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About NetQvist

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  1. - Eder gets the amulet if you make him skeptical about his faith. - Aloth gets a unique scepter if he dismantles the leaden key, but if he becomes the leader of it he gets a thaos helmet.
  2. Did someone clone me? Couldn't figure it out at release so I replayed PoE1 with a bleakwalker, tried the same char in POE2 afterwards but I got mad at the disposition system. Now I've tried like 5-10 things past the first island but I just can't get into a character for some reason.
  3. If you have this pathing issue, going to the menu and loading a game or even creating a new character won't help from my experience. However saving the game, quitting the game fully and then starting it up and reloading your game will fix it "at least for the area you're in". I kind of decided to replay PoE1 instead of playing 2 due to this issue and the save state problems, I'll be starting again now though that I finished my 50h PotD playthrough and that there's a new patch.
  4. Screenshot: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/914672441106649161/276AD80645E1C0530E964ACFAB47B65232DFFB8C/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside%7C2048%3A1152&composite-to=*,*%7C2048%3A1152&background-color=black I have no idea what caused this but it was happening A LOT, basically upon every zone in to anywhere it seems like the pathing zones weren't calculated correctly or it used the wrong zone's pathing and it was different per party member! Sometimes just one character had ****ed up pathing other times it was more. Sadly the mouse cursor was not visible on the screenshots I took so you can't see the red not walkable cursor between the characters on the two which are missing legs, selecting one of the other characters makes it walkable without issues. I'm pretty sure you could literally get stuck in a zone with this because usually you cannot reach the area exits. Solution: -Saving and reloading did not work, so it's shared between game states. -Exiting and reloading the game finally fixed it after I had had gotten pissed off at exiting and entering each zone 5+ times to get correct pathing. Recreate: -No idea, I spent a lot of time with the steam overlay up and restarted the game with a new character 2-3 times without fully exiting it.
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