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Posts posted by Oxford_Guy

  1. The range of zoom level between maximum and minimum seems very limited - you can't zoom out enough to get a good enough overall scope, nor zoom in enough to see more of the character details. Is this intentional or will this be changed?


    Might just be my setup? This is on a 13" 1440x900 screen and an Intel HD 4000 GPU


    Panning around the map also seems very slow, but maybe that's just my GPU?

  2. skills like mechanics, lore etc have no direct impact on the combat. with lore of course you get to figure out the stats and weaknesses of enemies you fight and with mechanics you may get to set traps and lure enemies into them, but they do not affect your performance in the actual combat


    Is there a manual where all this is covered? I'm feeling a bit lost at the moment...


    I actually prefer a smaller party in most RPGs e.g. 4


    Same here, back in the day I enjoyed playing BG1 with Ajantis + Jaheira + Imohen + own character fighter/mage/thief. Less micro-management, less clicks (I'm a lazy person), and it just worked as well.


    Hopefully PoE will be reasonably playable with 4 party members.




    I often used to play a Bard (usually a Blade or Jester) in BG, which sort of covered two classes, and usually just took 3, sometimes 4 companion NPCs


    Actually I'm the opposite, I'm hoping it's going to be more like BG where (although there way ways around this) you had to pick up NPCs, all with their own personality and story. This was one of the reasons I didn't like IWD, as you had to create your whole party (and there was no inter-party interaction) - it takes me long enough to decide how I want my main PC to be, never mind 6!


    Is Pillars of Eternity going to be more like BG in this regard? Sorry, I haven't been reading the Dev diaries, if this has already been stated

    There are 8 known companions that you will encounter, and have the opportunity to recruit, over the course of the game.



    So it sounds like the rogue build I'm starting to think about won't be duplicated through the available companions, which is potentially good

  5. User interface and path finding needs another pass: Everytime I select group and click to talk to someone some other character in my party (and not me) walks up to the character I clicked on. Very annoying to have to deselect every time. Path finding is erratic at best.


    Yes I picked up on that straight away - shouldn't the group leader (character on the furthest left) always be the person who engages conversation if you have the group selected? Think that's how it worked in BG, You can, of course, select a specific character, but it's tiresome to do that all the time.


    BTW despite this comment (which is really a very minor irritation)  I'm very much liking what I'm see, but do realise it's a young game and will need time to mature to reach its full potential.


    Compared to BG (2nd Edition D&D, more or less), P:E seems quite a lot more complex on first look, which could be a good or a bad thing, though any moderately complicated game can seem a bit daunting at first (I thought this of the excellent Europa Universalis IV by Paradox initially, and now love the game and understand how it all works). Complexity can be okay if the systems are logical and clear.

  6. Apologies if this is a stupid question, but I assume in the release game that you will start at level 1 not level 4 or whatever? I certainly hope so! I assume this is just because it's easier to test thing (e.g. magic, skills) at a higher level?


    Also - how far into the game is the beta start point? I assume it's not the same as the release point start point will be? I assume for similar reasons to above?

  7. There are definitely components that characters use that need a CPU optimization pass which is likely the contributing cause to your slowdowns. The ol' Refactor Tractor will be visiting them shortly.


    Great - BTW my computer has a 2Ghz dual-core i7, Intel HD 4000 GPU and 8GB RAM, so it's no powerhouse, but shouldn't be a complete slouch

  8. 1

    3 - 5. Wizards spells may be do bit too little of damage, but most of your issues seems to come out from that you don't know how to properly target AoE spells, which is probably because there is no tutorial in beta and you haven't accustomed to offensive spells that also can hit on your own party members. 


    If you ever played BG this was the same - the use of Fireball was actually quite limited, as although a powerful spell, it was very easy to burn you own party to a crisp, but there were other spells you could use (e.g. Magic Missile) that although on paper weaker, avoided this problem - I presume Pillars of Eternity also has a mix of types of offensive spell, for different situations - I've not played it enough to know yet, though

    • Like 1
  9. I'm disappointed this game is a failure.

    normally i send a email to the developers to tell them my complaints but im so angry about the .... everything....


    1º the group i want to create my own group not a premade group.



    Actually I'm the opposite, I'm hoping it's going to be more like BG where (although there way ways around this) you had to pick up NPCs, all with their own personality and story. This was one of the reasons I didn't like IWD, as you had to create your whole party (and there was no inter-party interaction) - it takes me long enough to decide how I want my main PC to be, never mind 6!


    Is Pillars of Eternity going to be more like BG in this regard? Sorry, I haven't been reading the Dev diaries, if this has already been stated

  10. well you will need the relevant weapon skills, as for dirty tricks they come with the class. aristocrat fallen on hard times is a character background you can choose and may change some stats and you dont have to get traps thieving you can just as easily invest in other skills. as for guns its anyone's guess until the games comes out


    Do you need good mechanics skills to be good with guns? I assume light armour and high Dex would be useful to get in swift attacks, anything else worth focusing on?

  11. Each companion in the real game has a button on their ability bar that allows you to talk to them at any time.  I'm pretty sure all of them have options in those dialogues where you can just ask them to leave immediately.


    However, as mentioned above, the BB characters don't have any of this because they aren't real characters - we didn't write any dialogue for them.


    Okay, great, thanks for the explanation!

  12. Well, you can still talk to them using the basic interface even when the talking icon is not there I believe. What I mean is that the "talking icon" will pop up when they have something new to share, like how they would suddenly start talking to you in the BGs. New content so to speak. But you can still talk to them and ask them about their history and such I believe.


    Doesn't seem to work for me, still can't figure out how to talk to my party

  13. You can talk to them, yes. There's also a new feature where a small "talking icon" will appear on their portraits if they have something they want to discuss (instead of the dialogue window popping up right away like in BG, you can decide when you want to tackle whatever the issue may be).


    And I assume there'll be a simple way to remove characters from out of your party.


    Thanks, but how do you talk to them when they don't have that icon?

  14. Hi - I was thinking it might be fun to make a Swashbuckler/Pirate build - basically a rogue with dual-wielding rapier/stiletto and pistol skills, focusing on   cunning and underhand attacks. Perhaps an aristocrat fallen on hard times, who's a bit of a cad. What would be good starting choices for such a build? Not so interested in traps/thieving. Also - how easy are the first pistols to get hold of (no spoilers please)?

    • Like 2
  15. We haven't done any performance optimizations yet. Today, Roby is looking into optimizing factions that might help in larger areas with lots of baddies/people. 


    Great, I know the graphics are much better than BG/iWD, but the performance is definitely worse on my Intel HD4000 computer, though, as I said, it's still playable  

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