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Posts posted by Mrakvampire


    One more thing. If we (backers that have access to beta), geeks, have difficulty understanding this system (at least huge % of us) - do you expect that your 17-y-old modern player will understand? ;)


    I have a feeling that the average 17-year-old modern player will have less difficulty understanding the system, because they haven't had the previous experience with D&D to cloud their understanding. 



    Yeah, sure. they had other systems with similar stats. It's not always 6 stats, yes, still, from game to game they deviate slightly and I've never encountered non-intuitive stat system in modern rpg. Even in Dragon Age 2 stats were self-explanatory and better, and it's a disturbing sign!

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    Yes, it's totally different. Not all wondering monsters are quest related. And apparently you don't realize people having fun earning the killing xp.

    It might change if sufficient players/backers aren't satisfied with current solutions, especially there are actually cleverer alternatives.


    What you say? Of course I realize killing and getting numbers releases dopamine surges in your brain. What you fail to realize is just because you enjoy something doesn't make it a good idea. I mean I enjoy stuffing my gob full of pizza and pie but it doesn't make it a great idea.


    Sure keep telling yourself that.

    We can get them to give exploration xp and similar (I think... maybe) but kill xp is not happening.



    Wow, wow, wow, concealed developer in the thread. All must be aware!!!

    Maybe it's fake account of that guy.. How was his name? Something with Sawyer.

  3. I did know a guy named Minsc. I think he put his hamster through an awful lot... Was it abusive? I was never sure. I didn't speak miniature giant space hamster. Does squeak mean help me!?


    Actually I'm relative (albeit distant one) to Boo. And 'squeak' can mean a lot of things, cause human ear can't percieve slight changes in intonation and pronunciation. 

    But I can assure you - Boo was a great hero, and wanted to help people around the world. True example of a hamster.






    Oh, so granting XP for kills is flaw? Maybe you know some popular modern RPG that doesn't use this 'flawed mechanic'. Witcher maybe? LOL


    Hey look. Mrak is the fourth person now to make the same intellectually bankrupt argument! Congrats Hamster.



    Yeah, I'm just hamster after all, I couldn't be compared to those PoE-fanboy elitists that will defend any idea from Obsidian, regardless of its quality.


    Are you implying moi is a fanboi? Damn. How did you figure it out? It was because I disagreed with you wasn't it? I knew that would make it too obvious. Only a retarded blind and deaf fool would argue against the genius that is Hamster. Of course you have found me out. Everything in PoE is awful. I just love corporations. The way they shield individuals from legal liability. They are people too! The supreme court said so and people just need to be loved!


    Of course you are a dirty killxp fanboi. So I guess we both suck and deserve each other.



    Wow, wow, wow. I've never said that you are elitist fanboy ;)

    Actually I implied other ppl :)

  5. We are not talking about console RPG's here, you were obviously not old enough to experience it. But whatever this thread like the "uh its not baldurs gate 3" thread are basicaly just stages for 3 drama queens and I frankly dont give a damn.


    Another brave statement. I'm starting to think that it's you who was too young at that time.




    Oh, so granting XP for kills is flaw? Maybe you know some popular modern RPG that doesn't use this 'flawed mechanic'. Witcher maybe? LOL


    Hey look. Mrak is the fourth person now to make the same intellectually bankrupt argument! Congrats Hamster.



    Yeah, I'm just hamster after all, I couldn't be compared to those PoE-fanboy elitists that will defend any idea from Obsidian, regardless of its quality.

  7. I never said it was flaw. Just that it's not the end of the world and can have a positive impact. Give it a try.


    No I won't give it a try. Cause I've paid my money for a game that should be successor of IE games and that would use best mechanics from 3 of them (BG, IWD and PST). I haven't paid my money for experimentation and 'giving a try'. 

    Yes, I understand that this guy (J.S. Sawyer, if I remember his second name correctly) as a game designer likes to try new mechanics, likes to experiment. Fine. Go to publisher and ask their money for new 'experimental, revolutionary RPG'. No. He went to me. And said: "Hamster! I need you money to create successor for IE games that you like so much! Give me you money, hamster, and I will do a game that will include exploration as in BG, combat as in IWD and story as in PST."

    • Like 2

    XP for kills is classic old-school mechanic of all RPGs. 

    No XP for kill = this game has nothing to do with old-school RPGs and is worse that Dragon Age 2

    Way to hyperbole. 


    They never said they will make old game. They said they will try to recapture magic of old games, not their flaws or mechanics to the boot. It is 2014 after all. 


    Unless you want all of 2000s stuff and 640x480 resolution to go with it as well ?



    Oh, so granting XP for kills is flaw? Maybe you know some popular modern RPG that doesn't use this 'flawed mechanic'. Witcher maybe? LOL


    Yes it was, do you know why I know that? Because I experienced it. ALL the big rpg series where dead, no company dared to make new ones, their was not a single good RPG for years.


    Look, it's kinda brave statement from a person who even doesn't bother to fill his age in profile.

  10. Its rediculous that people here really think that kill-xp has anything to do with the success of baldurs gate. Baldurs gate got released at a time when the rpg genre was basicaly dead. Their was nothing else beside some weird low quality stuf no one wanted. People would have bought anything half decent at this point. Also, baldurs gate is really new school, play some wizardry or ultima if you so desperatly want old-school.


    Fallout. 1997.

    Baldur's Gate. 1998.

    Yeah, genre was dead when BG got released. Yes, it was dead. LOL.


    As I already said some people really need to learn what "spiritual successor" actually means.



    Ok, for the sake of whomever needs to learn what "spiritual successor" I'll say what it means:


    Spiritual successor, also known as spiritual sequel, is a successor to something which does not build upon the story/lore established in the previous work, but feature many or most of the same elements.



    MANY OR MOST - key words here. I see neigher 'many' nor most.

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    The IE games had enemies that had insta-kill powers, but it could always be countered. It's fine that it's in the game as long as there is a risk free way to deal with it.

    Except that it was fairly easy to end up with a character/party that did not have the counter when encountering the situation, and no way to backtrack to get it. I believe that's Josh's main objection to the mechanic.



    It was impossible. NPCs (that guy hates them, btw) were created with idea that they fill all required roles in game. You just can't create a party that is not able to complete the game on easy difficulty.

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  13. @Mrakvampire What else do you think should be copied exactly from D&D?


    P:E has different magical metaphysics than D&D. Dat soul power thing. A wizard is someone who produces magical effects with his soul power through the intermediary of his grimoire. There's nothing inherent to that which demands high intelligence.


    You may not like it, but that does not make it "nonsense" or "illogical."


    That guy on video talked about D&D wizard and 'Oh how it restrict his roleplaying genius'. And I'm saying that idea to roleplay dumb wizard when it's clearly stated how this wizard operates is dumb. It's not fault of game mechanics, it's pure lack of lore knowledge. It's like to say 'I want to play blind sniper in Fallout' and then demand that this build should be viable in combat. 


    And yes, your roleplaying choices MUST be contained by simple logic, cause logic is god of everything and it can't be beaten. Right now we have really funny situation that all wizards in game should be like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Oh you say that Might is not strength? Strange, cause it affects melee and ability to apply physicall strength as well. 

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  14. The save/reload things are more insta-kill effects. A spell that could take someone from full health right to death-not because of overwhelming damage, just because- is cheap. Dying in PoE will hopefully take the other person just being better than you, not luckier on one single dice roll.


    Yeah, let as get rid of randomness in rpg at all. I don't want to miss with my sword only because of luck!

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  15. Yes, as a matter of fact, he does want to play a dumb wizard. Also, that wasn't the only example he used.


    It's nonsense. Whole concept of classic wizard (that comes from D&D obviously) is a guy who LEARNS spell formulae. He is like medieval version of scientist. It's like an idea to play as dumb scientist and expect that he should win Nobel prize.

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    @Infiltrate_SF I disagree.


    I think you should get your teeth kicked in if you fail to play your character to its strengths, whatever those are. If you make a muscle wizard and then play it like a glass cannon, you do deserve to lose, just like if you make a glass cannon wizard and put him in the front line. But saying that there's something inherently wrong about a muscle wizard is kind of a low-INT thing to say IMO.


    I think the problem is that a muscle wizard and a glass cannon spell throwing wizard would have the same stats. Both would stack might, you actualy cant make a "muscle wizard" without making him a good spell nuker.



    Josh made a video about that back in February, FYI: http://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/76165227151/do-you-think-it-is-important-for-attributes-to-allow




    Weak willed Cleric? And he defends his questionable design of attributes with this? maybe he wants to play dumb wizard? These archetypes are illogical at best.

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  17. I am not a beta participant, but from what I can read there's not too much incentive for certain classes to get stats that are beneficial to them. For example, mage spells benefit from strength, which I find really awkward, unintuitive and superfluous. Str should only matter to mages that engage in physical combat.


    Somebody, please give this gentleman glass of your best wine! I'll pay.




    Ok i'm trying to control my temper.


    In fact i wrote IWD (implyng icewind dale 1) because IWD 2 was based on D&D 3 or 3.5 i don't remember the exact relase.


    I see. Well their are differences between BG2 and IWD1 as well.



    To be honest - differences were minor.

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  19. About Sawyer not liking aspects of BG2. First of he didn't say disliked the game overall; lets not conflate what he said. Heck, there are things I don't like about BG2, and I love that game.


    Even if he did; BG2 is 1/5 of the IE games, and I know he liked them as a whole; so it doesn't really matter. I never asked Sawyer to like making an IE style game. Obsidian said they would, and now I'm trying to hold them to that promise. I couldn't care less what the developers think of the IE games.


    All that matters here is their honesty. If they are honorable people; they will tweak the game to make exploration feel like it did in BG, and make combat feel like it did in Ice wind dale. That is what was promised.


    Yeah, you are right. Just my emotions... :(

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