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About Janet

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  1. You're kidding, right? What? Edit: Oh, I looked up your post history, I guess you're having the opposite problem. It sucks that the higher resolution fix apparently broke it for others, but do you really have to loudly complain about a turnaround time of one week? And then come in this thread, of all places, to complain some more? To put things in perspective, you do realize that we've been living with the blurry text for 5 months, not one week, let alone 1 day? It was an honest question. Thought you were being sarcastic, because you're the first to say you're not having blurry text after 2.0. Yeah, sorry. I didn't know there was a regression issue for text rendering. I was just so happy to get into the game and finally find crisp text that I rushed into this old thread to gush about it. Hope it gets fixed soon!
  2. You're kidding, right? What? Edit: Oh, I looked up your post history, I guess you're having the opposite problem. It sucks that the higher resolution fix apparently broke it for others, but do you really have to loudly complain about a turnaround time of one week? And then come in this thread, of all places, to complain some more? To put things in perspective, you do realize that we've been living with the blurry text for 5 months, not one week, let alone 1 day?
  3. Oh my god, I just started the game in 2.0 and the fonts are so crisp, so beautiful. Thank you so much, guys! You have no idea how happy this little thing makes me.
  4. Thanks, that's a relief. I'll contact them now to see if anything can be done about the mouse pad.
  5. My box just arrived at the office, and I just noticed that I may not have everything I'm supposed to. The ship notification mentions: Whereas my account order list mentions: I don't want to open the box until I'm home, but are these bolded items supposed to be inside the box? Ser Daniel Fortesque's photo earlier in the thread has the collector's book outside a seemingly unopened box, so I would assume it would be a separate article on the receipt, but I want to get my facts straight before I contact support. I'm also missing the mousepad despite it being on the receipt, though that's probably Canuckistan customs dropping the ball yet again.
  6. I think it only applies to the initial autoattack, so that if the character is already attacking something, he'll move on to the next target. It's annoying, yeah.
  7. Lephys, where do you find the time to both post and play? Those roll result numbers match what I've seen in-game, at least in the Cyclopedia. I haven't verified that the same numbers are applied in the combat rolls.
  8. Regarding scouting mode, just set the game to autopause on enemy sighted. The game pauses before combat is engaged, and you can then engage sneaking with enemies none the wiser.
  9. I don't think font scaling is an easy fix, but it certainly would be great to have. Playing at 2560x1600, it's the biggest concern I have that hasn't already been addressed or slated for next week's patch. All the 2D content is beautifully rendered save for the text. I've tried scaling it down using the Font Scale option, but it still has sampling artifacts.
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