints, balance, over-all sense of cohesion, and bugginess.

    3) I can't recall being promised anything for this game


    Done deal. If folks have problems, then flaming the forums is a waste of time and bandwidth. You don't know how the industry works and you have no idea what sort of contractual agreement OE was under with LA, so poundung your chest and proclaiming what they must do for kotor3 is just retarded.


    on a side note, i actually would like to see what plot holes you found. Not so much to argue over them, but just because i'm curious and I'm wondering if i either filled in the details on my own as i went or if i just looked at them in a different light.


    Edit: i realize i come across pretty harsh and i apologize. I have a pretty brutal writing style and i'm developing less nad less patience with "fans" on forums, which i need to work on.


    I get agrivated because most devs houses i've worked with honestly want to make good games and are just as upset, angry, and frustrated as the fans are when publishers push dates or provide piss-poor QA support.


    Just think how much it burns them when they're already pissed at LA but can't say anything at all because of contractual obligations and then log in to see "fans" flaming them for the exact reason they're pissed at LA. It's an unfair situation to them and yet folks are still completely happy dog-piling on them for **** they couldn't have changed. So, once again, i apologize for snapping but please try to see things from OE's standpoint too before you start flaming on them next time.

  10. Taks and Ellester hit it on the head. People will always find something else. Nature abhors a vacuum.


    There is also the physchologyical aspect that folks will always find scapegoats. The Booze made me wreck my car, my allergy to pollen made me wreck my car, my radio made me wreck my car, my "compulsion to ram things that i'm getting therapy for" made me wreck my car...you get the picture. Our society is full of people who want to point fingers and shift blame.


    Our kids shoot each other because of violent games and sex on TV, not because i'm a failure as a parent. I've got a disease that makes me snort coke, it's not that i'm just weak willed and unwilling to help myself. etc etc etc...It's really depressing, but true.


    jesus, sorry about hopping on the soap box. Guess it bugs me more than i thought :(

  11. he sort of is doing something that is completly inapropriate.

    If ole' lucas refers to wholesale slaughter of men, women and children in a fit of anger as sort of doing something inappropriate then that just shows how bat-**** insane lucas is.


    So when Alderaan was blown away, was Vader just doing something mildly unacceptable?


    Lucas struck gold with the original trilogy, but has done nothing but ruin the franchise with his handling of the prequel trilogy. So excuse me if i completely disregard what that hack has to say.

  12. Phosphor is dead right on that. Every game i've ever worked on ended up with erroneous code. Bits and pieces of ideas that never panned out, got re-worked, or just plain didn't fit with the rest of the project.


    Also, it should be noted that OE does not have any full time, in-house QA. They are completely reliant on LA to provide their QA as well as any compat testing.


    Just take a look in the back of the manual. QA was all from Lucasarts.

  13. 1)  In Peragus in the crew quarters are two doors that require explosives to open (one leads to what I assume is the stash mentioned by a dead miner on a datapad).  Well my character doesn't have much in the way of demolitions but when I got Atton, I sent him down there, and he has demo at 9 and he still can't get in?  Has anyone gotten in there - and what level did you need?  I'm playing on difficult so that probably has an impact.

    hhmm...i didn't try it on difficult, but on nromal i was able to blow through them with Atton.

    2)  On the EbonHawk, Atton spends some time asking you about your lightsaber.  Do your answers matter?  If you tell him a specific type and/or color  is that what you get at some point?  If you reply you don't remember/care is it random?

    You'll never get your old lightsaber back, but you will encounter it later. If you reply with not caring then it's just the defualt saber for your class.

    3)  Are there LS/DS mastery bonuses for prestige classes?  If so what are they?  And are they additive to LS/DS mastery bonuses for the regular classes?

    the LS/DS Mastery bonus is just based off of your base class.

    LS Guardian: +3 STR

    DS Guardian: +1-8 Damage


    LS Sentinel: +3 CON

    DS Sentinel: +3 DEX


    LS Consular: +3 WIS

    DS Consular: +50 FP

    4)  Another one.  What exactly is the difference in difficulty levels?  I've heard it said that increasing the difficulty on really affects rolls against skills use, and not enemy stats or combat.  Anyone know?  If it doesn't affect combat, then I'll stay on normal because I like opening every locked goody box/room.

    It seems to increase Difficulty rolls and puts the scaling enemies up just a notch.

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