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Posts posted by Cultist

  1. 1. Easy matchmaking multiplayer (BattleNet style), with a lobby and you can easily find other players to start a game (even bring a PvP arena option to fight your single player character vs others single players character) Note: Multiplayer experience will stay in the multiplayer

    F#$% you!

    2. Have large scales battles and "castle" battles or regional… be able to hold a stronghold or a city and invade other cities and regions "macro styled"… this would be considered in the "story development and its variables"

    F#$% you!

    3. Multiclass (I hope Pillars of Eternity allows multi class") - Because I want a Cypher-Mage main hero [:p]

    F#$% you!

    5. Allow to have more roles than an adventurer (own a land, castle)

    F#$% you!

    6. Large dimension maps (like Morrowind or Skyrim etc..) that you can travel in various regions even if its "fast-travel", you feel the map can be endless….. It;s something even Baldurs Gate didn't give me… I always wanted to know I could go beyond the limits and see the rest of the world to the point of forgetting the main quest.

    F#$% you!

    8. Monthly DLC (for the company to make profits and have the game constantly updated to bigger and further level, making it interactive)

    F#$% you!

    9. SinglePlayer oriented games to be able to foster an online community from modding to LAN and multiplayers platforms

    F#$% you!

    • Like 3
  2. In the vast majority of RPGs the only way you could change or affect your companions is by making them better, turning them from the "dark side" or persuading them to abandon their evil ways. Could we do the opposite as well? Let us corrupt our companions. Make paladins fall, priests abandon their gods, vigilant betray their comrades and ideals. We already had it to some extent in KOTOR2 and DA:O. In Dragon Age it was called "hardening" - making companion more cynical, harsh and selfish. In KOTOR2 via your influence and certain dialogues you could turn companions to the dark side, like "helping" Atton to accept and be proud of his past as a jedi murderer.

    We already have seen companions in PE like Cadegund - a priestess of Magran. By "corrupting" her we may have option either to shatter her faith or push her into more severe actions - more like "Bomb them all, Magran will recognize her own!"

    Same goes for NPCs. Push a lord to expell elves\orlans from the community, force paladins to embark on a purging crusade, convince a repenting character that his\her actions were right and there's no need for repentance


    Profit could be obvious - seduce a wizard with temptations of dark and forbidden arts and you may gain an access to rare skein steel equipment.

    • Like 11
  3. Raving psychopath kind of evil that became a "default" option in cRPGs is boring. So even in non-D&D system "evil" is considered as anything beyond goody-two-shoes options. But in PE I would like to see a different kind of "evil", more of a calculating, scheming, selfish one.
    Ideally, something like this:


    In other words, more of a Baelish and Tywin and less Joffrey.

    • Like 2
  4. @Cultist, would you still not sacrifice Int if someone demonstrated mathematically to you that some other combination or base damage bonus, accuracy, crit chance, and attack speed yields greater damage per hit and damage per second in all circumstances? Just asking.

    I will consider it. For fighter\rogue, if crit build wold be more potent or Int will not provide some other benefits, like additional dialogue options or such, then i may consider changing it. The problem is that if one attribute foverns damage output then it'll be inevitably required and everything could simply go down to what other stat should I max. So far from scarse info we got STR looks like a dump stat. Maybe after some more information about inventory system will be released its value will go up.

  5. Don't know about SPECIAL but BG2 had you rolling stats - so you could easily max 2 if not 3.

    PE will be more like NWN2 point-buy - sure you could buy lots of strength but then you'd have too few points for CON/DEX.

    For a fighter in that, I'd buy 16-17 STR, similar CON and maybe 15-16 DEX (though NWN2 allows increasing stats at certain level-ups so you could end up with higher STR at epic-levels).(Which means that 18 STR isn't really maxed at all).

    Edit - gear to improve stats notwithstanding - may as well get a good build and then improve strength through gear as improve DEX / CON etc.

    I base my assumptions on a theory, that in PE stats would not be increased throughout the game and character will have a fixed amount of them to distribute at the beginning. Game system will determine the value of non-Int attributes I may choose to sacrifice. Example - Fallout have a very strict requirements for player attributes - due to perks being very dependant on skills AND stats and some perks, critical to character build, could not be gained without rising a stat to certain value. So, for example, should PE feature powerful armors, that will impose severe penalties if character's STR=<7 then I will adjust my fighter build to have max Int, 7 str and rest to accuracy\crit, depending on what will be more effective in terms of damage dealing. Same adjustment goes to wizards and rogues. That does not mean I will not max Int, that means i will sacrifice different stats.

  6. Please, do explain to me how your damage-dealing god (decked out with the bestest gear ever, of course) is going to be useful for the majority of the fight if he's knocked out in the first few seconds. Yes, the priest can probably get you back and heal some stamina, but the more you heal, the more opportunity opens up for the enemies to chip away your Health... and if that hits zero, the results ain't pretty. As for Resolve, yes, that is something you can work around (except for the fact that it affects Psyche defense, and having your extra-uber-OP killing machine turned against you doesn't spell a very long adventuring career for the rest of the party), assuming you don't use anything status effect-related, or AoE attacks. But without Dex, you're basically useless *shrug*.

    Because damage dealing god is expected to take precautions to prevent being knocked out in the first few seconds. Be it equipment or spells or potion or something else. I have no problem surviving with min\maxed mages, rogues or fighters in BG series. You are describing theories without even knowing what spells or other attributes will do and how they will perform in PE. I am talking about one attribute that will be FAR more important than the rest due to affecting all damage and effectiveness, rather than some of them.

    Characters will die easily because you'll have no health or stamina. All the other things I mentioned are specifically the effects of the other stats as described by Josh earlier.

    And yeah, you'll be able to build characters however you want on easier difficulties, but the idea that maxing their damage is squeezing out every drop of effectiveness at higher difficulties is only true if it's hard for characters to die which seems like a flawed assumption. Josh thinks games should be challenging and has said the higher difficulties will feel like all the hardest fights in the IWD games, he also wants the game to be balanced so I have no doubt he will balance health and stamina to be valuable.

    Equipment have a traditional role for compensating that chars lack in stats. But I am talking about dump stats. If in BG2 we had dumps like Charisma for fighters, or Str for wizards, we also had universally useful Dex. 18 dex 18 int 18 con wizard lost nothing for reducing other attributes. If PE is going to have Int governing damage and effectiveness, then it is inevitably will be maxed for combat classes. In my opinion, that is a broblem. It turns choice from "how should I rearrange stats for my character for greater effectiveness" to "which stat should i sacrifice to max Int"

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