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Everything posted by SubZoey

  1. I feel that there are other ways to reward the player some experience for not fighting. Maybe tie it to the stronghold or something similar. For instance, If you talked your way out of a situation you might get something like " followers at your stronghold heard word of your deeds and their moral boost rewards you ##xp". Whatever the same xp is you would get for all the creatures you would have fought. If you end up changing your mind then have their moral backtrack or something. Maybe if you could pick to have good, evil, or neutral followers and get rewarded for playing as such. Neutral could be like playing the regular IE games.
  2. It seems like the combat is going speed is going to need to find a nice balance between older IE games and games like Dragon Age: Origins since talents are being presented in this game. I personally like the slower "weighty-er" combat of DA:O. I still paused to micromanage, but didn't have to pause so much that I could still use some talents in real time. I understand if I am to be shunned for bringing up DA. If it helps at all I absolutely despised the consolized DA2. (Edited for herp derp)
  3. I don't know about having cats EVERYWHERE, but I would like to see some cats in this game. A fond memory of mine is when I'd click on a cat to hear it meow in NWN 2 and my cat would race into my room and knock everything off my desk looking for it.
  4. I love minigames. First one I ever played was in shenmue where he could relax in his place a throw on some videogames. I really liked the fighting and dice poker mini games in the Witcher 2. I also enjoyed playing blackjack in fable. I even liked the card games in the FF and KoToR franchises. I think PE should have at least something along these lines (except playing videogames of course) to give it that extra immersion.
  5. If you don't want romance between your characters then don't let them have one. Why is this such a hot topic? I personally feel that it adds another layer to the roleplaying experience.
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