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About Noceur

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    (4) Theurgist
    (4) Theurgist

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  • Location
    Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Interests
    Creating and viewing art (3D, 2D), (composing) music, computer games. Also, I like to dig into stuff, mostly science and history.


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  1. I'd say find a game with good modding tools and learn some basic game logic programming/design, then go for something like Unity. As mentioned previously (by everyone, I believe) the pros are that you don't have to create any art/sound assets and can concentrate on learning game logic and scripting. If it's a good modding tool, you can start out with just fiddling with game logic design then scaling up to scripting when you feel you're ready. If you're interested in game logic and you already own OFP/ARMA1-3 I'd actually suggest trying that editor out as you basically only deal with game logic and in a very basic and simple way. Or, hey, Neverwinter Nights.
  2. I bought this game expecting to be bored by the lack of story and banal combat and give up about a third into the game. Imagine my outrage when I had to actually control my character in combat! Imagine the cold lump in my chest as it dawned upon me that the game had a compelling enough story to make me not only play it through once, but start over as another character! (And characters with more than one dimension?! You spit in our faces, Obsidian!) Is this what the Dungeon Siege franchise has come to?! It's supposed to be a tech-demo for streaming levels, not a game dammit! DS3 didn't even have to courtesy to wipe my saves, something DS2 had perfected to a fine art. The only positive thing about this travesty is that the controls can be bothersome at times. I may have to play the game in co-op before I think I actually got my money's worth from a Dungeon Siege game. PS. On a more serious note, the was positively fabulous along with the whole town of Stonebridge with its .
  3. There's a manual on the Steam store page for the game. http://cdn.steampowered.com/Manuals/901638...df?t=1308938477 EDIT: Although the in-game help is a bit more detailed, if I remember correctly. The "keyboard guide" in the manual was a revelation though... I didn't know you could press ctrl to pick up moneys and orbs, or that pressing tab can zoom out the automap (so that it's useful). Also F for inventory, etc. Anyway, I digress.
  4. The game runs extremely smoothly at all times except for a few points in each map. It hasn't really bothered me since Saudi Arabia, due to the lag placement being "smarter". I'll check around for those tweaks though, thanks.
  5. I bought the game back when it was just released on Steam and was frustrated enough with the game to put it on hold until just recently. The things that made me drop the game back then was the checkpoint system (I don't like being forced to play for a certain amount of time... I actually do have a life outside of AP) and the fact that the game lags horribly at certain points in the game. I presume this is when parts of the level are cleared out of memory and the next part is loaded... unfortunately these lag/load-points were always at critical points, i.e just infront of a camera or a group of terrorists. At one point the player character got stuck on a plank and I had to reload from the last checkpoint (about 15-20 minutes of gameplay lost). So, I dropped AP in favour of other games until just recently. The game does get a lot better after Saudi-Arabia. Moscow and Italy (which is where I'm at now) still have the lag-points I mentioned earlier, but they are in "safe corridors" so I've never been screwed because of them. Italy has actually been brilliant so far, especially the dialogue missions. I like that you're not rewarded or punished for your choices, but rather there are consequences, both positive and negative for them. In Moscow I decided I'd just go ahead and live with the consequences of my actions (both intentional and unintentional), never reloading unless getting stuck on a plank or small pebble. Since then the game has been a lot more fun. Also, silenced pistols FTW.
  6. Is there a huge difference in salary between composing music for television and computer games? He composed the music for Shark Attack 2, so i don't think he's too picky. Edit: Still going on about Mark Morgan here.
  7. Giants: Citizen Kabuto or something?
  8. Plot twist! :D Ps. A coherent world (i.e why build a settlement where there are no resources or other benefits? + trade between settlements (storywise)) and Mark Morgan as composer would be awesome.
  9. Since it's a roleplaying game, I don't really think there's anything wrong with how ME handles abilities (i.e pause and use ability). It's no different than how NWN 1 and 2 works and the actual shooting part is still up to the player, in real-time. Frankly though, I wouldn't mind if Alpha Protocoll didn't use (combat) abilities at all and left all the combat up to the player, and instead used an RPG heavy system for dialogue/hacking etc. I.e skip the mini-games, foo's.
  10. Xard: Actually, I wouldn't mind a minimalistic GUI. Since there's infinite ammo (which is a bit of a bummer), all you really need to show is a health bar of some sort. I'm guessing the interface will lean towards the Mass Effect one (since they've mentioned pause/tag multiple enemies). Naturally the inventory will be handled much better. Right, Obsidian?.. dudes? Meh, who am I kidding... I don't have any valuable input, I just want to see "moar" gameplay.
  11. No worries, I was just unsure as to why we were talking about the Codex all of a sudden. A bit more on topic, I'd like to see more gameplay specific screenshots or info. Screenshots just showing graphics might be ok for a shooter where the gameplay is pretty much known from the outset but this is an RPG and I'd like to know how the game handles and integrates that aspect. Btw, I take it the GUI is hidden in these screenshots?
  12. Hello guys, has rope bullets been confirmed yet? Or at least rope knives? If not, I request that the collector's edition will ship with a crate full of ropes! Also, Krezack, the graphics bashing wasn't from RPGcodex, it was from actiontrip. Having concerns about the writing quality is at least valid for an RPG. Not saying there are no idiots on the RPGcodex boards. It's an internet forum after all.
  13. That's really all i run around with. Pistol FTW! Ah! I'm really glad to hear that pistols only is a viable option. :D Now how about some Thief-esque sneak-gameplay? (or perhaps Splinter Cell would be a better reference)
  14. Silenced handguns? Count me in, Obsidian!
  15. The NWN2 toolset actually supports pen pressure? o_o
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