The BG style devolves into a 'save', 'rest', if you get attacked 'reload', 'rest' again until you are good to go. It inevitably leads to gaming the system outside of ironman modes. It also takes away from the fun parts, I.e. exploration, combat, etc.
I'd like a system that lets you recover a resources (health, magic, energy, whatever) on a limited basis so you can continue to explore with diminishing returns. Eventually, you'll have to camp to fully recover (perhaps forage for potion ingredients) and continue the fun. I don't see the benefit of having to leave a dungeon to rest, especially when there will be a mega-dungeon. It would be irritating to make it to level 10 to have to go back up and find an inn.
In short I don't want a game mechanic designed to keep me from moving forward in the game with stopping all the time.