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Posts posted by Osvir

  1. This is what I really want to discuss (my intent), this is what we've discussed thus far:

    * Should there be events that you can't defeat by any means because it is game mechanics?

    E.G, you have to run away from your opponent because he/she/it is an immortal God, impervious to mortal damage (Gods of War makes the Gods in an amazing and mythical way, but versus game mechanics they are rather trivial)



    Review this thread: http://forums.obsidi..._hl__unwinnable


    Highlighting. Hadn't seen that poll before :) thanks

  2. What features would be most important in a "Tool-kit"? (what data files should be the most easy to mod)



    * Dialogue

    * Map

    * Models

    * Sound



    Would it be easy to mod in tunnels and such in the "non-painted" area maybe? (The blackness of the edge)


    If this could be a moddable "prop" in the game I suspect that people could mod a "100% Pacifism"-Game Mode where you sneak around, perhaps if you can enter in enemies on patrol as well you could go the full way with a "James Bond" game. If there will be tranquilizer darts, smoke bombs (that you can throw with a nice area of effect circle), trap making and prone stance you could create "ventilation" type of passages to get to the end of a Dungeon.



    Although, some bosses would still be hard to "Pacify" so to speak... e.g., could dialogue be made easy to mod somehow?


    TL;DR: Talking about modding ideas.

    • Like 1
  3. Would it be easy to mod in tunnels and such in the "non-painted" area maybe? (The blackness of the edge)


    If this could be a moddable "prop" in the game I suspect that people could mod a "100% Pacifism"-Game Mode where you sneak around, perhaps if you can enter in enemies on patrol as well you could go the full way with a "James Bond" game. If there will be tranquilizer darts, smoke bombs (that you can throw with a nice area of effect circle), trap making and prone stance you could create "ventilation" type of passages to get to the end of a Dungeon.



    Although, some bosses would still be hard to "Pacify" so to speak... e.g., could dialogue be made easy to mod somehow?


    TL;DR: Talking about modding.

  4. I refer to my other post I made in this thread:

    I'm curious about the "Indiana Jones Boulder" which you can't tank but you have to run away from it to survive "Event" type of thing (otherwise you're mashed potato).


    "Dragons" is to lure attention to the thread, an "Event"/"Enemy" that you can't defeat or merely a new form of an Ancient Godlike Beast, is the "Topic".


    Could you elaborate on this? I'm not sure I get the intent of the thread after this post.


    ? I'm just explaining my intent I had when I made the thread, I'd like to discuss more than just Dragons :)


    * Dragons would be fun

    * Something else than Dragons? An ancient beast?


    This is what I really want to discuss (my intent), this is what we've discussed thus far:

    * Should there be events that you can't defeat by any means because it is game mechanics?

    E.G, you have to run away from your opponent because he/she/it is an immortal God, impervious to mortal damage (Gods of War makes the Gods in an amazing and mythical way, but versus game mechanics they are rather trivial)

    * Ancient Creatures in the game that are neither hostile or friendly, True, True Neutral.


    Adding this in too now:

    * Puzzle Traps, really difficult areas; could they allow a nearby "Checkpoint"? (Some place you are bound to fail often and have to restart)

  5. Hmmm, have I missed anything? :blink:


    Just that its a developer asking for feedback and some input on their ideas :)


    I've skimmed some articles about more video game Kickstarter projects started appearing after Wasteland 2 and Project: Eternity, right? A little bit of a revolution.


    I imagine having 100 people discussing one idea here, causes something to morph inside this mysterious "Cloud" that which "Obsidian Entertainment" is to us. I imagine 100 people discussing an idea takes 5 minutes to find something really good in it. For 10 people it might take 50 minutes before they come to the same conclusion.


    *shrug* Just some unity fluff bro haha

    • Like 1
  6. My vote lies with "Maybe" but only if time and resources play in.


    I would really be fine with a sort of Baldur's Gate-esque Co-Op but it would be awesome if I would be able to start at one point in the world, and my friend starts in a completely different part. Not an MMO, but perhaps possibility for just that, a 6 party group. Star Wars: The Old Republic had an awesome Co-Op Dialogue system.


    A strategy counterpart could be Sins of a Solar Empire, where you start far away from each other even if you are on the same team. Perhaps you could even become enemies during gameplay?

  7. I confess, I'm a heretic. I backed that MMO project a few minutes ago.... :devil:








    "Up until now, Gloria Victis was a game was being developed by a team on their own free time and without any budget whatsoever. However, it is our hope to speed up the process so that the game is released in the upcoming months. That's why we decided to offer you a possibility to co-operate with us and help in the game's creation and development."




    Also, I barely read anything I just gawped at the pictures and understood exactly what's going on :D

  8. Loosing control of Non-Player Character? *thumbs up*

    Loosing control of Main Character? *thumbs down*


    I am actually for the way Magic Candle let you control the split party directly and more for the NPC to act on their own for a bit. Just remember not to make every NPC to go off every time they enter a city. Just a few times on their to keep things interesting.


    The rest of the time, have the player send them off on "missions". I think how those old strategy game (RoTK and NA) handle your "PC" (commander in chief)'s generals and advisors has some merit. Sending them on certain mission/objectives would improve certain stats and possibly affect loyalty/influence. It is a hands off approach and the player have to be on their to and guage your loyal/influence through out the game.


    We're on the same page :D


    Likewise I wouldn't want a "Pop up interface" every time I enter a city where either my party members directly tells me what they want to do in the city and/or a "Task Interface".


    I would want it more in the ways of:

    * I press "M" for Map Interface

    * Here I can look around, Add- Markers or Tasks.

    * Rarely characters go about and disappear from the party without my consent (Though it should happen without my consent if the NPC has a personal mission or Quest that I, unfortunately, can't participate in for whatever reason. The Paladin that has to undergo questioning from his Order gets taken away and due to regulations outsiders are not allowed, of course we would be able to crash the party anyways because we really like this Paladin in our group and we'll fight/persuade to save him. Similarly we could perhaps "gain control" of the Paladin and our party is "left in stasis", like "Flashbacks" that are talked about in some other thread).


    FLASHBACK DISCUSSION RECAP: Being able to control party members in some sort of Solo Story Driven Flashback.


    Example A: Before In-Party/Quest Flashback

    You meet Minsc and Dynaheir in Nashkel and Minsc yells and boasts of his and Boo's valiant endeavors, it piques your interest and you wish to know more. You are taken to a flashback at the bridge of Gnoll Fortress and you follow a story that is narrated by present Minsc (or narrated in gameplay of flashback Minsc). You play the entire Gnoll Fortress with solo-Minsc, and when you save Dynahier you are taken back to Nashkel, and now you can decide if you want to recruit him or not.


    Example B: In-Party Gamplay Progressive Flashbacks

    You left Forton at the Stronghold/City with a Task. When you return Forton tells you what prescribed and you get to choose to play a Flashback and get to control only Forton in it without the rest of your team where he defends the Stronghold or similar (imo these should happen at certain points in the game). At the Stronghold it could act more or less as a "Mini-Game" (Defend the Stronghold!) and if you loose you "lose" a couple of items/gear whatever loot you are hoarding in your Stronghold etc. etc. as a penalty.


    Important Note: Is Minsc in anyway Licensed in a Legal way to anything? :p I soo want to have Boo special attack xD


    "Manual Markers" or "Automatic-Marks" on the Map Interface? (Do you want a Poll for this?)


    * Manual Markers: The Map is "Blind", you get the beautifully drawn Isometric Map in front of you and you have no idea where the Inn is or any NPC's but you Fill out these yourself by Right-Clicking to add "markers" (I think Baldur's Gate II had this feature), In my opinion these Symbols were clunky and big on the Map, wherein a small Triangle (Like Fallout) could suffice and serve the same function with different colors.

    * Automatic-Markers: You enter a city and you get some locations instantly on your Map (The game gives you a sense of direction, so you can easier find shops, the Tavern etc. etc. this is "Direct Feedback")

    * Both/Mix: 50m/50a, 20m/80a, 80m/80a


    Kind of want to change the Thread Title to "Parties in Cities/Wilds and Map Thoughts". Chime in if you agree (or I could make a separate Topic for Map Thoughts or we can discuss it here, what do you think?).

  9. you guys seem to be a little confused..."godlike" races are probably going to be similar to the plane touched races of DnD which were not demi-gods by any stretch of the imagination.


    Hell, even only a small handful of the Bhaalspawn ever truly unlocked their divine heritage to its fullest in order to become true demi-gods (in power, rather than just name) despite there being hundreds of them.


    The thing is, P:E being inspired by many things, doesn't mean that it has to be inspired by many different things. We know there are going to be Gods and Deity's in P:E, and "Godlike" to me when I heard it the first time was either "Demi-God" or a very powerful "Godlike" race (not Aasimar or Tiefling but "Godlike" as if cheating on early Quake games).


    Just looking at the word, sorry for being literate or anal but I feel it necessary: God-like (which means "Similar to Gods"). Planetouched sounds to me like someone who has been born into this world who have "touched" another realm during his or her "creation". A magical spell that hit the mother when she was pregnant that altered the child perhaps. I know little of what Planetouched really is though.

  10. Rogues in cities, Druids in forests?


    Osvir, a trigger might be ok, but it might also create weird meta-gamey moment where we wonder about sudden NPC initiative. Now, there could be something halfway along the lines of what you describe...possible quest specific issues are such that the npc goes off on their own, while general tasks like shopping, training, etc. could be player run.


    It might be weird but hardly in a negative way. If my companion starts to act in a way authentic to who the companion is I will applause because he is supposed to be driven by his own purposes and goals, if I suddenly lose control of a companion because he wants to do what he wants to do, I'll gladly sit back and enjoy the show. It gives a sense of feeling that they are alive. Playing Baldur's Gate in Multiplayer with friends, your friends characters are "companions" and they all serve their own purpose and you have little control except advice and suggestions through "Skype" or other "Voice-Talk"-Communication Third-Party Programs.


    In Planescape: Torment, Morte was suddenly taken away from me, why? I started to wonder, as you say in your post, and I got confused. But it also intrigued me beyond words in a "got to stroke my beard muttering 'hmm'.."-kind of way.


    Loosing control of Non-Player Character? *thumbs up* :yes:

    Loosing control of Main Character? *thumbs down* :no:


    I'm with you.


    I would love if the thief of my party just disappears without much explanation, just before entering a huge city. Then searching for some job with the local guard, you discover that he is wanted for some crimes.


    I love party-related quests, giving them life, as you said.


    Not just cities, the party could ran into unknown woods and the druid says he must do something during the night, leaving the party to solve problems of his clan, or ambush the main character the next day (as following a master plan)...


    In fact, i would like some skills that forced me to lose party members:


    1. Ranger uses "Hunting", disappears from party for 5 hours, returns with food and animal skin.

    2. Bard uses "Gather Information" in a city, disappears from party and returns 2 hours later, with new infos (or nothing at all).

    3. Wizard finds (with party) huge hieroglyphs in ancient sealed tomb and stays there deciphering it, while the party goes killing the undead around.


    Something like that...

  11. Osvir, a trigger might be ok, but it might also create weird meta-gamey moment where we wonder about sudden NPC initiative. Now, there could be something halfway along the lines of what you describe...possible quest specific issues are such that the npc goes off on their own, while general tasks like shopping, training, etc. could be player run.


    It might be weird but hardly in a negative way. If my companion starts to act in a way authentic to who the companion is I will applause because he is supposed to be driven by his own purposes and goals, if I suddenly lose control of a companion because he wants to do what he wants to do, I'll gladly sit back and enjoy the show. It gives a sense of feeling that they are alive. Playing Baldur's Gate in Multiplayer with friends, your friends characters are "companions" and they all serve their own purpose and you have little control except advice and suggestions through "Skype" or other "Voice-Talk"-Communication Third-Party Programs.


    In Planescape: Torment, Morte was suddenly taken away from me, why? I started to wonder, as you say in your post, and I got confused. But it also intrigued me beyond words in a "got to stroke my beard muttering 'hmm'.."-kind of way.


    Loosing control of Non-Player Character? *thumbs up* :yes:

    Loosing control of Main Character? *thumbs down* :no:


    I'm with you.


    I would love if the thief of my party just disappears without much explanation, just before entering a huge city. Then searching for some job with the local guard, you discover that he is wanted for some crimes.


    I love party-related quests, giving them life, as you said.


    Not just cities, the party could ran into unknown woods and the druid says he must do something during the night, leaving the party to solve problems of his clan, or ambush the main character the next day (as following a master plan)...


    In fact, i would like some skills that forced me to lose party members:


    1. Ranger uses "Hunting", disappears from party for 5 hours, returns with food and animal skin.

    2. Rogue uses "Gather Information" in a city, disappears from party and returns 2 hours later, with new infos (or nothing at all).

    3. Wizard finds (with party) huge hieroglyphs in ancient sealed tomb and stays there deciphering it, while the party goes killing the undead around.


    Something like that...


    Loving your post and fixed it for you. And I think this method would work extremely well for the Roles of the Rogues

    • Like 1
  12. Osvir, a trigger might be ok, but it might also create weird meta-gamey moment where we wonder about sudden NPC initiative. Now, there could be something halfway along the lines of what you describe...possible quest specific issues are such that the npc goes off on their own, while general tasks like shopping, training, etc. could be player run.


    It might be weird but hardly in a negative way. If my companion starts to act in a way authentic to who the companion is I will applause because he is supposed to be driven by his own purposes and goals, if I suddenly lose control of a companion because he wants to do what he wants to do, I'll gladly sit back and enjoy the show. It gives a sense of feeling that they are alive. Playing Baldur's Gate in Multiplayer with friends, your friends characters are "companions" and they all serve their own purpose and you have little control except advice and suggestions through "Skype" or other "Voice-Talk"-Communication Third-Party Programs.


    In Planescape: Torment, Morte was suddenly taken away from me, why? I started to wonder, as you say in your post, and I got confused. But it also intrigued me beyond words in a "got to stroke my beard muttering 'hmm'.."-kind of way.


    Loosing control of Non-Player Character? *thumbs up*

    Loosing control of Main Character? *thumbs down*

    • Like 1
  13. It's a shame we can't edit posts after a while. It would have been nice to get this pinned. So much easier to navigate.


    It's fine without the edit (but I do agree, been looking at this list and I kind of want to maintain/update it, make it prettier and even easier and effective, correct faults, better descriptions underneath. Name of OP next to it).


    I'll make new posts here when there's enough new topics (10~ or so?) and it should be easier to manage and easier to see what is what in those posts (Instead of 100 links or so in one post :p).


    Thank you, makes me glad to hear that it works as intended :)



    Could always copy and paste this into a new thread to be pinned with a request not to post in the thread unless you're adding new information to it. Mods might even be able to lock it so that it can't be posted in except by them, in which case updates could be PMed to the mod for insertion into the pinned thread.


    That is one way to do it.


    Personally I don't want to put that sort of "responsibility" on the Moderators nor do I think they want that kind of responsibility, I might be wrong ofc (No ill intended but I'm seeing the "Known Informations" thread in the corner of my eye: "Edited by Tale, 02 October 2012 - 04:53 PM." and the latest post by Zu Long: "Posted 14 October 2012 - 10:35 PM").

  14. Writing in a journal is not journalism. There will be no journalism in PE as the infernal machine does not exist in PE's world.

    Speak for yourself, I plan to record all my experiences with those natives and publish it.


    How are you going to publish it without a printing press? Obsidian has specifically noted that the aforementioned machine does not exist in the world of PE.


    Journalism requires mass media to exist. They didn't have newspapers or pamphlets in the time of scribes and quills.

    We have magic don't we? How about telephized propaganda.

    Television - telepathy?

    I'll find my own way out.

    That's just creepy, I was just thinking having a bunch of chinese mages duplicate manuscripts. You know, a printing press.


    ^This. I'll get a Real Estate Business, get some Chinese Slave Wizards and let them duplicate, fabricate and spreadicate my news all over the world of P:E. "Copy+Paste" Spell.


    Or better, Mirror Image :p


    Title of thread is "Journalism" I know but it's just wordplay really. I made it for discussion about "The Journal of the Hero".


    Also, more research for more of you (who maybe do not know or understand what Journalism is).

    Journalism definition as well.

  15. Project Eternity does not need to be Skyrim, image-heavy OP.


    Project Eternity is isometric, try looking back at the pictures in my original post and imagine it from an isometric view <3


    We are lucky that P:E is isometric, this means that creatures, enemies and everything that opposes us can use much more ground to move and be more versatile and flexible (have more mobility). A Giant Anaconda could slither diagonally into us from the south whilst another is coming diagonally from the north. A Monkey Beast could perhaps harass us, jump in quickly and attack us only to dodge/leap a step backwards.


    In Skyrim this mechanic (having more "living" enemies and monsters) is more of a difficulty because you've got control of your character from a "First Person" view.


    I wasn't referring to game design or mechanics, I was referring to the "an army of dragons has returned after a thousand year absence this should be in PE!" idea, which has been used in both Dragon Age (to a lesser degree) and Skyrim (to the extreme.) It's trite, it's unoriginal, it's unnecessary. Obsidian has repeatedly talked about exploring mature themes, "derp here comes the evil dragons army" does not strike me as fitting that intention.


    I refer to my other post I made in this thread:

    I'm curious about the "Indiana Jones Boulder" which you can't tank but you have to run away from it to survive "Event" type of thing (otherwise you're mashed potato).


    "Dragons" is to lure attention to the thread, an "Event"/"Enemy" that you can't defeat or merely a new form of an Ancient Godlike Beast, is the "Topic".

  16. Baldur's Gate, I really enjoyed and loved everything about the Bhaalspawn.


    In Neverwinter Nights 2: Not so much.


    Being a Godlike race is like its own "section" in itself and feels to me like something more "cool" than actually story-driven in NWN2.


    I'm wondering if the "Godlike" could be a stature, or a "title".


    Something you "ascend to become" by playing, but not particularly have to do. Starting off as a "Demi-God" right off the bat feels like cheating imo (I'm aware that you start off as one in Baldur's Gate, but it isn't revealed until late game~beginning of Baldur's Gate II, which is a sequel). Could you start off as a mere human (without any ties to a God) and work yourself up Mount Olympus to challenge the very Gods and in that way become one of them? (Kratos is a Demi-God by the way, it just isn't revealed until God of War 3... or somewhere in the 2nd installment?).

  17. If this were an IWD type of game I would say split parties are a great idea. However with having greater depth in characterization and NPC's having their own motivations, this would negate any option for an unreliable narrator. If you ask Aloth, for example, in a city to find out more about a certain book the party has discovered by doing research, not having direct control of the character would allow him to report back with a fabrication or half truth that served his personal agenda. By having direct control, you pretty much can't have such situations.


    Something to ponder on (regardless of "Parties in Cities" or not) I am sure :)


    EDIT: Could characters walking on a "trigger" take over control? Let's say you've had a Party Banter when you enter the City and Aloth says "I should go with that book to the store" and you heed his advice and do so, but as you get to the Bookstore door he casts an illusion spell or something (AI takes over), he comes out of the book store and whenever you question him about it he is "snaking" his way out of the conversation. Of course Aloth could simply say "I should go with that book to the store" the moment you enter the city and AI takes over instantly and Aloth walks away.


    There is also the question of having all of your party members "automatically" scatter about the town and you only control 1 (yours/the main character), as if they have "points" where they hang around (Like Final Fantasy IX, which is the only one I can think of right now). Suikoden does this too in the Stronghold.

  18. I'd like the game to let us have parties in cities too. With blacjack! And hookers!





    Parties should be able to split... they also shouldn't be limited to 6 people. Whats wrong with 7...or 8? I like having people around.


    It's because P:E is a 6 party based game. Unless of course you'd find "Out of Party Companions" that you could have hang around in cities (and not just in a Tavern). There is a thread floating around somewhere about "what to do with companions not in party", I looked around but couldn't find it (It's a poll, something like "Should party members not in party get experience?").

  19. The classes are locked in already - they are Fighter, Priest, Wizard, Rogue, Druid, Ranger, Paladin, Monk, Barbarian, Chanter and Cipher.


    Thank you just what I needed, coincidences <3 :D


    To look at the role of Rogues we need to look at all the other roles and how they contemplate each other. In a game like World of Warcraft this matters little (Except during Raids). For you who have played World of Warcraft, what roles are important during raids (when it really matters what class you are) and during PvP or whatnot? I also wish to take a look at other popular titles such as League of Legends, what are the roles for the 5v5 battle? Support, DPS, Magician, Tank and a Jungler (DPS/Tank/Magician/Engage~) and how do they contemplate and help each other?


    Obsidian has also stated that you will be able to "Solo" the game, as well, without any companions (Most likely for the lower tier difficulties of the game as the harder it gets the more tactical diversity you'll need). How will the Rogue fit into this "Solo" gameplay in a best way if he is only a Support scouting role? You won't be able to Pacify ALL of P:E from what I've read and learned. Backstab is undoubtly something that spring to my mind, which is why I suggest that make "Backstab" or better a "Critical Hit Chance" Ability/Skill (Your character is better at spotting weak spots and can use that to his advantage) that every Class has.


    We talk about "Backstab" being something of a skill, and not just some random dice roll effect but something some your character actually aims for and is trained for. Critical Hit/Backstab should definitely be an ability in this sense and IMO it should be available to everyone.


    There's also the question of Wizards in Heavy Armor being a specific type of Wizard, what about Rogues in Heavy Armor?


    This thread is wrongly titled "The ROLE of Rogues" when it should've been "The ROLES of Rogues". Why should the Rogue have -one- specific role when the Wizard is going be able to prance around in Heavy Armor?

  20. For what it's worth, the threads in the OP with dev feedback are:


    under GAME OPTIONS, called Hardcore Gaming, Poll on page 3


    under MISC, called Osvir's Note: Based on AD&D? on page 1


    I know there should be more, but might be in General Discussion. Thank you :D I also did this:


    This also means I accidentally posted the wrong link (Because "Hardcore Gaming" gets you to "Level Scaling"), and it's not a Poll either:


    I don't know where this topic came from, but I don't expect to use level scaling much, if at all, in PE.



    We also want to have a deep class system with a lot of options.


    And again, thank you :)


    EDIT: Here's the right link for the Hardcore Gaming Poll under GAME OPTIONS

  21. NG+ doesn't have to be cheating. It can even be harder than the normal game.

    I don't like unlockable difficuly settings.

    Examples; Mass Effect 1.


    Worst case ever: Diablo III (not that I played it, but everyone says the first run is casual and only the second better. That has to be the worst design ever I heard about...)


    It's because enemies start dropping better loot on the second playthrough (Diablo 1, 2 and 3 are all difficulty driven in terms of loot, first time you play the game for the game, the second time to get better loot and do "raids" or "runs" in the third run you want even better loot and the fourth (Inferno difficulty) you play to get the best loot and challenge yourself). In P:E I reckon as the difficulty goes up it might even be more difficult to get better loot as well.

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