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Everything posted by Ekho

  1. Watching Chris get steadily more drunk was the best part about that stream. Congratulations guys!
  2. I don't HAVE another $30 to spend.
  3. Well that's a bummer. I was really hoping they would include the CD/cards onto the $250 tier, but it doesn't look like the case. Thanks!
  4. Hey guys, I posted the same question on the kickstarter page, but since the comments section is currently exploding, it's impossible to actually keep up with anything. So to get right to it, I'm pledging for the $250 tier, but since I'm living internationally, the actual amount is $280. Now I'm wondering, am I eligible for any of the addons that aren't included in the $250 tier (The obsidian shirt, the CD and the cards specifically)? I'm thinking I'm not, but I'd like to know for sure before the KS ends. Thanks a lot!
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