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Alarn Vilrath

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About Alarn Vilrath

  • Rank
    Judicator of the Obsidian Order
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  • Location
    Frankfurt, Germany


  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter Badge
  1. Same here Wolf companion. Madhmr Bridge .... can't play any further. And since its my main char kicking isnt an option
  2. Ah well going with the flow i haven't recieved mine yet ^^
  3. I honestly thought that the Animators Video was the Aprils fools prank and the code wheel was real. You got my hopes up But Kudos @ paradox ... first one who got me ever. Still don't belive the Animator really do that ... it sounds (and looks) way to silly ^^ But well i might normally not fall for pranks but on 1th April i don't even believe things that are real ^^
  4. whoops corrected my mistake and pledged 8$ more 140$ Reward Tier + 20$ International shipping +8$ order entry fee http://www.kickstarter.com/profile/952022417 and i want to be "Judicator of the Obsidian Order" thx in advance ^^
  5. i upgraded from 35$ to 160$ Kickstarter Nick ist Fragga ^^ Titel ... Maybe Judicator of the Obsidian Order ^^ dont know if its already taken.
  6. Well sorry im new and maybe it was discussed somewhere else.... i even found a poll what the players would prefer ... but no definitive answer. What kind of box will i recieve for the different Tiers? I guess if i just buy the Game it will be a dvd case and thats it. I have currently an 35$ pledge and ich would go up to ..dunno 200$ if someone confirms we get some epic box for all the stuff we recieve I now its useless but i want it *g* and if i recieve just a dvd case and everything else loose in a random package i dont want it ^^
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