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Posts posted by TrashMan


    Question. Who's the e-mail goal of the day?





    Target: Gawker


    Advertiser: Hulu


    Evidence against Gawker:

    Gamers are Dead article: https://archive.today/YlBhH

    Sam Biddle's tweets about bullying

    The Presence of a number of journalists from Kotaku on Game Journo Pros - http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-London/2014/09/21/GameJournoPros-we-reveal-every-journalist-on-the-list


    Email and Phone Number: http://www.hulu.com/help/articles/59671835 - look towards the bottom of the page - note phone is only available from 6AM to 8PM


    Twitter: https://twitter.com/hulu/with_replies?lang=en


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hulu

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    I think it's still an incredibly insensitive thing to say "the death threats you have received are bull****, given the fact that you're still alive".


    Paraphrasing skewers the meaning. Either use a direct quote or don't write anything.


    b.t.w. - people have an inherent right to disbelief. TB was saying hat he didn't believe the threats were actually dangerous. I share that opinion.


    I don't ascribe to the notion that a "victim" has to be believed.

  3. I think it's safe to say that Ms. Wu is an antagonist and quite clearly mentally ill.  I picture her as a person walking through the woods, happening upon a bear den, throwing rocks at the bear cubs in the den, getting pissed off when they don't react, walking over to the cubs and repeatedly kicking them, then, after the momma bear finally wakes up and mauls her, running and screaming to everyone within earshot that she got mauled and demanding that those bears be killed.


    Well, according to Wu's former classmates, we was a weird and creepy guy, but full of $$$.

    Then as he got into the industry he got creepier.

  4. You forget to notice that neither of the two tweets by the Mojos expresses concern for the victim either. They are all focused on how it impacts THEM. On how it justifies THEM.


    It's not "A grisly murder took place. The murderer has to be stopped. My sympathy to the family."


    But it's "A murderer posted on 4chan. That proves how oppressed I am! My life is in constant danger".

    Both of those individuals have an ego that would make Kaiba jealous. Their actions proved that much. But who cares about them anyway? They are noise, trying to stay relevant.

  5. Which is why we need SJW's to tell us.


    I've seen SWJ's shaming women, telling trans people they own them ("You only have you freedom and rights because we fought for you! All you had to so was show loyalty as thanks!" ) and doing all kinds of racist, hateful stuff.


    It boggles my mind that the Internet Hate Machine turned out to be the  good guys, while those SJW's turned out the villains.


    Also am I the only one disappointed by the fact Chu's interview accomplished nothing and could've been summed up by a "notice me senpai" gif image in regards to his obsession with Zoe?

    It gave a glimpse into how vicious the pro-corruption folks can be, even to a neutral party like Pakman. That's worth something I suppose, even though we already knew that.



    I wouldn't call him pro-corruption, just living in his own little world.


    The guy kept insisting 5 tweets to set up an interview are HARRASMEENT. No sane person would ever claim that or focus so insanely on it.

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