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Posts posted by Osvir

  1. I'd love to have a Companion (temporary or permanent) that's just horribly weak, a rebellious commoner fighting "The Man" (Occupy reference kind of). One of the "sheep" who isn't a Hero with any special abilities, might be a decent Blacksmith at the Stronghold, but in your party he is rather worthless.


    I loved it in Suikoden that you could bring your Blacksmith with you, or your Cook, to fight in your party. They had some special abilities but were rather pointless and not really necessary for the progression of the game (they were important for your Stronghold). But I still brought my Chef with me because I thought it nice (Roleplaying-ly) to have a Chef with me. Not so much Character Inspiration perhaps, or perhaps it is I don't know... ^would be fun imo

  2. Perhaps a Nickname feature that shows up in your choices that you make:


    1. "So what's the next cause of action [Ed]?"


    Which could trigger Edair to get a specific banter "IF [Ed]". There could be Easter Eggs, if someone randomly puts Edy in there Edair could react in some funny way (just a minor thing like *Edair sighs as you call on him* or "I don't like that nickname.....").


    Regardless, if a Nickname feature exists in the "Records" tab with the Biography and everything, it could replace every "Edair", "Forton" that is seen in your Dialogue Choice when applicable. Perhaps you could even talk to Edair and say something like:


    1. "What do you think about the other guys in our group?"


    Which triggers Edair to say something like "Anyone specific?" where you get a list of all the companions, let's say I pick:


    1. "Aloth"


    Edair responds "What about him?"


    1. "I want you to call him [Nickname]" which would make Edair call Aloth "Al" where applicable.


    ^Looks like too much though... just a fun feature :)

  3. I see what you are saying, and I appreciate it, but I, personally, don't think it would work. Also, I did look at your examples (where you drew, not only the jrpg ones).


    To each his own then. Let's not let it get over our friendship, thought, having the portraits on the sidebar have "moods" depending on morale, health etc. etc. Story progression etc. etc?


    EDIT: Again, just slight subtle changes to the pictures, nothing marginal (keep it realistic to the character's appearance and shadowing etc. etc.).

  4. Hiring craftsmen would also be a nice way to fill up that stronghold players will be able to get. Just post a "Wanted: Alchemist" note, and hire one. :getlost:

    Yeah, I like that idea as well, particularly for the crafting that requires master level skills. The player can supply the need for an expanded laboratory with assistants, plus the acquisition of rare items and formulae, while the master crafter supplies the skills and experience. I've never liked the option of spending precious skill points on crafting.


    Loving these ideas.


    P:E: Soul Unknown (conceptual)

  5. Examples examples *shrug*


    To be honest I'm self-aware (I've stated several times several posts that I'm no professional artist) but thanks for pointing it out anyways! :)


    jRPG are over the top yes, I never said otherwise. I don't want P:E to be presented with another type of view, I'm throwing out inspiration.


    You look at the anime examples and think "Blegh" I think "What if it was a P:E background instead yeah, exchange that anime chick with Edair, yes, yes" but perhaps you lack the imagination to do so. Just improvisation, but thanks for the all too inspiring inspiration :)

    • Like 2
  6. Forton is badass, hardened and resolute. He is distant, and found often in deep thought. Sometimes he'll splurt out nonsense due to the drugs that are keeping him alive. He serves a higher purpose... *splat*


    Eh maybe not... *washes off boot* I look at him and he seems distant. A darker and deeper type of Monk, not very "happy-go-lucky", vibrates closer to the soul. The hair is difficult but meh, maybe he just doesn't care what others think about him because he's lost in some other space floating in-between on spiritual addiction. So much that he, who is a strong believer in mortification of the flesh (which is a term for someone who abandons pleasure, clothes or whatever makes them feel they achieve a certain "step", ~kind of), sheds his clothes and other belongings because in his faith it is not something he needs.


    Found this too, and Forton would rock this:


  7. I chime in with the same folks on day 6 of the Kickstarter forums Release Date thread.


    I don't really expect anything, just saying that I would personally be okay with it if they wanted to take more time for polish or for extra features :) when Obsidian feels like it's finished kind of. A deadline is always good of course.



    Just don't take as long as Duke Nukem forever and Half Life 3 and starcraft 2 please.


    Black Mesa is out though.

  8. thought through though (thot thru tho).




    Yes I came to the same conclusion that it'd be a lot to think about. But crafting in itself is a lot to think about, what is the most effective method? Copying all the other crafting systems out there and make it a trade? Or an ability that you need in combat situations? Hard-locked to locations? (Kingdoms of Amalur has alchemist sets at houses, and a blacksmith you can go to). The only thing I disliked about KoA was that I had 20 items I couldn't use because I was constantly missing 1 component. I haven't gotten very far in Arcanum but I felt it likewise there, I imagine the same thing happening for me in that game.


    Dang man you were just playing BG1 last week. You're going through all the games aren't you? I don't know much about KoA, but yeah I had something of a similar feeling with Arcanum. I want components to be reusable for different items. Saltpeter is like that in Arcanum, it is very useful for a lot of explosive items.


    I dropped Kingdoms of Amalur after a day or two like a month ago. Baldur's Gate is something I've been playing for like... a couple of months now (it's going slow, I'm in the Sewers of Athkatla on my first quest pretty much). Tried the very first M&M for the second time and that was a remarkably enjoyable experience (Like hearing Jim Morrison for the very first time), the first time I tried it (a year ago?) I didn't engage myself at all (I played it like it was a modern rpg xD what can I say, I'm modern-day RPG handicapped, which can be a benefit as well).

  9. Something like this, probably the best I can do *shrug*


    Ieo, what exactly am I proposing in your perspective?


    I did not mean that it should be limited to "red renegade face expression" and "blue alliance face expression", but variety and definitely no "reward" choices (obvious reward is obvious reward, not what I am advocating). You make a good point and I agree, I didn't think about that the player character is the player's character, it's like putting a face on the Master Chief, wouldn't be the same thing. And there's a lot of portraits to choose between when making a character, making all of them have expressions (and depending on if you are good or not it should require "evil" faces and "good" faces as well if going down a specific path so yes, out of the question for the player character).


    For the companions I'm ambidextrous, it'd be cool with the companions reacting (see attachment) in such a way but I can see it without as well.


  10. thought through though (thot thru tho).




    Yes I came to the same conclusion that it'd be a lot to think about. But crafting in itself is a lot to think about, what is the most effective method? Copying all the other crafting systems out there and make it a trade? Or an ability that you need in combat situations? Hard-locked to locations? (Kingdoms of Amalur has alchemist sets at houses, and a blacksmith you can go to). The only thing I disliked about KoA was that I had 20 items I couldn't use because I was constantly missing 1 component. I haven't gotten very far in Arcanum but I felt it likewise there, I imagine the same thing happening for me in that game.

  11. I've touched this subject in a couple of threads (this one per example) and just want to know what people think about it. I searched for "Craft", "Class" tags but could only find 2 threads so sorry if this has already been spoken about.


    Crafting tied to different classes.


    I can see a Wizard being a better Alchemist than a Monk, as an example. Not necessarily forcing me to go with a Monk and a Wizard in my party, but hinting that I could Craft better things if I had both of them in my party setup.


    Likewise, if I have a Rogue (who could be average at Alchemy and Herbalism) he becomes a vital part, won't be able to create as good potions with the Wizard as the Monk+Wizard setup.


    Should Crafts be tied to specific Classes? If they are, they could possible be more personal to the character and perhaps even included into a sub-class that handles Potions specifically as a tool, rather than a trade.


    My mindset is that this isn't Skyrim and we have several different Classes capable of handling different situations, but together they are one character. Having a Fighter that maintains the armor and equipment of the group by repairing, upgrading gear and so on, a Rogue that gathers herbs, whilst the Wizard prepares some chemistry in "camp mode". Macro-management.


    How would I be able to carry an entire Alchemist Set with me? This is a question regarding Alchemy is a craft... pack mule could be one solution :p

  12. To make the potion belt more interesting . . . I suppose the thing to do would be to have different kinds of potions. Say offensive potions, defensive potions and support potions, Let's say you have . . . four slots on your belt. Do you dedicate all four slots on your belt to offensive 'exploding' potions?




    Any element that adds more tactical thought to combat, in my mind, is a good way to go for any mechanic, be it potions or otherwise.


    I disagree completely with the whole mindset.

    Arbitrary rules and limitations are something I just hate in rpg systems "I'm a master swordsman, but don't know at all how to fight with a katana. Oh gee, seems I'm not even able to hold it in my hands"


    Death to arbitrary rules no matter how badly that breaks up the balance and tactics, there will be new balance and tactics in the end.


    I'm all for utility belt quick-slot potions actually, but I'd like to carry an extra gallon jug of cureall in the backpack to refill the tiny vials later.


    Bare with me - combining the Jug into the idea as well. The Alchemist Notes is merely a list of ingredients that you can craft, the Jug is the tool, the Potion Belt would be the Alchemists "Magic" tab, specifically. The quickslot belt being something else where other characters can hold potions, but for the Alchemist he could have all potions and chemistry effects/abilities in one tab, the "Grimoire" that you "cast" with. Eh eh eh? :brows: no? Okay :) I like you anyways.


    My mindset is that Crafting could be Class Specific (maybe even built into a sub-class/development/advancement). This isn't Skyrim where you have one character that can do everything, and with 6 party members I'd play the game with characters doing different things because it seems most logical and most reasonable, instead of having one character that does all crafting, so it crafting as a mechanic can be tactical in itself. Some classes could be better with some different stuff, so if I don't take the Wizard into my party my Alchemy isn't going as be as good as if I had. Maybe even have to sacrifice some Proficient Crafting Class because I'd rather have a Wizard than a Monk as an example.



    - Wizard: Alchemy Focus

    - Rogue: Alchemy and Herbalism Average

    - Monk: Herbalism Focus

    • Like 1
  13. Which makes me think of talking with a Dragon requires a specific... Skyrim already did this and no one seem to like it right? Nvm...


    I think one of the expansions in NWN had a 'dragonborn' or 'halfdragon' something as a class/trait (can't really remember what) but going this path allowed you to interact with dragons in ways others couldn't.


    Yeah that was kind of what I was going at it with it but... lots of people are dissing on it because they had a bad experience with dragons in Skyrim (and I understand it, I stopped playing Skyrim because of the dragons to be honest, they were mindless drooling mini-Archdemons and it was bad enough with Dragon Age: Origins). If the Dragons would have had a little bit more soul perhaps ;)

  14. The Magic in Baldur's Gate is wicked strong and powerful.


    I'm playing Might & Magic, the very first one, and I'm also thinking "Magic used to be so much more of a deal". I can't see what my spells are, there is no interface for it, but I have to write it down on a paper and pretty much "guess" what the spells are. I get to "name" them and so on... if I had a manual for it maybe but the point is that the PnP experience is entirely gone in Modern Games.


    I think it would be fun with some KnDP (Keyboard N Digital Paper, eh it'll do for now) within the game, Spells that you have to note what they are, Magic is mysterious after all and I've got to say that holding up my piece of paper looking at the spells I can use feels like I'm holding a Grimoire (in a sense). The Spells suddenly have a much more important value for me as a player (because I've been trying to figure out what they do). Finding the Heal spell was awesome, and the Magic Damage spell too. I started playing M&M Blind, so I figured out all the stats as I went along. Twas a most interesting experience.... There's 16 first level spells (8 Wizard, 8 Cleric), don't know if Level 2 spells are different or if it is just 8 core spells that get stronger and stronger.... we'll see.


    The effects where already in the game, but for me to remember what they were I had to find it out and take notes. I could probably learn by memory as well if I dedicated myself more... make Magic more personal to the Player in some way where it isn't too tedious (being able to write on a blank scroll, notes that you'd take IRL on PnP you can now take on an easily cloned/duplicated/bought blank scroll and you get a virtual PnP experience inside the game.


    I imagine that some spells you find you won't have a clue what they are, and you have to try it out a couple of times to "understand" it, being able to take notes on the specific spell description.

    • Like 1
  15. Well, the pro-romancer's have had their glory in Dragon Age: Origins. Can't we add in a 3rd Party Character NPC/Deity/"Avellone Poltergeist" that is an Option in the Gameplay menu that just says "No" whenever you try? :p


    I'm either/or with Romance, yes or no, doesn't really matter as long as it's presented good.


    EDIT: A Flashheart type character ;)


    • Like 2
  16. @Umberlin: Great ideas, great post! I like all 4 of them.


    So... just breaking it down/combining:

    1. Potions that have several uses (You drink 1/3rd of a potion instead of drinking all of it at once)

    2. Too much of the "good thing" will give you "bad things" (drinking 3/3 of a potion in one fight could give you penalties? Or perhaps 1 potion and 1/3 of another one... combinations sicknesses? Drinking the Potion of Vigor restores stamina but if I drink the Potion of Strength right after I'll get cramps?)

    3. Limited Ability to Carry Potions (which in my opinion is great... potions are way too abundant in these games)

    4. Interrupted "Drinking Potion" animation, like "Spell Failure" it would be like "Potion Failure". Could a Berserker get real mad if his booze is destroyed? (A Berserker should totally have alcohol as a means to be stronger in battle)


    EDIT: For number 3 a "spellbook" for Alchemists could serve this function somewhat, you'd get 100 potions but you'd have to make them, then use them. Kind of like in the way you Cast Spells but you "Crast" Potions (Craft/Cast wordplay, "Caft" works too).

  17. I think we're all on the same page, whether it is included or not (not over the top). Counted for/against/in-between and something like:


    9 For some sort of dialogue expression (beyond only text), counted "Likes" as well.

    - Osvir "Yes"

    - Sedrefilos "It'd be cool. Not over the top"

    - Azarkon (I think... for?)

    - Tamerlane "Josh Sawyer: Considerations on NPC expressions"

    - Monte Carlo "Approves"

    - Karkarov "Moving hands, Persona, 3D"

    - eimatshya "Persona, portrait next to text" (Ambidextrous)

    - nikolokolus "Like"

    - exodiark "Like"


    7 Against:

    - Ieo "PS:T is fine"

    - Hellfell "PS:T is fine"

    - rjshae "PS:T is fine"

    - Solonik "PS:T is fine"

    - Pshaw "Doesn't fit this game"

    - KaineParker "Getting the log cluttered"

    - LadyCrimson "Not over the top or too much, portrait taking space/annoying" (Ambidextrous)


    Please correct me if you count/view it from another perspective, just tried to be objective based on arguments/posts/statements/opinions.


    EDIT: Some Fallout goodiness as well, another cool method:



    EDIT: Regardless I would say that PS:T is damn fine :) it's just, I can close my eyes and imagine expression, or even non-expression, portraits+PS:T style writing being equal to <3 (For me)


    EDIT: In my first original post I mention "this thread" but I forgot to link it.

  18. Was going to make a topic about this but I don't want too many topics floating about... just tell me if it deserves its own topic (Wizard Mortality):


    Rehash of an idea that was brought up before, wanted to do an "update check" what people feel now (and the crowd seem to be thinner/more specific/purposeful on the forums than what it was before).


    Could excessive use of casting spells kill the Wizard? Not for low level spells but for some mid-range~ to high-level spells as a mechanic.


    With the Grimoire being an off-hand item (I consider everything as being "consideration" by Obsidian in my eyes so I think even the Grimoire might not even be final even if it was talked "as if final" in Update 15) can it be combined with a dagger in your main hand for Blood Magic? What kinds of Magic does the Wizard cast with a Wand instead?


    Related to this topic:

    Tribal Magic? (Tattoos, scarification, seals/runes on Armor that let's your character cast some Magic/Templar Wizard)


    Brand or the "Human Torch" springs to mind, being able to become an "elemental", but as a melee function.


    Could the Grimoire's Magic be channeled through a Sword? (Sword Mage) What kinds of combinations can you use with the Grimoire? Would Grimoire+Sword be a Fighter thing or a Wizard thing? Is the Grimoire locked to the Wizard only or is it a tool for a "non-Wizard" sub-class as well?

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