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Posts posted by TrashMan

  1. I hate it. Because I'm stuck. I thought the patch might fix this, but nooooo.


    I have good reputation with everyone.

    Ally with Dommenel (tricked their goons in Dryford village, let that dealer get killed) and Dozens (did get that armor back and accepted to fetch some weapons)

    With Crucible Knights I have a Hero reputation (did the quest with making those golem-things, and halped the guard in Heritige Hill and 1-2 minor things)


    I want ot ally myself with the Crucible Knight, but I got no option to talk to with their leader.


    I mena...really. Why the hell does a fetch quest signify my alliance? It does not.

    Can I get out of this?

    I cna't stand the Domenels and I don't want to ally with the Dozens either.


    If the only solution is to start a new game, I might as well just uninstall the game while cursing like a drunk sailor!

    • Like 2
  2. So I decided to try a custom companion and went to bar to hire one.


    I make a mage and remove Aloth from the party.

    As I go over my new mage to adjust her grimoire, I notice that all 1st level spells are unassigned (no written spells). So I click on them to assign them, nothing happens. 2nd and 3rd level spells work fine.


    I go back to the castle and bring in Aloth. Then notice that 3 grimoires he had in his quickslots are gone. They aren't in the stash either.


    I drop another character and bring in the new mage again and give her Aloth grimoire and scribe/learn a few spells from him.

    I go in to adjust again, now 1st level spells work properly and I can assign them, but 2nd level spells don't. The only spell I could put in was Necrotic Lance. Clicking on others does nothing again.

    Very weird


    With your proposed system, you may as well scrap all DR types and resistances.

    Yeah, scrapping those was kind of the point. It's a horrendous system that adds nothing except busywork for the player. Yes, I'm smart enough to get Weapon Focus: Adventurer and to hover over the enemy's stat block before I fight, please quit making me prove that I have mastered weapon-switch technology. It's not as satisfying in the same way that, say, landing the perfect fireball or choosing who to Pain Block is.



    You brain is horrendous and need fixing more than PoE. :p

  4. most people i know disliked the mc of aldnoah. i on the other hand like him. he's a rare case of level headed character that actualy uses his brain and does not let his emotions drag him into making rash decisions in the spur of the moment





    I personally find him an unbelievable character.


    Hyper-competent and super-level-headed, to the point of emotionlessness..and he's still a kid!

    And a cadet that pawns experienced warriors.

    He becomes untouchable thanks to the power of plot.


    Uh, i was just messing around with Gromnir with the same lingo as Anita K. & co uses, then things happened apparantly.


    Yeah, this is why I really dislike people's attempts at mockery using the same phrases their (usually left-leaning) opponents use. Words have meanings, and it's immediately apparent to anybody in the know that the string of words in question makes zero sense whatsoever. Good satire is supposed to also double as a perfect example of the thing it's satirizing, after all.



    To be fair, his opposition in this regard rarely makes any sense whatsoever.






    If my feelings are not more important to them, then their feelings are not more important to me.




    So basically you are of the mind that your feelings are more important than anyone else's feelings.


    I, personally, find that an exceedingly selfish and immature attitude, but if you feel like adhering to it makes your life better, I won't try to convince you of the benefits afforded by the alternative.



    Who's this "everyone else"?

    I find it exceedingly selfish to try and censor and regulate other people because one is so weak and frail that they break under some mild discomfort.


    That the weapon doing the heavy lifting, not the class.


    It's like having a mage class that doesn't have any magic skills, but rather a dozen magical items that each can cast a spell or two.


    The Class/Paladin is responsible for +150% of the bonus damage from that attack. A maxed out weapon only gives something like +100%, assuming Damaging 3 is +50%, Slayer + 25% and the additional damage type +25% (though superb weapon is +40%?, so max maybe +115% on weapon? ).


    So give a Paladin a maxed out weapon and they can deal weapon damage +250-265% bonus damage with one hit, Give it to a different class and they can only do +100-115% bonus damage...



    But that +100% damage has nothing to do with demonic/undead.


    Same flavor and something a bit more than +X damage would be nice

    x% chance to set the enemy on fire?

    x% chance to outright kills said enemy type?

    x& chance to panic the enemy?

    • Like 1
  8. There are also slayer enchantments for weapons which gives an additional +5acc and 25% damage. In the beta you can pace up to 3 enchantments on a weapon so you could pick one of the slayer talents then put the ghost & vessel slaying enchantments on your favorite sword. Which would stack up to give you +50% DMG and +5 acc vs one class then +25% DMG and 5acc against the group you don't have a hunting talent for. While still leaving you with a slot on the weapon for the weapon quality enchantments or something else.


    Combine that with the smite ability and say the bleak walkers talent to add corrode damage to an attack and you could end up with an attack that does:

    +50% base damage with increased chance of crit (+25% dmg)

    +100% fire damage

    +50% Corrode damage

    + the third weapon slot bonus.

    For a total attack initial attack of at least standard DMG + 200% bonus damage against undead or similar.


    That the weapon doing the heavy lifting, not the class.


    It's like having a mage class that doesn't have any magic skills, but rather a dozen magical items that each can cast a spell or two.


    What about anti-undead?

    any paladin ability/aura for that?




    Thematically, Paladins in Pillars of Eternity aren't holy warriors, they are more like oathbound knights sorted into orders professing an ideal or belonging to a concept of being. This ranges from the Kind Wayfarers, which is an order that is poor but protects wayfarers and travellers, to the Bleak Walkers, that are essentially blackguards that believes that the most merciful and efficient way to solve a conflict is to end it as quickly and brutally as possible - and they strive to enforce the widely-held belief in their brutality and mercilessness by never showing weakness or random acts of unhelpful kindness - to the Goldpact Knights, that are disciplined and focused mercenaries that hold to the pact of gold no matter what.


    Paladins in general is a rather far cry from the deity- or alignment-oriented Paladins of D&D and other settings, and I would go so far as to say that narratively, they're in a bit of a strange place, with nothing to truly define what a paladin is and isn't; why is the Bleak Walkers considered a Paladin order, instead of just an organization you'd expect to see Fighters in? What is it in the Goldpact Knights that makes it's members Paladins rather than mercenary fighters? It's a bit odd, but there you have it.


    I know.

    That however, doesn't mean paladins can't be anti-undead.

    You can explain it in many ways.

    For example: A paladins soul and life burn so brightly, that undead, who long for life and a have splinter of a soul left, are both attracted to it (it is something they want) and are burned by it, since it's too intense for them.

    Or you don't even have to explain it. Say the schoolars don't agree or don't know why.



    What did they have?


    Nothing. Road police had battons to regulate traffic. Normal police on the street while they I'm sure had guns somewhere they didn't carry them.


    Violent street crime was practically nonexistent. Women could leave their baby carts with the baby outside a shop's door and it would be safe because even if something happened the random passers by would take care of it.


    It is unthinkable today but it was real. This was of course a small town, bigger cities were a little more hectic but only slightly.




    Some time back in my town, you could leave your house wide open without fear.

    The entire town was like one big family, and everyone basically helped with raising everyone elses kids.

    Not anymore



    Solution: you listen to them explain why they feel you've wronged them. If their argument holds water, you apologize and make a mental note not to repeat what you did, because even if you think it's stupid, their feelings are more important to you than your freedom to use certain words (hell, I know I have a hard time cutting back on my usage of "Jesus ****ing Christ" and "retarded", but I still do it because members of my peer group find them tasteless). If their company is less valuable to you than your freedom to cuss as much as you want, however you want, you simply let them drop out of your life. Easy as that.




    If my feelings are not more important to them, then their feelings are not more important to me.

    F*** feelings and the special-brittle snoflakes with fragile psyches.

    What people need - what the entire culture needs - is thicker skin.


    Any any superficial idiot who wants to unfriend me because I don't use the exact vocabulaty he prefers can go. In fact, I'll show him the door. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

    • Like 2


    Still not convinced mass people are being driven off, and if that is even a problem in most cases - rather laughable what people get upset over (the micro-aggressions are truly the curse of our times).




    ...Said he, amply demonstrating why micro-agressions are so damn hard to deal with.



    Racism as an ideology is pretty much marginalized into irrelevance.


    Racism as an institution, an emergent property of cultural inertia? Very much alive and kicking.

    Racism as an ideology marginalized ? Sure thing. But even you've now shifted the definition, it's still just a word to cudgel you with some times.



    The extent of your lack of empathy never fails to amaze me.



    You are now triggering me with your micro-agression.

    I demand you aplogize.



    Shirty sure would like this forum to be a boring place.


    If you define "boring" by "not populated by libertarian-leaning straight white men to the point of almost-exclusivity because everybody else finds it an unwelcoming environment", then yeah, sure, sign me up for boring. We need more boring.



    Alas, this is nothing more than a fantasy. Because the mythical "everybody else" doesn't exist.


    Case in point, you can find people of all races, skin colors, nationalities, religions and sexes LIKING the enviroment that you would probably find oh-so-horrible.



    ...You do realize that you're effectively saying "by displaying racist attitudes and causing measurable harm* to the very people being discriminated against, you are not being racist, because you set out to cause harm to other people, too".


    Deontological ethics is fine and good when kept in the courtrooms and academic discussions, but for establishing general rules of conduct? Hell no. You need consequentialism for that.


    *For a given value of harm. Let's assume the cardiovascular problems resulting from increased stress count as "harm".



    In that case, does the stress of being denied to speak openly also constitute as harm?




    Political correctness in itself is unwelcoming to a large number of people.


    Freedom of speech means protecting the right of other people to say things YOU HATE.

    If you cannot do that, than you're not really for free speech. You merely pretend (or think) to be.



    I have no idea why people think that freedom of speech means people should be protected from the consequences of their actions.


    If you take a giant, steaming dump right on the top of your desk at work, you can rightfully expect to be fired.


    Making openly racist and sexist remarks is pretty much the societal equivalent of taking a giant, steaming dump right on the top of your desk. It's okay if you do it in private as long as you don't brag about it openly, but frowned upon in public.



    Trying to censor someone IS an action with consequences too.


    "Racist" and "sexist" is thought policing and deplorable too. Two wrongs don't make a right.


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