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Everything posted by UpdraftKyp

  1. Now just because i do not know html does not mean i and programming deficient..i am a master at visual basic, not too great an accomplishment i kno, and i am on thwe road to mastering C++, but guess what...im not the guy who programs anymore...im the designer dude...but like grandpa (the poster not my actual grandpa) said, im not going to let any somments get me down... -se im smiling
  2. anyone good at dreamweaver?
  3. um, scuz me for being so naive, but wat is this game that cannot be named?
  4. Thank you Grandpa, and I'm actually in the process of working up the funds to purchase and build such a webpage... and i like all your ideas, save the fact that I am still going to get my team to build a couple of mods first, as given the idea from others, just to give them some experience (as im the most experienced with game and programming of the lot) I wonder if you wouldn't mind helping me find a good webhost, for I've actually been trying (though rathr unfruitifully) to learn Dreamweaver, my cousin (member of the team) is rather skilled with it (supposedley)...so we'll se wat happens ther once i get the funding as i am trying to save up to buy myself a nice car....you know the drill...tranportation comes before amatuer bussiness... but newayz..back to work...
  5. Normal as in Neverwinter Nights and Morrowind..i dont mean the Spiderweb esque games... i mean with normal graphics for today's awesome RPG B)
  6. good idea, i think i'll have my team work on a neat mod trying to show the Sheneflo Peninsula using the Aurora Toolset, and a fun little one useing the Unreal Engine that is essentially a first person crossbowman experience....but i will still continue my planning on Project Seradu (Web site is started for it, just is from a link on my homepage) How much do normal games cost to develop? How much is the NWN 2 Development cost? How much would it cost to lisence the NWN 1 or 2 Engines? all just questions that popped into my mind...
  7. well, no mater how it was obtained, I SO look forward to KOTOR 2 and NWN 2...as I'm a big RPG fan
  8. That sounds pretty cool...but I'm still going to continue my planning... Hum Didee Dum
  9. *Bows* Thank You. Thank You. :D
  10. I'm gunna have to say; No, No, and Yes, but only with friends... But I do understand writing, programming, some animations, controls, how to plan well, organization, leadership, and what the CRPRer of today wants; and i think that with the proper budget and if i hire the right people, i think it will be possible Well if the good people at Obsidian were to, you know, nudge the people at Atari to take my submission, and think about it... I'd love to use the new suped up version of the Aurura engine that Obsidian is making, though i'd have to have a few minor modifications... but newayz....
  11. I would love more insight eccspecially from Devs..but I want anybody's help...
  12. hhhmm but what if instead you took away all white forms of sugar and instead substituted pure granulated sugar cane and got soy milk to throw into the mix...? I want to be a designer
  13. Yes, i agree, but my difficulty lies in figuring out how to get that client, because until i do, i wont have the resources at my disposal to do anything for my plans.... well im going to go and work on the Project Seradu Page.
  14. For all who've read my profile, you know that I'm trying to start out a new game developer, Updraft Entertainment, and hope to get my greedy little hands on the D&D liscense (spl? ) I am already early in the planning stages for it (for details, the Project Seradu site will be upand running with a link from my homepage soon) and I was wondering the possibilities of me getting the liscense i want..(slim, huh?) anyways, anyone who can help guide me in the right dirction please... MKS
  15. I'm new here, so I'm unaware if this is already in active discussion, but anywayz... How is it you guys at Obsidian got the most amazing license in RPG history (and the Star Wars one) as your first two games? Is there some sort of trick to it? did you have a ton of original ideas and contacted Atari with them(thats my plan :D )? Is it somethign else?
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