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About akaGryWolf

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator


  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
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  1. Thanks! I did not see this listed, my bad!
  2. With the upgraded quality of the visuals compared to BG and IWD would it be possible to show damage and quality of armor/weapons/etc... in the item portrait areas. For example, I have a well worn ring mail armor set. Would it be possible to dull the rings or show rust? Conversely, would it be possible to show a minor glow for enchantments, etc.. Just an idea...
  3. I place my vote for losing the current style portraits. With a system that allows for customization of character facial details should come the ability to show a snapshot of that in the portrait box. I don't care if the current portraits stay, just provide an option for the snapshot. Dwarf (Male) - Head should be shorter and wider. Looks to elongated in the customization screen. Elf (Male) - Very dark and sinister in appearance. Even after selecting a different "head".
  4. When changing the options window from Auto-Pause to Game, or any other tab, all labels vanish. All options still work from what I can tell so far so it does not affect the use of each tab.
  5. After having my main character die a horrible death during play, he was brought back to life after the battle. The bug is that he disappeared and all I was able to see was his weapon moving along with the party similar to animated armor. He did reappear later but I did not notice when this occurred. Camping did not change this effect. Another death did not change this effect. Battle did not change this effect. I believe it was just while exploring and it took about 5 mins for the avatar to reappear.
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