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Posts posted by Dangermouth

  1. God no, I can no stand the woman (Malukah) she can not sing to save her life, if she puts a single foot near this project I will freak out!


    Anyway, Eternity already has it's own bard and unlike that woman he can actually sing.


    Thought I'd check him out for a laugh: he's actually pretty good. And I bet he'll be cheap (free?) so will mean more akkers going to t' game.






    Edit. For t'northerners 'mong ya should read 'akkers going t'game' - soz. :unsure:

  2. Pots often replicate the effects of spells. As has been said elsewhere; sometimes you don't have access to the spells but need the effect.


    So I'd keep potions in. Making them genie-esque (i.e. soul-driven) is a good idea. From what I've read, there will be limited health-giving from means other than rest so I would expect this has already been factored-in and potions will not exist in abundance, although I'd like them to be craftable/creatable - say x a day at the stronghold using rare enough ingredients.

  3. You have to know if you've just knackered the game by killing someone, but no reason why you can't. On a first playthrough does seem self-defeating, however. I'd also like to know if I've lost out on a quest by inadvertently killing someone as well, especially if there will be limited xp available. I don't see any real reason to interact with the populace in the main and neither care for their welfare nor worry about their death in the main as they are (and should be) on the whole just faceless people. I prefer not to kill them as it's pointless unless your aim is to rid the world of all the pointlessness (kill everything then) but understand some people might just end up in the crossfire. So I agree with someone that there should be an option to allow you to kill anyone if you deliberately target them, but otherwise let the peons kick the bucket if and as and when but let the 'important' ones survive as long as they should BUT (hearkening back to a different forum) no futher xp for killing them to prevent silliness.


    Think that covers it all.


    TL/DR - I'm with them ^

  4. I have to admit, I'm half imagining an Expansion pack in the future which is purely set around a political storyline based on your stronghold... :shifty:


    Ramping up on the potential strategic elements of a stronghold, as well as factional reactions in the surrounding areas, quests that sink more time in diplomacy and non-combat skills...

    Although yes, you need some combat to pace out as well, especially for characters that are much more combat focused then others...



    I had just thought of something similar. Essentially the expansion kicks off/is centred around the stronghold and the need to regain it from enemy forces at least as part of a larger campaign or because you've earned the title of 'x' by developing the stronghold you now have responsibility over region 'y' from a distance which can mean just sending troops or resources until bled dry or getting out there yourself to save the little troopses for your own stronghold and more mundane menaces. That or a big bad beastie lays an egg in your dining room and you have to vacate it for a lil while.

  5. I'd like e.g. two Paladins with different philosophies e.g. pacifist/warmonger who use their abilities markedly differently and who might just up and leave you if they can't respect you. That should both cover the loss of a character class and give some insight into the range of the classes' use as well as allow for dialogue options. You can then find that they are actually father and daughter/the like and while you're trying to hook up with her/him the other actually starts to gain a healthy dislike for you.

  6. Assuming Fx doesn't crash on me again ...


    Please let's have a better mechanic than the following:


    - Mulch 100 gibberlings (or equivalent);


    - Click on each dead body and note little yellow/coloured ring;


    - manually have to select to collect the 3 gp each holds (I is poor) and then take/discard the bronze daggers/shiny things they carry;


    - then have to distribute it to other members to carry because I am too weak to move without it.





  7. Would be interesting in their 'making of' video if they could compare and contrast the experiences of making a game on their own (kind of, as here) and doing it 'under the fist' of a crappy publisher (who shall remain nameless - pick your own).


    Also would be interesting to learn how much they thought they would get via KS and how much they hoped they would and how much they'd get via another source with a bunch of caveats attached.

    • Like 1
  8. My reading of the update was that the two aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. I can see situations where it could be quite useful to be able to knobble a kobbold or two but there won't be too many of them. It would be strange to get absolutely nothing for killing anything, ever, were it the case that a fight that would be terminal is deemed necessary as opposed to one where I could just sneak around and disable the enemy. That's unlikely because this is a group-centred game, however.


    I can understand the argument that mulching a goblin for 1 xp and needing a milliion xp for my next level isn't likely to be detrimental to how the game is played, albeit the game is unlikely to be finished if that's your 'style' and never actually ever did know that you could get xp in multiple ways by completing tasks in multiple fashions.


    Which leads me to concur with those who say that if xp is to be obtained for getting through a door then you should be able to either bash it, or pick the lock (but you can't pick if it's been broken by a previous bashing by you) or hack the computer to open it which will then tell you you're a fool if the lock is either picked or broken. Which seems to be the obvious way to obviate farming for xp in the examples given about utilising multiple paths.


    If you want the vote it's 'don't care' because I don't see it as particularly troublesome. Much better to have good gameplay, characterisation, openness, longevity, modding, replayability and being able to create a nuanced pc etc which I do expect this game to have (hence funding) - i.e. delay it rather than KOTOR II it.


    Edit. Also, there's a level cap (I believe) so that makes the question of 'extra' xp moot, provided you can hit the maximum level.

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