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Posts posted by Oxford_Guy





    I tried both shift-# (which is ~) and just the key that~ is on (i.e. #) on it's own, but no console opens



    Unless you're using a non-U.S. keyboard the tilde key (`) is indeed what opens the console. Should be able to just hit that key, hit enter and type iroll20s to activate console commands. I have no idea what the non-U.S.-standard key equivalent is, sorry.



    I have a UK keyboard. Where is the tilda key on US keyboards? Mine is accessed by shift-#, the # key is two keys right of the "L" key



    I'm not much of a math person myself so I'm not sure, but given your calculation it seems like it's effectively a tossup, probably a bit in favor of the Aumaua.


    What other penalties are there for having on 3 INT? Still don't much like the idea of a utter moron for my PC, regardless of whether this makes much difference in-game,. though...


    Low int penalizes AoE and duration - the object of the build being that it doesn't need either. That's more-or-less all.



    well, not exactly.  the 3 int also modifies will saves.  you is gonna start with a 17 will save.  at level 8, your will save is a 38. you can somewhat counter the impact o' near guaranteed failed wills saves by taking bull's will, but that does cost a talent, and talents is vital.  you are gonna face many will saves in the game.  something to consider.  is still a powerful build, but it would be good even w/o tanking int.


    HA! Good Fun!


    Yeah, but you counter loss of will by pumping Resolve. Which adds to your will saves.

    Thus you're starting with even more  will saves then your default 10res/int stats. Precisely by 5 more with 16 Resolve.


    it doesn't quite work out that way, does it?  you actually have worse will saves with the 3/15 split on intelligence and resolve as 'posed to 10/10... but that is precise why it makes sense not to tank int.  take 10 int and 15 resolve (not that we suggest doing so for a rogue) gets you 30 on will saves as 'posed to 17.  regardless, we sure as heck don't want worse than 10/10, but am s'posing we is more concerned with saves than is some other folks.  




    HA! Good Fun!



    So, what would be a viable version of this build that doesn't tank Int quite so much, say if going for 8 Int? I just can't bear to have my main PC such an idiot, even if it's not the optimal build - I'm not really a min/maxer, but like the overall build concept. Where could I take the other 5 points from?


    Would this work: 17/4/18/16/8/15 ?


    Also which culture  and background would best suit this build,both RP-wise and for the bonuses?


    Also, would making this character a female limit any of my options? Or maybe open up others?


    Point 1: Does the racial and cultural bonuses allow going above 18?

    When I look at the thread about companion attributes, it seems so.

    If yes, regarding the Hearth Orlan Dual Wielding Rogue:

    - Why not lower the CON to 3 and rise PER or RES above 18?

    - Aumaua could then be able to reach 21 Might. Wouldn't it be more interessant DPSwise than a Orlan?


    It does, and it's true that you might well drop the last point of Con for more Resolve or Perception. It won't make a ton of difference either way.


    The reason you want Hearth Orlan is its special ability, Minor Threat, which converts 10% of hits to crits when attacking the same target as one of your allies. This is notably more valuable than a few more points of Might.



    Point 2: What would be a great culture and background for the above mentionned build? Does it have an impact on the dialog options?


    You can run any culture or background with the build above. If you want, Living Lands will let you stuff another point into Might.


    Backgrounds and cultures do effect dialog options, but not in any way particular to this build.



    Point 3: Having 3 in INT in some games makes most of the dialog impossible. Is it the case here and do the high RES and PER make up for the loss of dialog option?


    So far as I know, 3 Int won't cost you any dialog options that 10 or 8 Int doesn't. There's no stupid-speak; PoE rewards high attributes with dialog options, rather than penalizing low ones. So while you're not going to get any lines that require an Int of 12 or 14 or whatever, but that's not going to destroy your experience.



    What other penalties are there for having on 3 INT? Still don't much like the idea of a utter moron for my PC, regardless of whether this makes much difference in-game,. though...



    That shouldn't be a problem. If it's added to your game list, you can right click it and the first option should be to pre-load.

    It is, but then I get the error message - as far as I can tell it's won't download any files :-(


    Is anyone else getting this happening?


    Also I do I download the Strategy. Guide and World Almanac that I purchased as separate pledges? When will they become available to download?



    I only got a message about the game not being released yet, and the files being encrypted. The install still popped up in the background.


    Extras like the strategy guide will be released when the game is released.



    Ah, okay - think this has actually downloaded, sorry. 


    Will we be notified when other items (such as the Strategy Guide) become available to download?

  5. That shouldn't be a problem. If it's added to your game list, you can right click it and the first option should be to pre-load.

    It is, but then I get the error message - as far as I can tell it's won't download any files :-(


    Is anyone else getting this happening?


    Also I do I download the Strategy. Guide and World Almanac that I purchased as separate pledges? When will they become available to download?

  6. Just as an aside for those still considering who want a spoiler free tip...  The only classes with no NPC companion are Monk, Rogue, and Barbarian.  So if you feel you need one (or more) of those classes you will need to make at least the MC one of them and possibly add soulless husks to go along.


    Just as well I was thinking of player a rogue, as rogues of one sort or another (including Bards) have been my favourite class to play in IE games. 

  7. So, am just wondering, will running at a resolution higher than 1080p give no visual benefit currently? Not a huge deal, am just curious, as I'm considering buying a new laptop computer soon with a good GPU, and am trying to figure out if there are enough games I'm likely to play that would benefit from a resolution greater than 1080p. If not, may just get one with a 1080p screen



    As far as I know, there will not be achievements in the game. Which for me personally also would not make any sense for this kind of game.


    Okay, no worries


    There are going to be achievements in the steam version of the game (the devs have mentioned it and it's confirmed by the steam page). Ii don't know if opening the console will have any effect on them.



    Okay, the I hope there's going to be some way to adjust the zoom range without having to use the console and without breaking achievements in the release game

  9. I guess its your resolution but like polanski said their is a solution for you. On the other hand a intel 4000 HD is not the fastest GPU on the market and should be the problem why panning around is so slow.


    That was what I was thinking, but I have no way to test whether it's an better on faster GPUs
    I do plan on upgrading to a laptop with Nvidia 970M graphics very soon, though!
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