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Posts posted by HawkSoft

  1. @rjshae, neither of my book suggestions are about generation ships but about what happens to societies isolated in space.


    In Serpents Reach you have a relatively small *alpha* human population that has been quarantined by the rest of humanity in a sector containing the first intelligent aliens. The book examines how a small society, exposed to alien behavioural norms might drift away from what we consider normal…


    A Deepness in the Sky is set in a universe with a (almost) galaxy spanning trading civilisation where individual deals might take decades or longer to come to fruition. The book itself is about a clash between this mature trading civilisation that exists as a diaspora of generation ships, a regional planet-based *barbarian* power and a newly discovered alien species. There's quite a lot of politics both within and between the 3 civilisations.

  2. I haven't been able to actually find patch notes that say this, only a few posters talking about the change in beta. From what I gather spells switching from per rest to per encounter at later levels is gone. In place is a system that allows for mastery of one particular spell that can but use per encounter and other spells remain per rest.

    I apologize in advance for not having the time to write out a very detailed post on the pros and cons of per rest vs per. It has been debated at length on this forum though and of the argument put forth I would like to simple add this.
    I agree with nearly every point that supports a per encounter system, and find the arguments for the vancian spell system to be antiquated.
    Perhaps most importantly for me, the per encounter system is simply more FUN. Also the per rest system FEEL like I need meta knowledge of the game (like what mobs are around the corner) to use spell correctly.
    So this post is simply a plea from someone who has sunk over 200 hours into this game, please don't move closer to the per rest spell system.
    If anything I have been looking forward to having more spells become per encounter as my casters in all my different parties move into the final phase of the game.

    OK, now I can read it.


    I think the change is sensible but misnamed, it's encouraged me to branch out and try more spells rather than just spamming the low level ones.

    • Like 1
  3. Some more thoughts.


    On a spaceship the key materials to make gunpowder, sulphur and saltpetre are likely to be hard to get hold of whilst electrical power will be plentiful, even if small, high power batteries are not.


    High precision machining facilities would be a *must have* on any generational ship so making a weapon, given a suitable design and materials should be straightforward. Chemical processing would be more problematic as many techniques rely on gravity and most are potentially very dangerous.


    Some ship made weapon options:

    There would probably be very strong taboos about polluting the air or damaging the (biological) waste recycling system.

    • Like 4
  4. Sounds interesting, as does Age of Decadence, but unless it runs on Mac I won't be playing it :(


    Some book references, have you read?

    • Serpents Reach by CJ Cherryh, how an isolated human society loses much of its humanity
    • A Deepness in the Sky by Vernor Vinge, considers how a sub-light trading empire might work (or not…)

    I am concerned that you already have a detailed arms catalogue but your background does not seem to have considered what the attitudes of 4th generation spacers might be to the widespread use of weapons that could cause catastrophic equipment damage and/or decompression.

    Current day sky marshals use weapons designed not to cause decompression in a thin skinned airliner, I would expect born and bred spacers to have similar concerns. Yes, you could say the ship is built into an asteroid and hand wave the problem away but I think you could make the setting more unique by considering this issue.


    Characters should also have a good dose of *settler skills* EG farming which might diverge from their practical templates to become pseudo religions in the absence of any practical application, EG the Three Fielders versus the Enclosers (these are from UK history). This could be a source of *matrix tribalism* among the crew and allow for multi-dimensional reputations.

    • Like 4
  5. @Tennisgolfball, I think we must be playing different games.

    Once I had un-learnt my Infinity Engine habits I found combat in PoE straightforward but satisfying: it doesn't require any form of twitch skills or devolve to an elemental game of rock-paper-scissors but bad tactics will hurt your party every time.


    I feel the survival buffs are too generous and probably should be halved, I also don't understand the in-game rational for only being able to choose 1 benefit out of 6. If I were a character I'd spend an extra 4/8 hours in camp to prepare the anti-venom, buff up the armour and sharpen the weapons (etc.) to ensure I got as many factors in my favour as possible, that's how real world soldiers and sportsmen operate.


    Confusion comes from the unclear interaction of the camping bonus and the persistent inn bonuses :(

    In my experience it's much easier to order separate meals at an inn/hotel than to cook up more than one type of food whilst camping ;)



    • Seem gamey, EG becoming an expert in slaying XYZ overnight (more suitable for an action RPG than a cRPG?),


    The mechanic is abstracted enough that I'm sure anyone with an imagination could come up with a reasonable explanation. Maybe you've spent time during the night preparing a coating for your weapons that is particularly effective against certain creatures? I'm sure there's a ton of possible explanations.

    I'm happy with the idea that you can sit round the campfire and prepare anti-slime arrows (or whatever). What I don't like is that you don't need any other expertise to do it :(


    If, say, it required at least one character to have Primal Bane for anyone in the party to select the anti-Primal bonus that that would be cool and enhance my experience of roleplaying :)

  7. Amplified Wave from my experience with the Beta is not worth it... at all. If you wanted to mass prone you'd be better off using Calling the World's Maw, Call to Slumber or Slicken, all of which can be used right from the start without having to build Focus.


    I agree with you that Amplified Wave is no longer worth the focus, I just tried it to see what it felt like in terms of a *return on investment* (poor).



    BTW I'm happy being a *wuss* and playing on normal thanks ;)

  8. I've just re-armed my cipher with Pliambo per Casitàs (a nice arquebus) and treated myself to an Amplified Wave when tackling the next crop of bounty villains (Foemyna). It was the only power the cipher used in the fight, he just had enough focus to do something interesting with as the last opponent went down.


    Aloth opened with Expose Vulnerabilities and then switched to damage dealing, it was all over rather quickly.

    • Like 1
  9. With apologies for the deliberately inflammatory title :blush:


    Making Survival useful is great but the new resting bonuses:

    • May make the game (even) easier,
    • Seem gamey, EG becoming an expert in slaying XYZ overnight (more suitable for an action RPG than a cRPG?),
    • Cause confusion with Inn/Stronghold bonuses,
    • Raise the question of why the whole party has to take the same resting bonus at (EG) a fully developed stronghold (10 options) when camping bonuses are chosen per character,
    • Have too many options.




    EDIT: For reference I play on normal and appreciate that the situation may be different with other difficulties.

  10. With the current beta build [v3.00.929 PX1-Steam] I do not believe ranged ciphers are a worthwhile choice for protagonist and if I wanted a melee build I'd go paladin or possibly rogue.


    For companion ciphers the build options seem to be limited: greater focus, biting whip and the best firearm available (=Lead Spitter) seem to be obligatory.



    I wonder what the next *balance* iteration will bring  :rolleyes:

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    everything has a price.  =S

    Surely they could have thought of a better reward than inflicting foolish and pointless backer stories on everyone else. A bunch of out of world npc's standing around does indeed harm immersion and atmosphere. What self respecting kickstarter backer would want to inflict that blemish on an otherwise great game?



    Checking kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/obsidian/project-eternity/description

    • At least 367 people pledged $500+ to get a digital memorial (I assume the other premium pledges also got a memorial).
    • 114 people (out of a possible 200) pledged $1k to name and design one of the gold NPCs.

    So, to answer your question, it was people who really wanted to make the game happen and were prepared to pay well over the odds to help ensure it did ;)

  12. Just loaded up my L13 cipher led party in the 3.0 Beta, they have cleared WM-1 and I sent them on a bit of bounty hunting (Aedyr slavers and Rauatai pirates).


    Playing on normal the protagonist is nerfed, despite being armed with Boressaine and Tall Grass he just couldn't get enough focus to make a significant contribution with his powers. Despite a couple of anxious moments the party defeated both sets of villains easily but the cipher was being *carried* by the rest of the part. Up to that point he had been the leading damage dealer in the party, in the 2 fights he used one L3 power (Ecto-Echo), the rest were L1/L2, he just wasn't generating enough focus…



    In comparison, at L7/8 GM was a useful harasser (using L1/2 powers) when under the AI's control which, I suspect, is more efficient at picking focus generating targets than I am. This is OK, but boring, for a companion character, it's not OK for the protagonist.


    I could improve the cipher by re-specking him to pick a wider variety of L1/L2 powers and drop but why?

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