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About Nordicus

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    (5) Thaumaturgist
    (5) Thaumaturgist

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  1. Been playing almost entirely Eternal Card Game on Steam for last months. It's pretty great, it's an MtG clone that slightly streamlines some mechanics, and takes a lot from Hearthstone's UI and presentation. Can make some absolutely dumb combo decks with it, it's great. One minion that buffs all 4+ drops in hand, 2 copies of a spell that draw a buffed copy of a unit in your hand, A single otherwise weak 6-drop unit that is free if you cast 2 spells this turn. Then boom, suddenly 21ish mana worth of tempo on 4 mana turn. Inconsistent, but I love it.
  2. Necropolis content update added a new playable character class
  3. New post-Shim'zar list of budget decks for 10 of the 12 generals Spirit cost ranges from 900 to 1840. Sajj and Zir'an are not included because they need more rare cards to play substantially different from the other general of their respective factions.
  4. DreamWayfarer is correct. This is a negative minion "gifted" for the opponent, making it really clunky to ever remove because they can't just smack their own totems, nor can the totems ever gain attack power, or act in any way. They have to use removal spells or dispels to stop the effect, there's no other way.
  5. Just play joke decks for a year stubbornly as all hell and end up with a stupidly expensive Artifact Sajj deck (which is still a joke tbf, yesterday I had mere 52% winrate) The new Vetruvian artifact is hilarious if you can get it with blast. But I think I'm gonna shelf this deck for a while because I want to make some expensive changes with the new expansion cards, and go to my old favorite Ranged Vanar,
  6. Expansion now out! See if I can reach S-rank before season ends. Right now Diamond rank 2
  7. The lion is a free monthly card when you reach rank 20. So you will get one.
  8. Oh yeah, been playing the game for a full year. Mostly ranged Vanar but I've lately got my 2nd Vetruvian ribbon playing Artifact Sajj. It's not a great deck but it's fun. And going to get WAY more powerful with the new expansion and monthly cards because they give her tools to remove minions without getting damaged herself. Edit: for starters these two
  9. Well, Boris Johnson just said that he will not run for Prime Minister
  10. Oh, since you brought up nazis, have this. A Pro-Leave poster and a Nazi propaganda film
  11. Here you go
  12. So no formal deal negotiations have even started and Farage is already openly insulting MEPs and making threats
  13. Indeed, and the referendum promise was no show of "integrity" but a cheap campaign trick to get more votes for Conservatives back in 2013. But okay, let's say he genuinely wanted the people to have a say... why did he as the Prime Minister not even start making a plan in case Leave voters won? No matter who leads the Leave campaign, it is him who is supposed to fly out to Brussels for the meetings and represent his country. He either expected easy victory, or did not want to give the Leave campaign even ounce of legitimacy. David Cameron stepping down is no show of character, but rather he's handing away the political shovel for digging your own grave to Boris Johnson. Every Prime Minister from here on will have to play Hot Potato about invoking Article 50 and taking on the burden of leading UK out of EU, and taking the blame for every setback along the way, whether it's their fault or something they do not have any power over. And the other politicians have realized this. Boris Johnson and Michael Gove are nowhere to be seen and Jeremy Corbyn is acting as if the referendum never happened During Prime Minister's Questions stream earlier today, he dodged every other hard question with either "that is for the next government to decide", or such utter waffle that you might start wondering whether Article 50 will be ever invoked. He may come back from Brussels with UK still as much in EU as it were one week ago, but with some beginnings of a plan for what to do when Article 50 is invoked by... someone other than him. What a guy that Dodgey Dave. But then agaaaaaaaain~ Merkel just notified that there won't even be informal Brexit talks until UK officially applies to leave.
  14. You can't possibly blame Scotland for feeling this way when their result on the Referendum was 62% for Remain If there's any reason to separate, I'd say the disagreement on the sudden decision to tear down many decades of partnerships and mutual agreements and lessening your buying power from being part of a big block, is good enough reason for it. Are you against Scotland holding another, say, referendum, about leaving UK? #Sexit
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