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Posts posted by SeekDWay

  1. I haven't encountered any bugs yet (40 hours in) but I'm tempted to just stop playing until the patch. But that's a slippery slope for me. I stopped playing DOS a few months ago when Swen started teasing us (I swear that's all he's been doing since November: teasing) about a big content/polish patch for Spring. 

    You are not the only one. :D


    The patch looks good. Those 2 wizard spells had it coming, but the omfg wizard now useless crap makes me laugh. If you want to play a single player MMO go play Dragon Age: Inquisition instead. They are even buffing most other spells.

    My PC is a chanter and the nerfs to the machinegun chant are understandable.


    Huge thanks for fixes being retroactive, I have so many hours in this game that this is truely a blessing.


    I live in Europe and still haven't received my Wasteland 2. You're lucky to live in USA. :D


    Crossing my fingers that I get my box sometime... next year. Maybe.


    Have you been in contact with inXile as you should have gotten your copy already. I got my in December of last year, which was what they said after several delay notices. 


    Oh, I have. They said my address field was longer than 20 characters so they couldn't send it to the correct address, that was after I contacted them. I find that quite hilarious, were my expectation not so low I might have found that infuriating. It's supposedly on the way... for some time now.


    Don't get me wrong inXile rock,  I just have 0 faith in euro post.

  3. Get Eder and pump his deflection with a shield and all the talents you can get for engagement. A good tank can pretty much carry your whole team on easy, given that you control your ranged party members by giving them attack orders. If you have a priest use Blessing at the start of every fight.


    If it is still hard for you, just hire another tank Eder Mk. II adventurer. The more Eder, the better Eder. With 6 Eder Moongodlike you can afk in fights.



    If you are playing a goody two shoes benevolent type, don't do the quest that starts with a godlike woman called Pallegina saying something to you, it'll end up broken.

    Which bug is this? I was playing a generally nice person, but...



    Not one who would rush to the defense of someone who knew what they were getting themselves into. Is it a good thing I didn't save the trading company boss?



    In terms of completing the quest, yup!  If you try to, it just doesn't update itself and Pallegina disappears.



    I've completed the quest successfully, Pallegina rocks btw. Are you sure you've completed all the steps?


  5. Their review of DA: Inquisition (8/10) :


    In Short: An excellent return to form for the Dragon Age series, and the biggest and most ambitious Western role-player since the new generation began.

    Pros: Gigantic game world filled with genuinely interesting things to do. Gradually increasing inquisition powers are handled well. Complex crafting and character customisation.

    Cons: Wishy-washy combat system and glitchy camera. Constant stream of other minor bugs. Game does a poor job of explaining its back story.


    Their reviews are a pretentious joke. I don't know what their target audience is, but I don't think they do eighter. Trash a game give it 8/10 move on. OK.

  6. No serious bugs here, just a few companions having a few points of extra stats.


    If you like IE games, just buy it. It might feel a little dumbed down, but the game expands nicely in later levels for most classes, if you don't abuse obviously broken game mechanics. Writing is top notch even if companions could have had a bit more beef to them.


    Note to self: I think I got lucky with this one, there are Obsidian games that I was never able to finish. Yet in PoE I got 0 game breaking bugs.

  7. Obsidian is a naturally occurring volcanic glass formed as an extrusive igneous rock.

    It is produced when felsic lava extruded from a volcano cools rapidly with minimum crystal growth. Obsidian is commonly found within the margins of rhyolitic lava flows known as obsidian flows, where the chemical composition (high silica content) induces a high viscosity and polymerization degree of the lava. The inhibition of atomic diffusion through this highly viscous and polymerized lava explains the lack of crystal growth. Obsidian is hard and brittle; it therefore fractures with very sharp edges, which were used in the past in cutting and piercing tools, and has been used experimentally as surgical scalpel blades.

    • Like 1

    ...you could deliberately spend ages doing something completely irrelevant to the main quest. And you just can not in PoE.

    I spent something like 46 hours doing side quests before I ever did a single quest in Defiance Bay.


    I have completed one quest of the main story line after the into for 20 hours now. :D

    • Like 1
  9. I enjoy the game and I plan to replay it. I don't share your opinion about having 0 reasons to replay the game.


    But... I agree the game feels average and combat is a bit meh.


    I'll still give it 9/10, wanna know why? Because there wasn't a game this good for a long long time. My expectation have dropped to abyssmal levels and this game, as flawed as it is, is just what I wanted to play. And there is your answer. Yes BG was better, but since then expecation for this kind of games have dropped severely.

    • Like 6
  10. The only Chanter op skill is the ranged reload invocation and that's because ranged weapons are very "balanced".


    Ciphers are op, but it might be only because ranged weapons are an issue. I think they should tone this down, even if PoE is a single player game.


    Fighters and Paladins can tank, so what? Better nerf some godlike subraces, they are infinitely more broken.


    Rangers have been underwhelming since beta and have not improved much. This is the only class I think they should scrap, I don't like their take on rangers and I loved them in DnD.


    I think Barbarians feel out of place in PoE, there is nothing unique about them (splash so what?) and their rage is a joke. The class is fine and all, but just like the ranger I don't like their take on it. They simply cant survive or feel powerful in PoE like they do in other games. For me Barbarians were always these fighters who have severe ups and downs. You rage and overwhelm the enemy, when your rage isn't up you are underperforming, unfortunately the barbarian rage in PoE is a joke and I cannot call it anything else with the current combat mechanics.

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