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Everything posted by GSpotFrenzy

  1. no people...let's clarify...in the threads about the delay, I expressed my opinion that you should all get over it. I never said they werent the right place for you to whine like 8 year olds. What I'm saying is, that it's a pain in the ass when every thread gets derailed into the SAME topic, brought about by the same people that seem to take every chance to try and remind everyone that they think LA sucks and they wont be playing, and why. Newsflash...most of us dont care
  2. once again this board shows an incredible ability to stay on topic
  3. QUIT TELLING US IN EVERY THREAD. All you do is derail the on topic conversation in every thread you post in. If I'm talking about the game, I really dont care if you intend to play it or not. Quit ruining topics with your petulant antics.
  4. ditto...I loved reclining in the easy chair and just settling in for hours at a time.
  5. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> not so much...Revan THOUGHT he knew who he/she was. Fake Identity != Amnesia
  6. so does fury do anything besides have the guy yell?
  7. my kinda guy...I've got a Yamaha as well, but I couldnt afford the Klipsch I've got some very nice JBL studio's on the front, Infinity Interlude's on the back
  8. I'd like to take a poll of how old some of you are.
  9. Ick...that interface looks so terrible. I'll stick to my PC with my Altec Lansing speakers thanks. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> how is the PC interface different
  10. How many of you will be boycotting Half Life 2? That game was postponed a YEAR. It's irritating, but I'll still play it.
  11. All I can say is it's painfuly obvious that most of you have no idea how the video game industry works, or why for that matter. But, have fun with it.
  12. what about all the drivel Anakin spouts in AotC?
  13. Mock me if you must. But I will not buy anything made by Lucasarts for a full year. Infact, I'll even extend that to Lucasfilm products. (Not that they make anything I want these days anyway. ) All of you whining PC gamers bitching about how Lucasarts has given you the shaft once again, PUT YOUR BOGDAMN MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS!!! If you limpwristed pansies don't even have the willpower not to buy the games of one company for one measly year of your lives, quite frankly, I'm ashamed. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> this will do very little because 90% of people out there dont view this as a conspiracy and a stab in the back. Still...your money, your choice. More power to you..but dont expect many people to get all worked up like you are.
  14. I didnt mind Carth. Juhani was another story.
  15. I agree with you...so the question remains. If love is such a bad thing, and Lucas has made it so that the Force is genetic (which he kind of had to to make hiding Luke worth a damn)...how do the lines continue?
  16. you're missing the point.I admit I'm speculating. the question is...if Force ability is genetic, and passed down, and love is Forbidden how do the Jedi lines continue? Do 2 Jedi just say "alright, we gotta do this" and walk away?
  17. even in KOTOR bastila talks about emotional attatchments being forbidden.
  18. bascially if I went to the trouble of making Revan light and redeeming Bastical, I want it to have been for something.
  19. As weird as I thought the midichlorians were at first, they make sense. If who was going to be Force sensitive was mystical, and at random...well Anakin having 2 children would not be a big deal. So Lucas had to show a way that having the force was genetically passed on. I think maaaybe love is discouraged until you're a more mature Jedi. I young Padawan might not be able to deal, but a mature Jedi can handle it.
  20. When I went with a 2 saber set up it was blue with a yellow in the off hand.
  21. I dont know how old many of you are, but do yourrself a favor and dont screw up your credit. I could have never afforded that, but when something like 2 years same as cash comes, you can pay like $100 a month on it if that's all you can afford. But you have to have decent credit for them to let you do it.
  22. I went into debt for that sucker...it's paid off now (thank god for best buy 2 years same as cash) But it's so worth it.
  23. I love playing this game on the big screen with progressive scan..my 55" Mitsubishi preciouuuusssss
  24. I'll admit it. I'm a wuss. I care. I have a car payment, and rent and graduate classes and a high maintenance girlfriend, yet I care about these fictional characters. I dont want Revan to die, or be evil. I played him as light. I made Bastila fall in love with him. After all that crap I dont want it to be like "well what as all that for?" Yes, I'm a wuss. I admit it.
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